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Rodney McKay/Jennifer Keller Discussion/Ship/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Pandora's_Box View Post
    I'm rewatching it too....

    Rodney just gave Jennifer his jacket.....sigh......
    amazing little scene there!!!!

    Originally posted by Pandora's_Box View Post
    "I'm Dr. Rodney McKay. Difficult takes a few seconds. Impossible a few minutes."
    love that line!!!! amazing stuff!!!

    now i'm off to bed. despite all of the excitement, i've got gymnastics practice in the morning. i'll be back to squee tomorrow!!!!
    thanks to Pandora's_Box for the siggie!


      Originally posted by Ilerya82 View Post
      Didn't they kind of brush over
      that he remembered bits and pieces? Could be conceivable that he doesn't remember... Although, he remembers saying his goodbyes to the Team... Puzzling

      It was never really very clear whether he remembered that bit or not. I tend to think that if he had, their relationship would have been very different much sooner. For example, there probably never would have been even the tiny hint of a triangle that we did get.

      And I don't think Rodney would have been nearly so comfortable having lunch with her at the beginning of this episode if he knew they had that hanging between them.

      All this means though, is that we have more potential McKeller drama coming up because if he doesn't know he said it than he has to draw up the courage to say it to her again....without a parasite in his brain this time.


        Sitting in front of the video camera, Rodney looks up at Jennifer.

        McKAY: Jennifer, there's something I wanted to, um ... while I remember, while I still can; there's something I wanted to say before, um ...

        KELLER: Go ahead.

        McKAY: I ... I ... I love you.

        Did anyone notice that when Jennifer was standing by the door in the -freezer?- there was a sign on the wall behind her that said Sector C? Well on said sign right below that was the letter K...appropriate, no?
        Sig by ME.


          Originally posted by Pandora's_Box View Post

          It was never really very clear whether he remembered that bit or not. I tend to think that if he had, their relationship would have been very different much sooner. For example, there probably never would have been even the tiny hint of a triangle that we did get.

          And I don't think Rodney would have been nearly so comfortable having lunch with her at the beginning of this episode if he knew they had that hanging between them.

          All this means though, is that we have more potential McKeller drama coming up because if he doesn't know he said it than he has to draw up the courage to say it to her again....without a parasite in his brain this time.
          He started to say it but Jennifer stopped him by kissing him.
          Sig by ME.


            Originally posted by Pandora's_Box View Post

            It was never really very clear whether he remembered that bit or not. I tend to think that if he had, their relationship would have been very different much sooner. For example, there probably never would have been even the tiny hint of a triangle that we did get.

            And I don't think Rodney would have been nearly so comfortable having lunch with her at the beginning of this episode if he knew they had that hanging between them.

            All this means though, is that we have more potential McKeller drama coming up because if he doesn't know he said it than he has to draw up the courage to say it to her again....without a parasite in his brain this time.
            He's Dr. Rodney McKay... He's a genius, he can do it!

            EDIT: And if he can't I have mucho fic bunnies multiplying here who will do it for him!!!

            EDIT, Part Deux:
            Go Jennifer!!! See, there'll be no drama in the "I Love You" department!!!
            Spoilers For Brainstorm below


            Banner made by ME

            Shipper of the AWESOMENESS that is McKeller!

            Dr. Rodney McKay... he does a body good!


              Rodney to Jennifer: Please don't be dead!

              Sig by ME.


                What was the line?

                I don't know what I would have done without you.


                I don't know what I would have done if you'd died.


                "Come back to me. Please come back to me." was just heart rending.


                  Originally posted by Pandora's_Box View Post
                  What was the line?

                  I don't know what I would have done without you.


                  "Come back to me please. Please come back to me." was just heart rending.
                  It was the first one.

                  ...and yes, it was heart rending.

                  And now I bid you all a good McKeller night!
                  Sig by ME.


                    Have to try and get some sleep, but there is so much squeeing and so many fic bunnies multiplying!

                    Okie dokie, I'm off!

                    Sweet McKeller Canon dreams everyone!

                    I'll be back for more squeeing tomorrow! *sighs*
                    Spoilers For Brainstorm below


                    Banner made by ME

                    Shipper of the AWESOMENESS that is McKeller!

                    Dr. Rodney McKay... he does a body good!


                      Don't leave me!

                      Has everyone left me?


                        Originally posted by Pandora's_Box View Post
                        Don't leave me!

                        Has everyone left me?
                        Haven't left you

                        But I really should be sleeping... Just a little too excited right now though!!!
                        Spoilers For Brainstorm below


                        Banner made by ME

                        Shipper of the AWESOMENESS that is McKeller!

                        Dr. Rodney McKay... he does a body good!


                          Originally posted by Ilerya82 View Post
                          Haven't left you

                          But I really should be sleeping... Just a little too excited right now though!!!

                          It was pretty glorious, wasn't it? The last 10 minutes were just so much more than I even thought was going to be possible.

                          And you know how crazy KK and I went once with what we wanted out of SGA now that it's canceled.

                          One thing, though.

                          Why'd Jennifer stop Rodney with a kiss before he could say he loved her? Assuming that's what he was going to say.


                            Originally posted by Pandora's_Box View Post

                            It was pretty glorious, wasn't it? The last 10 minutes were just so much more than I even thought was going to be possible.

                            And you know how crazy KK and I went once with what we wanted out of SGA now that it's canceled.

                            One thing, though.

                            Why'd Jennifer stop Rodney with a kiss before he could say he loved her? Assuming that's what he was going to say.
                            It's a thing of beauty! They got it right this time -
                            There's no teasing, no hinting, no beating around the bush any more with this ship. Everything is cleared out into the open. We won't be spending millions of years in will they/won't they land.

                            Ahhh, well, maybe she was so caught up in the moment, the lovely Dr. Keller thought it better to act on love then to just speak it Or maybe that's just what I and the fic bunnies I have here take out of it!
                            Spoilers For Brainstorm below


                            Banner made by ME

                            Shipper of the AWESOMENESS that is McKeller!

                            Dr. Rodney McKay... he does a body good!


                              I tend to think he does remember, because he was so vulnerable and totally open in that scene that, if he didn't remember saying it in "The Shrine" and had any doubt about her knowing he loved her, he would have been sure to say it then. If that makes any sense at all.
                              Theoretically spoilerish:
                              Sig courtesy of Pandora.


                                Originally posted by KindlyKeller View Post
                                I tend to think he does remember, because he was so vulnerable and totally open in that scene that, if he didn't remember saying it in "The Shrine" and had any doubt about her knowing he loved her, he would have been sure to say it then. If that makes any sense at all.
                                No, that totally makes sense KK and would fit with the "let's act on love" idea instead of just keep talking about it... Think the writer's knew we were demanding the kissing???
                                Spoilers For Brainstorm below


                                Banner made by ME

                                Shipper of the AWESOMENESS that is McKeller!

                                Dr. Rodney McKay... he does a body good!

