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    Frohes Neues Jahr 2008!
    Happy New Year!

    twinchaosblade .......................... ...... ...... ..........................Homepage and FanFic


      Any good new years resolutions?


        Originally posted by Chezlee View Post
        Any good new years resolutions?
        I want to run a half-marathon in 2008. I'll start off with 5 miles today (which is what I usually run) and work my way up.

        And spend less money! That's a big one.

        I had a great New Year's Eve! We went to a neighbor's house for a party and saw lots of friends we haven't seen in awhile. They had plenty of good wine and fantastic food. We left the kids home to have their own party (the 31st was also my daughter's 14th birthday) ... much sparkling cider was consumed! And there was birthday cake to feast on when we got home at 1 AM. YUM!

        Now I'm sitting here madly writing cards (they were supposed to be Christmas cards, but now they're New Year's cards.)


          Originally posted by Chezlee View Post
          Any good new years resolutions?
          Watch more stargate?

          Okay, really... exercise more. I'm already in shape, but I need to be stronger if I want to compete successfully with my horse at Novice and Training level in eventing.

          And that's my other goal for the year, reach Training level by October It's a pretty ambitious goal, but hopefully we can do it.

          Otherwise, just gonna be the same ol' me!

          Proudly Supporting Team USA


            New years resolutions? hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

            Well to start off the new year I got my hair cut like Pauls I always wanted that hair style so...I got it. Course my mum was all like OMG! but she did admit it looked cute

            Other than that I'm going to take school seriously, work my butt off for scholarships for college.

            And no boys. I am not interested in having a relationship. Course my celebrity crushes don't fall under this. I will continue to love PM no matter what
            But I'm tired of trying so hard to get a guy. So...enoughs enough. I shouldn't have to work so hard for affection. So.....none for me


              Thank you everybody for the good wishes for the new year!
              Live long and prosper!

              Originally posted by *Oda* View Post
              This is my 1000 post. It goes, of course to the one and only doctor I wouldn't mind seeing every day.
              I guess a pic spam is in order.
              Congratulations on
              brilliant posts!

              Fantastic pics; no other way to celebrate your milestone, Oda!

              Originally posted by HyperCaz View Post
              Oda, this milestone calls for a speech!

              (no spoilers, just hilarity)
              *clears throat*


              Umm, where to start?


              I suppose I should mention how those pics you just posted sent me all the way to the floor and...uh...


              CONGRATULATIONS! I would green you except it tells me I love you too much. Aw. Imaginary green!!


              See, even Paul is excited for your 1000 posts!!
              That totally merits extra points for style, Caz!
              Originally posted by HyperCaz View Post
              But Caz is sleepy, and has to go up north very early tomorrow morning on bus of doom. Sydney to Port Macquarie. *sigh*
              Bus of doom?! I hope you still enjoy your trip. See you around!
              Originally posted by JennyJ View Post
              I only could watch Sunday for once - I love the beginning, but hate the end... Anyway, I'm also waiting for Kindred but I don't think I'll cry when I see Carson... I'll just be very very happy.
              Still couldn't bring myself to watching 'Sunday' although I guess it's kind of childish to not do so since I've watched the part in which Carson died and the memoreal service as preparation for my fix-it ficlet. But having to see it broke my heart into a million pieces and I honestly sobbed for days before being able to get a hold of myself. No other character ever touched my heart like Beckett did with his examplary integrity and compassion. He of all people didn't deserve to die. And Atlantis has never been the same.
              Originally posted by sillyscipia View Post
              I cry a lot anymore. I'm pretty depressed. I don't go to a shrink or anything, though, if my mom knew I was as depressed as I am, I'd be sitting in a shrink's office right now.

              Lucky you, no depression.
              Sorry to hear you feel so depressed. *hugs and good vibes for you*
              Originally posted by *Oda* View Post
              Maybe it's just the "protection" they use for the DVDs so the computers aren't able to read them (in order to prevent piracy). I've had that problem with albums from one group. I'm sure it will work in the real DVD player.
              I agree with Oda, that's probably it. I know there is a reason why I feed the DVD player signal into my computer to avoid such problems. Can't you connect your DVD player and computer via firewire, idlewild? That should make it work.
              Originally posted by HyperCaz View Post
              WTH, I hang around for hours today and no one shows up. I go away and then there's an explosion!!
              I guess that's the disadvatage of being on the other side of the world, Caz. But we don't mean to exclude you! *major hugs*
              Originally posted by idlewild202 View Post
              [/B][COLOR=Black]Oh, and this is my 500th post! woopie!!!!
              Many congratulations and jubilations
              on terrific posts, idlewild!

              Originally posted by Chezlee View Post
              Any good new years resolutions?
              I hope to reduce my work load and steel myself for saying 'no' to my boss more often when he asks for the impossible. I hadn't had one sigle day off for two and a half years, and I'm in desperate need of a holiday.
              I think about proposing to my friend. I know it's usually the guy who does this but he's not someone for romantic stuff, yet I am, and I want to make that moment special... *hangs head*
              twinchaosblade .......................... ...... ...... ..........................Homepage and FanFic


                Originally posted by twinchaosblade View Post
                [FONT="Century Gothic"][SIZE="4"]
                I hope to reduce my work load and steel myself for saying 'no' to my boss more often when he asks for the impossible. I hadn't had one sigle day off for two and a half years, and I'm in desperate need of a holiday.
                I think about proposing to my friend. I know it's usually the guy who does this but he's not someone for romantic stuff, yet I am, and I want to make that moment special... *hangs head*
                Good Luck!


                  Originally posted by twinchaosblade View Post

                  I think about proposing to my friend. I know it's usually the guy who does this but he's not someone for romantic stuff, yet I am, and I want to make that moment special... *hangs head*
                  WOW, that's quite a New Year's Resolution!
                  Best of luck, Twinny! I know plenty of happy couples where the gal was the one who proposed. I'll be thinking about you!


                    Originally posted by twinchaosblade View Post
                    Thank you everybody for the good wishes for the new year!
                    Live long and prosper!

                    I hope to reduce my work load and steel myself for saying 'no' to my boss more often when he asks for the impossible. I hadn't had one sigle day off for two and a half years, and I'm in desperate need of a holiday.
                    I think about proposing to my friend. I know it's usually the guy who does this but he's not someone for romantic stuff, yet I am, and I want to make that moment special... *hangs head*
                    good luck with that, don't get stressed out because of them
                    good luck with the proposal after all tis the season, well from what i'm seeing and hearing anyways.

                    yes I know I've been resurrected from the dead i haven't posted in such a long time, blame school work and stress.

                    Originally posted by Chezlee View Post
                    Any good new years resolutions?
                    hmm, I guess to visit/ post more often than last wait.. to not let school take over my life.

                    Hi l'm Rocky for all those who don't know or have forgotten me.

                    Anyways Happy New Year!!!!

                    I hope you have a great 2008
                    Last edited by RockyluvsSG; 01 January 2008, 08:38 PM.
                    - Are you Crazy?
                    - I wouldn't say crazy. Maybe an eccentric who looks good in jeans

                    Bring back Ford and Beckett

                    Do not conform to the patterns of this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind


                      Since I had to work NYE and NY...I'm just now able to enjoy and ring in 2008 with some help of course...

                      YUM!!! And to look forward at what is to come we must look at the behind...


                      *darts out*
                      Carson's pointy hair makes my toe happy.


                        Originally posted by Emre View Post
                        Thanks, dear. And congratulations on 1000 posts!
                        Originally posted by cshawzye View Post
                        Woo hoo! Congrats on 1000 posts!
                        Thank you, Emre and cshawzye. *group hug*

                        Originally posted by Reiko View Post

                        My mom knows and sent me to a shrink. My shrink is nice but I suspect she is a robot. Most of my sessions are spent with her observing me twiddle my fingers in silence. It's very boring, sometimes I feel embarrased to tell people about
                        *hugs* I went to a shrink, too in my high school, when I was depressed (my dad's alcoholism), but she was so nice. I hope you feel better soon.*hugs again*

                        Originally posted by idlewild202 View Post
                        It's official, 2008 in Colorado!!!!

                        So... once again, HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!

                        Oh, and this is my 500th post! woopie!!!!

                        I wish everybody a very prosperous and happy 2008 year!!
                        congrats on 500 posts!!!

                        Originally posted by Chezlee View Post
                        Any good new years resolutions?
                        - get my self in better shape-exercise more and train hard at football practises.
                        - study more
                        That's about it.

                        Originally posted by twinchaosblade View Post
                        Congratulations on
                        brilliant posts!

                        Fantastic pics; no other way to celebrate your milestone, Oda!
                        Thanks Twinny. *hugs*

                        I think about proposing to my friend. I know it's usually the guy who does this but he's not someone for romantic stuff, yet I am, and I want to make that moment special... *hangs head*
                        SQUEEE!! That sounds great! I will keep my fingers crossed for you.*hugs*

                        Originally posted by leighanners View Post
                        Since I had to work NYE and NY...I'm just now able to enjoy and ring in 2008 with some help of course...

                        YUM!!! And to look forward at what is to come we must look at the behind...


                        *darts out*

                        I was kind of busy with my school stuff. So a bit late, but still:

                        Happy new year!!!

                        I wish you all to stay healthy, happy and to keep thunking our thunk-man.

                        "What makes life worth living is knowing that one day you'll wake up and find the person that makes you happier than anything in the whole world. So don't ever lose hope and give up, everything turns out okay and the good guy always wins."


                          Originally posted by twinchaosblade View Post
                          I think about proposing to my friend. I know it's usually the guy who does this but he's not someone for romantic stuff, yet I am, and I want to make that moment special... *hangs head*
                          awww! Good luck


                            Originally posted by Chezlee View Post
                            Any good new years resolutions?
                            Take more time to thunk? Ohh, or take time to make more screencaps, or both! *grins*

                            Actually, OT Resolutions ...
                            Other than the typical exercise more, mine is to have more patients with the whole immigration process. A person could go crazy with all the stuff that is required ... Also, to be more outgoing. I'm pretty shy about a lot of things (especially when I first meet people, and putting myself out on a limb). It's one of the things I really want to change ... So here's to 2008!

                            Good luck to everyone with their resolutions! I hope everyone is able to achieve all of their goals, and beyond, in 2008! *group hug*

                            Originally posted by idlewild202 View Post
                            Oh, and this is my 500th post! woopie!!!!
                            Congrats on 500!!

                            Originally posted by twinchaosblade View Post
                            I think about proposing to my friend. I know it's usually the guy who does this but he's not someone for romantic stuff, yet I am, and I want to make that moment special... *hangs head*
                            Oh! Good luck, Twin! I'll be thinking about you and hoping for you. It's a very special time, no matter who does the asking!

                            Now, to keeping up with the first part of my first resolution to thunk more, some caps ...


                            And something a little random, cause I'm in that kind of mood ...


                            My LiveJournal :: Walls :: Sigs:: Icons :: FanVids
                            "Who looks at a screwdriver and goes 'Ooh! This could be a little more sonic?!'" - Cpt. Jack Harkness


                              second page bump
                              - Are you Crazy?
                              - I wouldn't say crazy. Maybe an eccentric who looks good in jeans

                              Bring back Ford and Beckett

                              Do not conform to the patterns of this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind


                                Ha, for the first time in weeks I've got a little spare time at hand, so I'll give you a small glimps at what have been my biggest woes around the holidays that got me so worked up and then I'll reward you all with a supreme pic spam! (Of course you can just skip the woes part and jump right away to the pics... )

                                Here cometh OT:
                                Wednesday before Christmas was supposed to be my last working day, and I really hoped I could leave after about three or four hours in the office because I had worked till after midnight the day before, and hoped to catch up with a bit of sleep. As you can imagine, I didn't get home until half past six, three hours late. But I thought, 'What the heck, after all it was my last day in the office for two weeks.' The next day around late afternoon my boss called and told me I had to come to the office first thing on Friday morning because the guys from Uni weren't accepting my work contract.

                                So I went there at nine to settle all problems, already having a very bad feeling about this. I was told that I had filled out the wrong (meaning outdated) form for my contract to continue. But the thing is, when I filled it out it was still the right one, they just changed the form about a month ago. Now I already new about the new form that was supposed to come out but it wasn't available yet. I already knew that the only difference between the two form was that they wanted to have my eMail address instead of my phone number. Therefore, I anticipated trouble and crossed out phone number, instead writing "eMail", then filled my eMail address in the space for phone number. The lady in administration still told me that the things I put down were all right but it still wasn't the right form, so they wouldn't accept it no matter what. She handed me the new form and told me to fill it out immediately, fourfold! I did so and handed it back in. Once I was back at my office and thought everything was now settled, the lady called me on the phone and told me that the new contract had been supposed to begin with the new year but now it was less than two weeks before the contract started therefore the new contract wouldn't begin on Jan. 1st but on Jan. 15th (so I essentially lost my job for two weeks).

                                BUT since there was now an intermission of two weeks before the new contract started, I had to come to her office again and get another set of forms regarding my health insurance and taxes for my wages I was to fill out, again each fourfold! I went to fetch the forms and told her in the face that she obviously thought I had nothing else to do than be an errand runner for her red tape episodes. She coolly smiled at me and said, she had every right to treat me like that if I filled out wrong forms or handed them in late. Then she called after me that, if I didn't hand in the new forms by 1 PM they wouldn't accept the contract before Feb. 1st because they close the University over the Christmas holidays and won't open administrations before Jan. 8th, which would be too late for forms due for Jan. 15th.

                                Once I was in my office again, she called my boss once more telling him that this intermission also applied for the contract of one of my colleagues. And because said colleague already has a law school degree, she had to apply for her degree to be accepted at our University again, after all the law school could take away her degree during these two weeks of unemployment... When my boss hung up, he used some very graphic expletives to describe her state of mind.

                                After having filled out my forms AND the ones for my colleague, who was already on holidays, I finally left the office at Quarter past one, had my patience frayed and was fuming on end. But at least I get my job back at mid January, so I don't have to try and deal with the loss of a whole month's pay!

                                Next thing: My twin wanted to give me the Season One box of 'Supernatural' as Christmas present. She had ordered it from the US on Nov. 15th but it still hadn't arrived by Dec. 20th and we were getting very worried. On Saturday before Christmas our parents called us to tell us that the German customs had sent in a letter. Upon opening it, we had to find out that the customs had confiscated my present because the item description was not in German (it said "DVD box", which is quite frankly also the German expression). Then they told me I had to bring a German description, the order form and payment bills, plus if I didn't get the package within seven days, they would charge me delay fees. They had sent out the letter on Friday, Saturday was closed, Monday through Wednesday were closed because of Christmas, so I had to get the package at seven in the morning on Thursday being the last day for me to pick my present up before they charged fees. And I had to get the package at the customs office almost an hour's drive away from our place.

                                Once there, I was told to open the package because they also suspected I was trying to smuggle illegal medical supplies into the country. (What a joke! I really thought they were kidding me!) I gave them every document they had requested, even brought along a newspaper article which stated that the show was also called 'Supernatural' in Germany, opened the package and showed them the DVDs. Now they finally let me take my Christmas present home but I still had to realize that one of the DVDs in the box was damaged with nasty scratches because the DVD box had suffered from the shipping ordeal.

                                Honestly, can you understand why I was a tiny bit edgy and short tempered around the holidays?

                                Now don't worry, I'm again on the top of the world because I got to spend very happy holidays with my family and close friends. And since you've suffered through my whining, you'll get one heck of a pic spam!


                                P.S.: I loved your smiles, cshawzye! I laughed so hard at the YMCA one.
                                twinchaosblade .......................... ...... ...... ..........................Homepage and FanFic

