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Rodney McKay/Jennifer Keller Discussion/Ship/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by SlytherinGal View Post
    okay, i have not done this yet in this thread...i need to post more mckeller pics (and yes, i am gonna make a siggy too)

    by the way, RIG, i love your siggy
    Oeh! a new entry for the "what where they thinking" game. Thx SG ^_^

    And I'll see if i can get the second and third entry into a wallpaper like i did with the first.

    Mckeller music videos and Captation Archive


      Originally posted by RodneyIsGodney View Post
      On the MOM front ...My aunt called ...she finally had the test and ...OMG! One of her arteries was 90% blocked! *has shakey hands* OMG! But I'm told by my aunt that mom is fine now...

      Oh lord ...cant stop shaking hands...

      Will get back to the Rodney action scenes later...
      RiG, I'm so glad you mum is OK.

      I have a small bone to pick with you. *stand with hands on hips* Now why were you here all by youself, at one point yesterday, worrying. If there was no-one here you should have come over to the Doc & Wildman thread. We could have given you some tea and sympathy. Well, maybe not the tea but definitely the sympathy. And that goes for the rest of you as well.


        Originally posted by Blencathra View Post
        RiG, I'm so glad you mum is OK.

        I have a small bone to pick with you. *stand with hands on hips* Now why were you here all by youself, at one point yesterday, worrying. If there was no-one here you should have come over to the Doc & Wildman thread. We could have given you some tea and sympathy. Well, maybe not the tea but definitely the sympathy. And that goes for the rest of you as well.
        Blame that on the different time zones we are all in. half of the group is from Canada/US and the other half is from Europe, but we still manage. And we do poke in our heads now and then.

        Mckeller music videos and Captation Archive


          Good Morning/Good evening everyone! (depending where u are) Since I have a bit of time, thought I'd log in and see what I missed since yesterday.

          RiG - I am sorry to hear about your mom, but now that the problem has been found, the doctors will be able to correct it and hope your mother to have a speedy recovery afterwards. As with the others here, give you my support.

          Sorry for the quick post, but I must get back to work. I shall return during lunch....mmmm lunch...
          A most excellent signature made by Daryst


            Way to make me feel tiny and insignificant, Blen!

            I love you, RiG! You know that.

            Is that the new pic for "What were they thinking?"

            Who wants to do my genetics homework for me? Any takers? There are wonderful equilibrium equations involved.....everyone loves Hardy/Weinburg....I'm really not selling this, am I?


              Originally posted by Pandora's_Box View Post
              Way to make me feel tiny and insignificant, Blen!

              I love you, RiG! You know that.

              Is that the new pic for "What were they thinking?"

              Who wants to do my genetics homework for me? Any takers? There are wonderful equilibrium equations involved.....everyone loves Hardy/Weinburg....I'm really not selling this, am I?

              Il do it PB, though i am so not sure if it a wise thing to do... genetics aren't really my forté ^__^

              and yes. i just decided that, that is the latest entry in the "What were they thinking?" game.. its a good thing that we have a Democracy here eh?

              Mckeller music videos and Captation Archive


                Hey, did you guys like Tracker....

                I dont know the whole Ronon thing just doesn't add up and it's really throwing me on a curve.

                sorry, I'm not trying to be difficult.


                  Originally posted by Pandora's_Box View Post
                  Way to make me feel tiny and insignificant, Blen!

                  I love you, RiG! You know that.

                  Is that the new pic for "What were they thinking?"

                  Who wants to do my genetics homework for me? Any takers? There are wonderful equilibrium equations involved.....everyone loves Hardy/Weinburg....I'm really not selling this, am I?
                  Oh, I love him, he's produced some great movies.....!

                  The Doctor and the Wild Man Thread... Keeping the dream alive.


                    Originally posted by Camy View Post
                    Hey, did you guys like Tracker....

                    I dont know the whole Ronon thing just doesn't add up and it's really throwing me on a curve.

                    sorry, I'm not trying to be difficult.
                    Don't apologise! I can't see the Ronon thing either... I am a McKeller after all!

                    Go Team McKay!!

                    The Doctor and the Wild Man Thread... Keeping the dream alive.


                      Originally posted by Pandora's_Box View Post

                      Who wants to do my genetics homework for me? Any takers? There are wonderful equilibrium equations involved.....everyone loves Hardy/Weinburg....I'm really not selling this, am I?
             definitely need to work on the sales pitch there PB!

             pic, eh? Cool.

                      I agree with you, Camy. (No offence, Blen!lol)


                        Originally posted by Dwparsnip View Post
               definitely need to work on the sales pitch there PB!

               pic, eh? Cool.

                        I agree with you, Camy.
                        I think i would just write random things how i am forgetting that i called the garage for a check-up on my car.... or that i just received an e-mail...

                        flowers........ a box full of them.... did i mention car?.....i meant car..are you eating that?

                        @ Camy. I must say that i am not to fond of this ep. I mentioned before that i was, but after some re-watching and just stumbled upon a few things that bothered me.

                        Mckay and his sort of clumsyness with handeling a weapon. even after 4 years. Ronon repeating everthing that happened to keller and kyrik what just happened 5 sec ago. "they sat here" or "he carried her" etc.

                        And it is not really my type of ep. Specially dislike the first 20 minutes. The last part of the ep is certainly the better part imho.
                        Last edited by Daryst; 25 September 2008, 06:14 AM.

                        Mckeller music videos and Captation Archive


                          No need to apologise to me, O Parsnip. It's your thread and ship!

                          And Pandora, who did you say was going to win again? I didn't quite catch it on the season 5 thread.! Someone beginning with R.... Ro.... someone?


                            Originally posted by Blencathra View Post
                            And Pandora, who did you say was going to win again? I didn't quite catch it on the season 5 thread.! Someone beginning with R.... Ro.... someone?
                            and continues with "d.... dn...." i think we know who we are talking about..^__^

                            Mckeller music videos and Captation Archive


                              Originally posted by RodneyIsGodney View Post
                              What was that you said about spoiler tags? Hmm?
                              So sorry about that! It's like I forget about them when I come into a new thread! So sorry guys!


                                Hello everyone! Only have time for a quick post then I got to go!

                                Originally posted by SlytherinGal View Post
                                okay, i have not done this yet in this thread...i need to post more mckeller pics (and yes, i am gonna make a siggy too)

                                by the way, RIG, i love your siggy
                                Thanx, which one? I have quite a few.

                                Originally posted by Blencathra View Post
                                RiG, I'm so glad you mum is OK.

                                I have a small bone to pick with you. *stand with hands on hips* Now why were you here all by youself, at one point yesterday, worrying. If there was no-one here you should have come over to the Doc & Wildman thread. We could have given you some tea and sympathy. Well, maybe not the tea but definitely the sympathy. And that goes for the rest of you as well.
                                Thanx ...never thought to visit that thread, I am a McKeller fan after all.

                                Originally posted by maloneium View Post
                                Good Morning/Good evening everyone! (depending where u are) Since I have a bit of time, thought I'd log in and see what I missed since yesterday.

                                RiG - I am sorry to hear about your mom, but now that the problem has been found, the doctors will be able to correct it and hope your mother to have a speedy recovery afterwards. As with the others here, give you my support.

                                Sorry for the quick post, but I must get back to work. I shall return during lunch....mmmm lunch...
                                Thanx. The prob has been found and repaired.

                                Originally posted by Pandora's_Box View Post
                                I love you, RiG! You know that.
                                You do? ME? Really?

                                My mom is coming home in a few hours! YAY!
                                Sig by ME.

