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Dr Jennifer Keller/ Jewel Staite Appreciation/Discussion

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    Originally posted by KindlyKeller View Post
    I agree. It was hard to watch. The dismissal of his time as a community organizer as "not having any responsibility" was particularly frustrating. Tell that to the impoverished, out of work steel men and women who he helped get back on their feet. Tell that to the people getting sick because the city wouldn't remove asbestos from their apartments until Obama lobbied on their behalf.
    "What does he actually seek to accomplish, after he's done turning back the waters and healing the planet? The answer is to make government bigger ... take more of your money ... give you more orders from Washington ... and to reduce the strength of America in a dangerous world. America needs more energy ... our opponent is against producing it.

    "Victory in Iraq is finally in sight ... he wants to forfeit.

    "Terrorist states are seeking nuclear weapons without delay ... he wants to meet them without preconditions.

    "Al Qaeda terrorists still plot to inflict catastrophic harm on America ... he's worried that someone won't read them their rights? Government is too big ... he wants to grow it.

    "Congress spends too much ... he promises more."

    And on and on she went. The part in bold particularly angered me. Are we throwing away human rights now too?


      Originally posted by Pandora's_Box View Post
      "What does he actually seek to accomplish, after he's done turning back the waters and healing the planet? The answer is to make government bigger ... take more of your money ... give you more orders from Washington ... and to reduce the strength of America in a dangerous world. America needs more energy ... our opponent is against producing it.

      "Victory in Iraq is finally in sight ... he wants to forfeit.

      "Terrorist states are seeking nuclear weapons without delay ... he wants to meet them without preconditions.

      "Al Qaeda terrorists still plot to inflict catastrophic harm on America ... he's worried that someone won't read them their rights? Government is too big ... he wants to grow it.

      "Congress spends too much ... he promises more."

      And on and on she went. The part in bold particularly angered me. Are we throwing away human rights now too?
      I thought we were finally OVER all of that "cut and run" talk in regards to Iraq. What's hilarious about that is that Bush has basically come around to Obama's withdrawal plan, and McCain's plan isn't too far Obama's either.

      Totally agree about the terrorist scare-tactics. They act as if they have a monopoly on patriotism and moral authority, but favor torture and indefinite prison sentences without charges.

      I also love that they have the gall at this convention to talk about how Obama wants "big government" and to intrude on citizen's lives. This coming from the people who expanded the bureaucracy more than any administration in American history and are taking civil liberties away from its constituents at unprecedented rates.
      Theoretically spoilerish:
      Sig courtesy of Pandora.


        Originally posted by KindlyKeller View Post
        I thought we were finally OVER all of that "cut and run" talk in regards to Iraq. What's hilarious about that is that Bush has basically come around to Obama's withdrawal plan, and McCain's plan isn't too far Obama's either.

        Totally agree about the terrorist scare-tactics. They act as if they have a monopoly on patriotism and moral authority, but favor torture and indefinite prison sentences without charges.

        I also love that they have the gall at this convention to talk about how Obama wants "big government" and to intrude on citizen's lives. This coming from the people who expanded the bureaucracy more than any administration in American history and are taking civil liberties away from its constituents at unprecedented rates.
        But that's the Republican way, don't you know.

        Profess undying loyalty to the troops and the military while sitting in cushy offices and at the same time, those troops are being bombed in warzones, improparly prepared for a war created using false claims and accusations by those same Republican politicians claiming to love and adore and wish the best for those men and women they sent foolishly into harms way.

        Profess equality amongst all citizens while millions of the populations live below the poverty line, have no healthcare, sub-standard education, and corporations continue to receive tax cuts and subsidies.

        Cry foul at mentions of tax increases by Democrats and then turn around an increase spending (with money they don't have) for things most Americans couldn't care less about while leaving millions out to hang in the cold - hungry and homeless.

        And then Palin, with her own teenage daughter pregnant at the age of 17 you think she'd be more sympathetic, has the nerve to turn around and profess her abhorrence of abortion even in cases of rape. All the while extolling family values and love and unity. What the hell kind of family values is she encouraging when she insists that rape victims be forced to bear the children of their rapists?


          Originally posted by Pandora's_Box View Post
          But that's the Republican way, don't you know.

          Profess undying loyalty to the troops and the military while sitting in cushy offices and at the same time, those troops are being bombed in warzones, improparly prepared for a war created using false claims and accusations by those same Republican politicians claiming to love and adore and wish the best for those men and women they sent foolishly into harms way.

          Profess equality amongst all citizens while millions of the populations live below the poverty line, have no healthcare, sub-standard education, and corporations continue to receive tax cuts and subsidies.

          Cry foul at mentions of tax increases by Democrats and then turn around an increase spending (with money they don't have) for things most Americans couldn't care less about while leaving millions out to hang in the cold - hungry and homeless.

          And then Palin, with her own teenage daughter pregnant at the age of 17 you think she'd be more sympathetic, has the nerve to turn around and profess her abhorrence of abortion even in cases of rape. All the while extolling family values and love and unity. What the hell kind of family values is she encouraging when she insists that rape victims be forced to bear the children of their rapists?

          I think a Pro-Life stance is perfectly legitimate, even though I disagree with it. But forcing rape victims to bear children is terrible, no matter what your general principle is.


          Jewel. Gemini. Awesome!

          And I have to admit, I believed Joe when he said she was the only person submitted. But I'm glad he was kidding. It makes her accomplishment even more impressive and less assailable.
          Theoretically spoilerish:
          Sig courtesy of Pandora.


            Originally posted by KindlyKeller View Post

            I think a Pro-Life stance is perfectly legitimate, even though I disagree with it. But forcing rape victims to bear children is terrible, no matter what your general principle is.


            Jewel. Gemini. Awesome!

            And I have to admit, I believed Joe when he said she was the only person submitted. But I'm glad he was kidding. It makes her accomplishment even more impressive and less assailable.
            Definitely awesome! When do they air by the by?

            I believed him too and then I tried to think of better performances during that season by the other actors and I couldn't really think of too many so I didn't mind overmuch.

            Although, it still didn't make sense. Do they actually have to pay for the nominations? Or was that JM being JM again?


              Probably just JM being JM. -goes to look up the awards-


                Originally posted by Pandora's_Box View Post
                But that's the Republican way, don't you know.

                Profess undying loyalty to the troops and the military while sitting in cushy offices and at the same time, those troops are being bombed in warzones, improparly prepared for a war created using false claims and accusations by those same Republican politicians claiming to love and adore and wish the best for those men and women they sent foolishly into harms way.

                Profess equality amongst all citizens while millions of the populations live below the poverty line, have no healthcare, sub-standard education, and corporations continue to receive tax cuts and subsidies.

                Cry foul at mentions of tax increases by Democrats and then turn around an increase spending (with money they don't have) for things most Americans couldn't care less about while leaving millions out to hang in the cold - hungry and homeless.
                Blah blah blah blah though I would like to point out that most of the rich are liberals

                and I am disgussed by the "republicans" in congress they are not Republicans anymore.

                And then Palin, with her own teenage daughter pregnant at the age of 17 you think she'd be more sympathetic, has the nerve to turn around and profess her abhorrence of abortion even in cases of rape. All the while extolling family values and love and unity. What the hell kind of family values is she encouraging when she insists that rape victims be forced to bear the children of their rapists?
                Because children have rights too, the only thing the child has done is exist. Actually conservatives love her even more because she didn't insist on murdering an innocent child.

                Also you forgot to complain about her letting her son Trig live.


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                  Holy geez, Joe wasn't kidding!


                    Originally posted by KindlyKeller View Post
                    I thought we were finally OVER all of that "cut and run" talk in regards to Iraq. What's hilarious about that is that Bush has basically come around to Obama's withdrawal plan, and McCain's plan isn't too far Obama's either.

                    Totally agree about the terrorist scare-tactics. They act as if they have a monopoly on patriotism and moral authority, but favor torture and indefinite prison sentences without charges.

                    I also love that they have the gall at this convention to talk about how Obama wants "big government" and to intrude on citizen's lives. This coming from the people who expanded the bureaucracy more than any administration in American history and are taking civil liberties away from its constituents at unprecedented rates.
                    Obama was for running away, the difference is we are winning now.

                    Bush? LOL hilarious try FDR and Lincoln

                    Originally posted by KindlyKeller View Post
                    I thought we were finally OVER all of that "cut and run" talk in regards to Iraq. What's hilarious about that is that Bush has basically come around to Obama's withdrawal plan, and McCain's plan isn't too far Obama's either.

                    Totally agree about the terrorist scare-tactics. They act as if they have a monopoly on patriotism and moral authority, but favor torture and indefinite prison sentences without charges.

                    I also love that they have the gall at this convention to talk about how Obama wants "big government" and to intrude on citizen's lives. This coming from the people who expanded the bureaucracy more than any administration in American history and are taking civil liberties away from its constituents at unprecedented rates.
                    Obama was for running away, the difference is we are winning now.

                    Bush? LOL hilarious try FDR and Lincoln.

                    and WTH is she getting lumped with dubya last I checked she wasn't dubya


                      Originally posted by Col. Newman View Post
                      Blah blah blah blah though I would like to point out that most of the rich are liberals

                      and I am disgussed by the "republicans" in congress they are not Republicans anymore.

                      Because children have rights too, the only thing the child has done is exist. Actually conservatives love her even more because she didn't insist on murdering an innocent child.

                      Also you forgot to complain about her letting her son Trig live.
                      Actually what I did was attempt to take the side of the living, breathing human being that was forced to have sex because some random jackass couldn't take no for an answer.

                      I was actually taking the side of the innocent woman who, along with living with with the memory of that horrid event for the rest of her life, now also has to live with the consequences of something she never chose to subject her body to. What was supposed to be a loving act between two people was twisted into something ugly and disgusting and the byproduct of that act, a child that under normal circumstance would have been eagerly anticipated, is now a dreaded continuation of that horrible time in the woman's life.

                      Maybe there are women out there who can move on from rape, find out that they are pregnant, and bear absolutely no resentment towards that child and give that child a loving home. If there are, then I further applaud their courage and their perseverance and their ability to seperate that child from the atrociousness of the act.

                      But I think there are few women like that and I would rather a woman be allowed to abort the fetus than bring an unwanted, unloved child into the world and neglect to give that child all that it deserves in life.

                      I especially doubt that teenage rape victims are capable of raising those children.

                      There are enough unloved children without proper homes in the world without bringing more in.

                      As for her son Trig, as the cousin of a little boy with Down's, I am insulted by your insinuation that I don't consider special needs children to be worthy of living.

                      I never once insinuated or implied that I ever considered any child unworthy of life. I do however consider some people unworthy of being parents.

                      Originally posted by DrJenniferDex View Post
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                      Holy geez, Joe wasn't kidding!
                      Holy shmokes! Daaaaamn!
                      Last edited by Pandora's_Box; 03 September 2008, 10:57 PM.


                        Originally posted by DrJenniferDex View Post
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                        Holy geez, Joe wasn't kidding!
                        Thanks, I didn't think JM was kidding about that.


                          Originally posted by Pandora's_Box View Post
                          Actually what I did was attempt to take the side of the living, breathing human being that was forced to have sex because some random jackass couldn't take no for an answer.

                          I was actually taking the side of the innocent woman who, along with living with with the memory of that horrid event for the rest of her life, now also has to live with the consequences of something she never chose to subject her body to. What was supposed to be a loving act between two people was twisted into something ugly and disgusting and the byproduct of that act, a child that under normal circumstance would have been eagerly anticipated, is now a dreaded continuation of that horrible time in the woman's life.

                          Maybe there are women out there who can move on from rape, find out that they are pregnant, and bear absolutely no resentment towards that child and give that child a loving home. If there are, then I further applaud their courage and their perseverance and their ability to seperate that child from the atrociousness of the act.

                          But I think there are few women like that and I would rather a woman be allowed to abort the fetus than bring an unwanted, unloved child into the world and neglect to give that child all that it deserves in life.

                          I especially doubt that teenage rape victims are capable of raising those children.

                          There are enough unloved children without proper homes in the world without bringing more in.

                          As for her son Trig, as the cousin of a little boy with Down's, I am insulted by your insinuation that I don't consider special needs children to be worthy of living.

                          I never once insinuated or implied that I ever considered any child unworthy of life. I do however consider some people unworthy of being parents.
                          You are implying that unborn children are unworthy of life how is a special needs child any different?

                          You seem to be forgetting that a child also has a right to live. What did the child ever do to deserve being murdered?


                            Originally posted by Col. Newman View Post
                            Obama was for running away, the difference is we are winning now.

                            Bush? LOL
                            It's really sad that this is where we are in America now. "Running away."

                            As for Bush, it is getting pretty funny, isn't it?

                            Illegal wiretapping, politicization of the justice department, suspension of habeas corpus, claiming he doesn't need Congressional approval to sign treaties, claiming "executive privilege" so that no one in his administration has to testify before Congress...

                            And try this one on for size.

                            Signing statements, which were originally intended to clarify or explain legislation passed by Congress, have gotten out-of-control under George W. Bush, their purpose perverted by him.

                            He has issued over 750 opinions, their purpose to direct government officials and lawyers to disregard restrictions on his actions. He took legislation, and through his signing statements, essentially changed the meaning of what was passed by the Congress, to give him and his administration the latitude to ignore the parts he didn't like. He uses signing statements as a line-item veto. These acts are factually unconstitutional.

                            Since I know I'm not going to get a reasoned response to any of that, though, I won't bother anymore.
                            Theoretically spoilerish:
                            Sig courtesy of Pandora.


                              Originally posted by Col. Newman View Post
                              You are implying that unborn children are unworthy of life how is a special needs child any different?
                              I am clearly stating (not even implying) that an unborn child, any child, does not deserve a life in which his/her own mother can't look at him without seeing the face of her rapist and hating, or at the very least resenting, the child for it.

                              There are far too many children born every year to mothers who can't stand the sight of them, through no fault of their own, and are cast to wayside as so much garbage.

                              I'd rather a woman have the freedom to abort an unwanted pregnancy than have more children living on the streets, being abused, and in extreme cases being killed after being born as an alternative to abortion.
                              Last edited by Pandora's_Box; 03 September 2008, 10:57 PM.


                                Originally posted by DrJenniferDex View Post
                                ENTRY FEE
                                The Entrant understands and agrees that all fees and costs associated with this Entry must accompany the Official Entry Form. Entries submitted without such payment will be deemed ineligible, will not be processed and will be returned at the Entrant’s cost. There will be no refunds for Entries withdrawn from competition after April 8, 2008.

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                                Best Cross Platform Program Category

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                                Holy geez, Joe wasn't kidding!
                                Those numbers are eye-popping. Though that's couch change for MGM.
                                Theoretically spoilerish:
                                Sig courtesy of Pandora.

