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Rodney McKay/Jennifer Keller Discussion/Ship/Appreciation

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    Does anyone know how to do a proper screen capture? I ask because im trying to capture a screen shot of Keller in "Trio" but whenever i press "print screen" on my keyboard the imagien turns out really odd (the imagine i want is in a tiny corner and the rest of the screen is black).

    Does anyone know how to capture a imagine from video running on realplayer or Divx?


      YKick, I used something called Screen Hunter a while back. After the trial period, all the captures will have a stamp on them, but for the first 30 days, I think you can just use it normally.

      And, GE17:

      Certainly life can throw some crazy twists at you, but even in the events you described above, isn't it the outside forces that are making you work, not the relationship itself? I'll be honest- considering I haven't been married or had kids, I can't possibly comment on the realities of those situations, except to say that I think any worthwhile relationship can survive such things. I'm happy to hear that yours has.
      Theoretically spoilerish:
      Sig courtesy of Pandora.


        Originally posted by stclare View Post
        Yep no shippy moments, which is good cause there should be a lack of whining about it for this ep.

        although i was disapointed to see on the main page the spoilers for infection gained 4 pages of mckeller/keller hate.

        I know i want it canon but i strongly believe that tptb havent gone overboard as yet with the interaction i think its still at that place where i can shippy-spin it but others can take it as friendship. it seems that there not even allowed to be friends as it brings 1 or both of them down as characters. i disagree totaly with that idea as i think ot shows growth in both of them.
        Yeah I agree, there handling it really well
        More hate??? 4 pages?? Wooo.. A lot of people don't want to see Mckeller happen, I think it's because they prefer Ronon/keller...


          well I say that there is a hiden shippy moment..
          mckay did end up in the infirmary and we all know who would have been there to take care of him....
          + = It's a simple mathematical fact
          And so is...penguins+conformation=HAPPY CAMPERS


            Originally posted by stclare View Post
            Yep no shippy moments, which is good cause there should be a lack of whining about it for this ep.

            although i was disapointed to see on the main page the spoilers for infection gained 4 pages of mckeller/keller hate.

            I know i want it canon but i strongly believe that tptb havent gone overboard as yet with the interaction i think its still at that place where i can shippy-spin it but others can take it as friendship. it seems that there not even allowed to be friends as it brings 1 or both of them down as characters. i disagree totaly with that idea as i think ot shows growth in both of them.
            check out the commentaries for end season 4 not to mention how we're seeing the begining for what could become a bieutifull relationship like the one in last man *sigh*
            + = It's a simple mathematical fact
            And so is...penguins+conformation=HAPPY CAMPERS


              Originally posted by atlantis sg1 View Post
              check out the commentaries for end season 4 not to mention how we're seeing the begining for what could become a bieutifull relationship like the one in last man *sigh*
              *SQUEE* I forgot about those commentaries about seing more Mckeller in season 5!!! *jumps*


                Originally posted by atlantisk View Post
                *SQUEE* I forgot about those commentaries about seing more Mckeller in season 5!!! *jumps*
                i dont have the season 4 dvd's could you give me some hint s as to whats on there or which one i ((shifty eyes)) should try and get my hands on?
                banner by Pandoras-box


                  what I could remember of the commentaries, I would have to watch it again...

                  They were talking about the last man in the commetaries, and when we see the scene with some Mckeller stuff, they said (paul mullie and Martin Wood) that there was going to be more of that in season 5, refering to Mckeller


                    Originally posted by stclare View Post
                    i dont have the season 4 dvd's could you give me some hint s as to whats on there or which one i ((shifty eyes)) should try and get my hands on?
                    I don't remember the exact episode nor the exact comment (to busy squeeing ) I do remember somebody saying that tere will definetly be more of THEM in season 5... I think it was during trio... got to love that last scene
                    + = It's a simple mathematical fact
                    And so is...penguins+conformation=HAPPY CAMPERS


                      Hello, ok, so I was on gateworld, reading some interviews, and I found this great one with David hewlett And this is what he said:
                      GW: What about poor Katie Brown?

                      DH: Well, Katie dumped me pretty good. That's the basic idea. Again, with McKay, he's absolutely, basically "special needs" in a relationship. He has no sense of how to maintain or create a relationship. He's so used to everyone hating him so much that God help you if you actually like him -- because I think that's a sign of weakness, as far as he's concerned.

                      But what's happened, with the introduction of the Keller character, there's definitely been a sort of interesting shift there. Because this is someone who he hasn't built up into a mythical figure like Carter, or Katie. This is, I guess, the first female friend that McKay would ever have had. And it sort of snuck up on him, which I think is a different thing for McKay to deal with.

                      I Don't know if it's good or bad... What's your opinion???


                        aww cute. so basically the keller mackay ship is the only one thus far that could work no need to worry about kati then also, since Mckay needs to be in a relationship where hes not the one 'controling' it, keller is the perfect match (she asks him out in trio ) somehow all my posts end with me talking about trio....
                        + = It's a simple mathematical fact
                        And so is...penguins+conformation=HAPPY CAMPERS


                          Originally posted by atlantis sg1 View Post
                          aww cute. so basically the keller mackay ship is the only one thus far that could work no need to worry about kati then also, since Mckay needs to be in a relationship where hes not the one 'controling' it, keller is the perfect match (she asks him out in trio ) somehow all my posts end with me talking about trio....
                          Yeah That's true, but he's talking about a friendship???
                          Yeah, always end up talking about trio


                            I will believe until proven otherwise that Mckay and Keller went on a date after trio! Now I'm no expert but a date isn't usually between friends Even if it isn't official yet (witch I think is the case with mckeller )
                            + = It's a simple mathematical fact
                            And so is...penguins+conformation=HAPPY CAMPERS


                              Originally posted by atlantisk View Post
                              what I could remember of the commentaries, I would have to watch it again...

                              They were talking about the last man in the commetaries, and when we see the scene with some Mckeller stuff, they said (paul mullie and Martin Wood) that there was going to be more of that in season 5, refering to Mckeller
                              omg, really???? i'll have to watch the commentaries now!!! i didn't even think that they would have a comment about mckeller in them!! *squee*

                              OT: nope, havent finished Breaking Dawn yet. I just hit page 300, and I was curious to see what you guys were talking about
                              thanks to Pandora's_Box for the siggie!


                                Whats breaking Dawn?

                                'You gotta admit, Vampires are just plain cool'

