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Rodney McKay/Jennifer Keller Discussion/Ship/Appreciation

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    My take on the new pic

    It could be, that they have already kissed just quickly in greeting ((dreams)) and he has realised that there is something not quite right and is pulling back from the 2nd kiss she is trying to instigate (because they have been getting it on since brainstorm and know how each other kiss )

    The fact that Rodney has his hands on her in the first place is encouraging to me, as i hope this means he already feels like hes welcome to touch her in this way. if there was no previous intentions coming from Keller, i doubt he would suddenly feel comfortable putting his hands on her when she is in his personal space - the old pegasus is nuts siren would have gone of in his head and he would have backed up quickly.

    I also noticed from the observation window pic, where im assuming there looking down on the two women changing back? its hard to tell but I noticed Keller was on the monitor next to imposter lady so she could be. anyhoo if you look everyone is looking down but Ronon, who is looking away and bored not concerned at all in my shippyglasses.

    Oh i love my shippy glasses
    banner by Pandoras-box


      Originally posted by KindlyKeller View Post
      I disagree. He obviously wouldn't hold it against her in the sense of acknowledging that it wasn't her fault, but we can't help our subconscious reactions to things.

      Folksy example: I had this cat when I was a kid. She liked me and would sit in my lap all the time. One day, I accidentally stepped on her tail. I didn't do it on purpose and (call me the cat whisperer) I'm sure she knew it, but she was still tentative around me for the next week.
      I see where you're coming from with that and you're right; our subconscious keeps track of things we've consciously forgotten about or have deemed irrelevant. I guess what I should say is that I wouldn't like to see anything like that happen.

      It just seems like it would be one of those plot devices writers of dramatic television always pull out their.....places....when they need to keep a couple a part just a leeeeettle bit longer so as to prolong the sexual tension and the audiences' interest.

      The series is over. Can't they just be together?

      Response to your folksy example OT:

      Funny thing is that I've accidentally stepped on my dog's paw once and if you've ever heard the subsequent high-pitched yelp when a dog gets hurt you'll know it's painful. But unlike your cat, my dog was never wary of me. in fact she ran up and started licking me when she heard me apologizing profusely. It was a veritable lovefest. Maybe dog's are just.....dumb?
      That's a complete non sequitur, I know.


        Originally posted by Pandora's_Box View Post
        I see where you're coming from with that and you're right; our subconscious keeps track of things we've consciously forgotten about or have deemed irrelevant. I guess what I should say is that I wouldn't like to see anything like that happen.

        It just seems like it would be one of those plot devices writers of dramatic television always pull out their.....places....when they need to keep a couple a part just a leeeeettle bit longer so as to prolong the sexual tension and the audiences' interest.

        The series is over. Can't they just be together?

        Response to your folksy example OT:

        Funny thing is that I've accidentally stepped on my dog's paw once and if you've ever heard the subsequent high-pitched yelp when a dog gets hurt you'll know it's painful. But unlike your cat, my dog was never wary of me. in fact she ran up and started licking me when she heard me apologizing profusely. It was a veritable lovefest. Maybe dog's are just.....dumb?
        That's a complete non sequitur, I know.
        Oh, I definitely don't see it as a relationship stopper or roadblock. It's something more subtle... more of an h/c thing for them both.

        Poor Rodney's messed up in the head from being toyed with by someone who looks like Jennifer. And how is Jennifer supposed to feel, having been used so crudely? It's an opportunity for them to be there for each other more than anything. As such, it would probably be left to the fanfic writers.


        Dogs are much more forgiving creatures. I can think of many, many, many times where I yelled at my dog, from age 7 until he died when I was 21. He never held it against me, though. I don't think they're stupid. I think they're just infinitely compassionate.

        I'll always think of that line from Star Trek II. The dog's name was Spock (had those big pointed ears), so when he died, I kept thinking of the very end of the movie, when Kirk says at the service: "Of all the souls I've encountered in my travels, his was the most human."
        Theoretically spoilerish:
        Sig courtesy of Pandora.


          Originally posted by CaptainBoomer View Post
          that's what i'm thinking (aka HOPING!) will happen. either way, it sounds like an awesome episode.

          hopefully it'll switch back and forth. the screencaps we would get would be awesome!

          is it bad that i'm sooo looking forward to this episode, but also completely dreading it??? because it's episode 18, and then the seasons almost done, and then my life might be over
          same with me sis. and my life will be over after this series ends. *cries*

          Originally posted by Pandora's_Box View Post
          But to properly assess the situation one must take into consideration the image in it's entirety.


          Check out the placement of his hands at her hips. His right hand more at the small of her back. Less like he's pushing her away and more like he's keeping her in place or just finished pulling her in. Notice also that his body isn't pulling away from hers. His torso is angled in her direction.

          Regardless of him not falling for the seduction trick, it looks like, at the very least, he was very prepared to accept her advances in the beginning.

          I also find it very interesting that she's the one with her back (more like her butt) against a stationary object. Usually it's the individual being cornered that backs away until they hit something and are forced to stop.

          All in all, this looks like it could be an interesting scene in that it seems that Rodney may not be as uncomfortable (at first) as we're expecting him to be. I wonder why

          And then we inevitably get to this...
          Which could be fun too
          I am sooooo over-analyzing this. Kay. I'm done now.
          i love the over-anaylzing!!! great input Pandora!!!!

          Originally posted by Daryst View Post
          holy crap..... thats some analasys PB. although i think that... well i hope... that the Triangle will be over since Identity will be after BS and BS is Mckeller central episode. So in my head this is more something between the two of them instead of Ronon butting in as well.

          We will have to wait till we see the episode of course, but i got my hopes up that by the time Identity will be released that the Mckeller relationship will by somewhat established.... and if it isn't il just drop a bomb on the writers office.
          i hope so too because BS will hopefully be when we get our confirmation about our ship!

          Originally posted by stclare View Post
          My take on the new pic

          It could be, that they have already kissed just quickly in greeting ((dreams)) and he has realised that there is something not quite right and is pulling back from the 2nd kiss she is trying to instigate (because they have been getting it on since brainstorm and know how each other kiss )

          The fact that Rodney has his hands on her in the first place is encouraging to me, as i hope this means he already feels like hes welcome to touch her in this way. if there was no previous intentions coming from Keller, i doubt he would suddenly feel comfortable putting his hands on her when she is in his personal space - the old pegasus is nuts siren would have gone of in his head and he would have backed up quickly.

          I also noticed from the observation window pic, where im assuming there looking down on the two women changing back? its hard to tell but I noticed Keller was on the monitor next to imposter lady so she could be. anyhoo if you look everyone is looking down but Ronon, who is looking away and bored not concerned at all in my shippyglasses.

          Oh i love my shippy glasses
          shippy glasses are amazing stclare!!! and i completely agree with everything that you said, and i hope that you're right!!!!
          thanks to Pandora's_Box for the siggie!


            Originally posted by KindlyKeller View Post
            Could be in for some angst too.


            Rodney feeling like his trust has been betrayed, and seeing the woman he loves do some not so nice things. And then Jennifer, knowing he's been hurt by "her," even though it's not her fault.
            but i'm sure that he won't hold it against her, even though i'm sure she'll feel bad about it, even though it's not her fault.

            Originally posted by Pandora's_Box View Post
            But he's a logical guy and that sort of angst just reeks of plot device. Once Rodney finds out that it really wasn't Jennifer, I'm sure he won't hold it against her. If he does, then I will have yet another reason to ream TPTB for ruining the characters with this Triangle.
            that's exactly how i feel about it. and since identity is after BS, and we all know what BS is going to be made of (mckeller goodness!), so hopefully things will work out for the better.

            Originally posted by Pandora's_Box View Post
            I never claimed that this was going to be Rodney-goes-suave moment. But I do think that at least at the beginning, the first thought that hits him won't be, "What's wrong with this picture?" but, "Awkward location, but I'll play along." Hesitant, but not totally flabbergasted.
            i don't know why, but that made me laugh. rodney doesnt have many suave moments, and i never thought of this as one of those few times. i figured like you did, that he might be confused, but would go along with it, at least at first.

            Originally posted by stclare View Post
            My take on the new pic

            It could be, that they have already kissed just quickly in greeting ((dreams)) and he has realised that there is something not quite right and is pulling back from the 2nd kiss she is trying to instigate (because they have been getting it on since brainstorm and know how each other kiss )

            The fact that Rodney has his hands on her in the first place is encouraging to me, as i hope this means he already feels like hes welcome to touch her in this way. if there was no previous intentions coming from Keller, i doubt he would suddenly feel comfortable putting his hands on her when she is in his personal space - the old pegasus is nuts siren would have gone of in his head and he would have backed up quickly.
            your first thing is exactly what i'm hoping will be in the episode. since, in my own personal canon, they have totally been together since brainstorm. and yes, it doesn't look like he's as awkward as we've seen him before; in fact, given the situation, he looks more comfortable than i would have thought. and the 'pegasus is nuts siren' -- who knows? it might take him a while to let that click, because he has his dream girl kissing him and he doesn't exactly look like he's running away, which is always a positive sign, becuase it means that this has probably happened before.

            we read wayy too much into these things

            credit to Stef for the sig
            credit to Stef and dvshiper for the DeVillish logo
            team mckay! <3


              Originally posted by CaptainBoomer View Post
              your first thing is exactly what i'm hoping will be in the episode. since, in my own personal canon, they have totally been together since brainstorm. and yes, it doesn't look like he's as awkward as we've seen him before; in fact, given the situation, he looks more comfortable than i would have thought. and the 'pegasus is nuts siren' -- who knows? it might take him a while to let that click, because he has his dream girl kissing him and he doesn't exactly look like he's running away, which is always a positive sign, becuase it means that this has probably happened before.
              we read wayy too much into these things
              i read way to much into things too-- for the bolded part, FANFIC!!!! and i so hope that they hint at them being together because in my own personal canon as well, McKeller has been together since BS. *insert puddle jumper fantasy here*
              thanks to Pandora's_Box for the siggie!


                Originally posted by KindlyKeller View Post
                Oh, I definitely don't see it as a relationship stopper or roadblock. It's something more subtle... more of an h/c thing for them both.

                Poor Rodney's messed up in the head from being toyed with by someone who looks like Jennifer. And how is Jennifer supposed to feel, having been used so crudely? It's an opportunity for them to be there for each other more than anything. As such, it would probably be left to the fanfic writers.
                I would not be opposed to something like that. But you're right in your last post there. It should definitely be left to the fanfic writers


                Dogs are much more forgiving creatures. I can think of many, many, many times where I yelled at my dog, from age 7 until he died when I was 21. He never held it against me, though. I don't think they're stupid. I think they're just infinitely compassionate.

                I'll always think of that line from Star Trek II. The dog's name was Spock (had those big pointed ears), so when he died, I kept thinking of the very end of the movie, when Kirk says at the service: "Of all the souls I've encountered in my travels, his was the most human."
                Don't get me wrong. I love dogs to no end. More than I do cats anyway. "Infinitely compassionate" is the perfect way to describe their personalities. I have only to think of how my dog acts every time someone in our household is sick or injured or just shedding tears, and I couldn't agree with you more. And no matter how many times I speak sharply to her because she's chewed on the corner of my pillow again (it's her thing), she still comes over to curl up with me when I got to bed.



                  Originally posted by CaptainBoomer View Post
                  [SPOILERS]your first thing is exactly what i'm hoping will be in the episode. since, in my own personal canon, they have totally been together since brainstorm. and yes, it doesn't look like he's as awkward as we've seen him before; in fact, given the situation, he looks more comfortable than i would have thought. and the 'pegasus is nuts siren' -- who knows? it might take him a while to let that click, because he has his dream girl kissing him and he doesn't exactly look like he's running away, which is always a positive sign, becuase it means that this has probably happened before.
                  That bit alone along with his hands placed actually on her body, is what lends me to believe that they're a lot closer (emotionally speaking) in that episode than they are now. Something has to happen after Brainstorm considering that we have The Pic!

                  we read wayy too much into these things
                  And that's a bad thing?


                    Holy Crap!!! I don't be around a lot for a few days and all hell breaks loose!

                    Nice pics....thanks for the link whoever posted it (I'm too lazy to go back and look...sorry).

                    Hero....where's that fic!?!?

                    As for the upcoming! My obvious love for Jennifer/Jewel aside for a moment, David is one lucky guy. It must really suck for him to go to work on days like those.
                    Last edited by Dwparsnip; 09 October 2008, 07:52 AM.


                      Originally posted by Dwparsnip View Post
                      Holy Crap!!! I don't be around a lot for a few days and all hell breaks loose!

                      Nice pics....thanks for the link whoever posted it (I'm too lazy to go back and look...sorry).

                      Hero....where's that fic!?!?
                      That would be Dr.Lee. All shrines should be built to his specifications and demands.


                        What im kind of worried about with the seduction scene is the fact that the Stargate Atlantis writers are really bad when it comes to anything sexual in nature. I wonder if anyone told them that afew sexual references might be needed in the seduction scene.
                        Last edited by ykickamoocow; 09 October 2008, 08:05 AM.


                          Well then......

                          I want a fifty foot gold statue of a mongoose standing on a hippo's back, and a fountain of Chocolate milk ten feet high, and a.......

                          Found a new McKeller fic up on FF.NET....

                          The Spark

                          'You gotta admit, Vampires are just plain cool'


                            Originally posted by ykickamoocow View Post
                            What im kind of worried about with the seduction scene is the fact that the Stargate Atlantis righters are really bad when it comes to anything sexual in nature. I wonder if anyone told them that afew sexual references might be needed in the seduction scene.
                            I wouldn't hold out a lot of hope for that, but you never know.

                            Originally posted by Pandora's_Box View Post
                            That would be Dr.Lee. All shrines should be built to his specifications and demands.
                            Thanks Dr. Lee.

                            And thanks PB for pointing that out for me.


                              Originally posted by Dwparsnip View Post
                              Holy Crap!!! I don't be around a lot for a few days and all hell breaks loose!

                              Hero....where's that fic!?!?
                              um...I'm still working on it. Now i have to make it extra good because everyone's waiting *feels the pressure*

                              Originally posted by Dr Lee View Post
                              Found a new McKeller fic up on FF.NET....

                              The Spark
                              THANK GOD!!!! It's been so long since i've read a new McKeller fic!!!! It was such an awesome read!!!
                              thanks to Pandora's_Box for the siggie!


                                Originally posted by Dr Lee View Post
                                Well then......

                                I want a fifty foot gold statue of a mongoose standing on a hippo's back, and a fountain of Chocolate milk ten feet high, and a.......
                                I checked with the general contractor, and the mongoose is on back order.

