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Rodney McKay/Jennifer Keller Discussion/Ship/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by atlantis sg1 View Post
    ok, *feels relived* so
    he forgets his memory.... awww he's gonna fall for keller alll over again
    yeah! so, I'm still keeping my hopes up


      It's funny how I can go from a pessimist to a total optimist in like 2 seconds now my hopes are really high for the shrine (you better not mess it up TPTB!!! that's right, I see you lurking!)
      + = It's a simple mathematical fact
      And so is...penguins+conformation=HAPPY CAMPERS


        It's been short but oh so very pleasant (meaning extremely fun!!) but now I must depart and go to bed I've got to wake up early for work *screams leas then ind things about mornings* nighty night shippers!!! have happy dreams (just filled with that delicious Mckellerflury )
        + = It's a simple mathematical fact
        And so is...penguins+conformation=HAPPY CAMPERS


          Originally posted by fuchsia View Post
          I just re-watched The Seed, and...

          * OMG *!!! Call me a DELUDED, ROMANTIC TWIT, but...

          You know there's that bit where Teyla smiles knowingly when Jennifer says Rodney surprises her sometimes...
          and then Teyla says something like, "Don't worry Jennifer, I'm sure you'll find what you're looking for..."
          THEN, we cut to the next scene and who just happens to be in the control room... in the first frame of that scene?
          Why, *Rodney McKay* of course.... just what Jennifer is looking for!!!!!!
          Proof positive, I'm tellin' ya...

          OMG! you are so right!!! *squees* i never noticed that until you pointed it out. great find fuchsia!!
          thanks to Pandora's_Box for the siggie!


            Originally posted by atlantis sg1 View Post
            It's been short but oh so very pleasant (meaning extremely fun!!) but now I must depart and go to bed I've got to wake up early for work *screams leas then ind things about mornings* nighty night shippers!!! have happy dreams (just filled with that delicious Mckellerflury )
            good night atlantis sg1!!! oh tonight i'll definitely be dreaming about that mckellerflury! yummy!
            thanks to Pandora's_Box for the siggie!


              Originally posted by atlantis sg1 View Post
              It's been short but oh so very pleasant (meaning extremely fun!!) but now I must depart and go to bed I've got to wake up early for work *screams leas then ind things about mornings* nighty night shippers!!! have happy dreams (just filled with that delicious Mckellerflury )
              Good night!! We'll see you tomorow!!!


                I'm away to bed too...
                Night all!

                The Doctor and the Wild Man Thread... Keeping the dream alive.


                  I have no idea if my sources are true but well, this is something I read in the John, and teyla thread

                  Kay writes: “ With McKay and Keller being paired up this season, what new aspects of his character are you planning to reveal? We’ve seen his crush on Carter, the growth and collapse of his romance with Katie Brown and the AU Love Story redux with Keller in The Last Man.”

                  Answer: We’ve never actually seen him develop a mature relationship. In the case of Carter, it was a crush. In the case of Katie Brown, they were almost like dating teenagers. In the case of Keller in Last Man, we were only offered the merest of glimpses into the workings of their relationship

                  hehehehe, I think it's good


                    Originally posted by fuchsia View Post
                    I'm away to bed too...
                    Night all!
                    Good night!!! See you tomorow


                      Originally posted by atlantisk View Post
                      I have no idea if my sources are true but well, this is something I read in the John, and teyla thread

                      Kay writes: “ With McKay and Keller being paired up this season, what new aspects of his character are you planning to reveal? We’ve seen his crush on Carter, the growth and collapse of his romance with Katie Brown and the AU Love Story redux with Keller in The Last Man.”

                      Answer: We’ve never actually seen him develop a mature relationship. In the case of Carter, it was a crush. In the case of Katie Brown, they were almost like dating teenagers. In the case of Keller in Last Man, we were only offered the merest of glimpses into the workings of their relationship

                      hehehehe, I think it's good
                      It's off of Joe Mallozzi's blog so it's straight from the horses mouth.

                      i have to admit that all signs seem to be pointing towards McKeller right now as the ship with the most potential to become canon. But after reading during the hiatus so often about this supposed "Triangle of Lurve", I am waiting on pins and needles for the other shoe to drop.

                      Part of me feels like after all this build up for a McKeller relationship, TPTB can't possible rob us of the satisfaction of seeing it come to fruition. Not only because they seem to have invested so much into developing this relationship, but also because going the other way (towards Ronon/Keller) would be like shooting poor McKay in the foot and making him averse to any potential future relationships.

                      I mean, how do you think he'd handle that sort of rejection? If he can't even get the girl that he did get in an alternate reality and that seems to genuinely like him, than who can he get?


                        Originally posted by atlantisk View Post
                        I have no idea if my sources are true but well, this is something I read in the John, and teyla thread

                        Kay writes: “ With McKay and Keller being paired up this season, what new aspects of his character are you planning to reveal? We’ve seen his crush on Carter, the growth and collapse of his romance with Katie Brown and the AU Love Story redux with Keller in The Last Man.”

                        Answer: We’ve never actually seen him develop a mature relationship. In the case of Carter, it was a crush. In the case of Katie Brown, they were almost like dating teenagers. In the case of Keller in Last Man, we were only offered the merest of glimpses into the workings of their relationship

                        hehehehe, I think it's good

                        yes, it's a good source because the answer comes straight from Joe Mallozzi himself
                        thanks to Pandora's_Box for the siggie!


                          Originally posted by Pandora's_Box View Post
                          It's off of Joe Mallozzi's blog so it's straight from the horses mouth.

                          i have to admit that all signs seem to be pointing towards McKeller right now as the ship with the most potential to become canon. But after reading during the hiatus so often about this supposed "Triangle of Lurve", I am waiting on pins and needles for the other shoe to drop.

                          Part of me feels like after all this build up for a McKeller relationship, TPTB can't possible rob us of the satisfaction of seeing it come to fruition. Not only because they seem to have invested so much into developing this relationship, but also because going the other way (towards Ronon/Keller) would be like shooting poor McKay in the foot and making him averse to any potential future relationships.

                          I mean, how do you think he'd handle that sort of rejection? If he can't even get the girl that he did get in an alternate reality and that seems to genuinely like him, than who can he get?
                          welcome back Pandora!!!!

                          ITA. i think that in this reality, rodney really, truly likes Jenn. in the other reality, he loved Jenn. so her going to be with ronon would just make him miserable, and it would just confuse us too because they seem to genuinely like each other outside of work.
                          thanks to Pandora's_Box for the siggie!


                            Originally posted by Pandora's_Box View Post
                            It's off of Joe Mallozzi's blog so it's straight from the horses mouth.

                            i have to admit that all signs seem to be pointing towards McKeller right now as the ship with the most potential to become canon. But after reading during the hiatus so often about this supposed "Triangle of Lurve", I am waiting on pins and needles for the other shoe to drop.

                            Part of me feels like after all this build up for a McKeller relationship, TPTB can't possible rob us of the satisfaction of seeing it come to fruition. Not only because they seem to have invested so much into developing this relationship, but also because going the other way (towards Ronon/Keller) would be like shooting poor McKay in the foot and making him averse to any potential future relationships.

                            I mean, how do you think he'd handle that sort of rejection? If he can't even get the girl that he did get in an alternate reality and that seems to genuinely like him, than who can he get?
                            Hey! your back!! And I agree with you, I know that there is going to be some ronon keller, or something like that, since there talking about a love triangle, but Keller is going to make a choice, and for the moment, all these clues are leading to Mckeller
                            I don't think, and i'm also hopping, that there going too do something like that to Mckay, I don't know if he could handle it.


                              Well Goodnight to you all, Hope to come back tomorow and see lots of new replies, *hugs*


                                Hey, PB.

                                And you're right. That would be game, set, match for Rodney (and for my faith in TPTB, of course).
                                Theoretically spoilerish:
                                Sig courtesy of Pandora.

