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Dr Jennifer Keller/ Jewel Staite Appreciation/Discussion

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    Originally posted by SGFerrit View Post
    The clips of her from Missing are brilliant IMO. When she...

    shoots that Bola Kai, I couldn't believe it! I thought that was great, the little standoff between them

    I don't understand the people who say she is boring/1 dimensional/dull, and just ther 'to look sexy'. It's pretty insulting to Jewel to be honest. But hey, each to their own...
    Hmm, me thinks they protest a little too much.

    I am not sure on the Doctor willingly
    shooting anyone! If that is the only way the powers can write her to make us understand she gets this is a hostile place...
    well I say get better writers. Violence like that is just for show, it adds little imho to the character and for me it just takes away from her.

    I am not surprised however, I suspect this is what the powers mean by "darker".


      Originally posted by Willow'sCat View Post
      I am not sure on the Doctor willingly
      shooting anyone! If that is the only way the powers can write her to make us understand she gets this is a hostile place...
      well I say get better writers. Violence like that is just for show, it adds little imho to the character and for me it just takes away from her.

      I am not surprised however, I suspect this is what the powers mean by "darker".
      I disagree...

      From what I have seen, she is absolutely bricking it in Missing. Petrified and totally out of her element. From how it looks, she is backed into a corner. Teyla is 'all tied up' lol, and there is an alien warrior right in front of her who would no doubt kill them both. The stand off is great I reckon, it shows that she has grown from this experience IMO. And it is still all done in a very 'doctorish' way lol. She is very different to Carson, I must say.

      It's in this video, 2 minutes, 17 seconds 'in'


        You know....Ronan and Keller make a great looking couple....
        It seems to me Teyla and Sheppard are going to be a item too.

        So I think it is safe to say..Keller and Ronan are going to be interesting to
        watch if the writers go that way!!!
        Actor:"A zombie has no will of his own. You see them sometimes, walking around blindly with dead eyes. Following orders." Not knowing what they do, not caring."Bob Hope :" You mean like Democrats?" Hope in the movie ghostbreakers.


          Originally posted by SGFerrit View Post
          The clips of her from Missing are brilliant IMO. When she...

          shoots that Bola Kai, I couldn't believe it! I thought that was great, the little standoff between them

          I don't understand the people who say she is boring/1 dimensional/dull, and just ther 'to look sexy'. It's pretty insulting to Jewel to be honest. But hey, each to their own...

          Well JS is eye candy.....we can agree to that...

          Plus she can act great too.
          Actor:"A zombie has no will of his own. You see them sometimes, walking around blindly with dead eyes. Following orders." Not knowing what they do, not caring."Bob Hope :" You mean like Democrats?" Hope in the movie ghostbreakers.


            Originally posted by Briangate78 View Post
            Good question, well this is how I personally feel when it comes to characters...

            My favorite characters of the show for SG-1 and SGA are as followed. O'neill and Cater for SG-1 and Sheppard, Mckay, and Dr. Weir. Now when I found out O'neill was going to guest star on SGA I was very happy and excited, later found out Carter will be going full time to SGA, was also happy. I was not happy about Weir since she is a favorite of mine, but having Carter in he place sorta softened the blow. Um does that make sense?

            As per Dr. Keller and Carson. Carson we've seen in a lot of eps. He was a great character but not one of my favorites. I am enjoying Dr. Keller's role a lot. So if the decision is to swap them back, I dunno how I will feel. Probably the same about the Weir and Carter swap. I might actually miss Keller, she is really shaping up to be a great character.

            I guess my biggest upset of the franchise was when RDA left the show. I am sure I was not alone with that. I respected his decision for leaving, totally understandable, but still was upset with how SG-1 would continue. I'm glad I stuck around through Season 9 which I did not care for too much, because Season 10 was a lot better and had some really great episodes.

            It's a little different for me with SGA because Carter coming aboard made it easier to adjust to not having Weir. Now I still have a lot of hope for Weir to return down the road, and I mean in the 5th season. Heck, we could even see Ford return. Season 5 needs to happen, the show has gotten too good to end now.

            Oh sorry for my ranting! lol! To answer the question. I would think it all depends on the events. Can Carson come back full time? Will something happen to Dr. Keller? Will Carson just be an assitant appearing in a few eps here and there if he returns? We dunno yet. Again, 5th season holds the answer.
            I agree.I felt the same about RDA as you though was gald I stuck it out. I like Keller as much as Carson so far so I'd probably feel the same though I'd hate loosing Keller.
            Proud Sam/Jack and Daniel/Vala and John/Teyla Shipper!
            "We're Americans! Shoot the guys following us!"
            Don S. Davis 1942-2008 R.I.P. My Friend.


              Originally posted by SGFerrit View Post
              I am growing very fond of Keller. From the new video posted, I think I am going to love this character. She may turn out to be better than Beckett (Ooh! Controversial!)
              Yeah I like both of them too....though I believe Keller is here to stay.
              Actor:"A zombie has no will of his own. You see them sometimes, walking around blindly with dead eyes. Following orders." Not knowing what they do, not caring."Bob Hope :" You mean like Democrats?" Hope in the movie ghostbreakers.


                Originally posted by dec55 View Post
                Yeah I like both of them too....though I believe Keller is here to stay.
                I hope so.
                Proud Sam/Jack and Daniel/Vala and John/Teyla Shipper!
                "We're Americans! Shoot the guys following us!"
                Don S. Davis 1942-2008 R.I.P. My Friend.


                  keller is one of those characters that 1) easily fits in with the tone and cast of the show. 2) She's jsut as good of a character (development wise) as Beckett. It's one of those situations where, if a character has to go, this character is definitely the one that can, not replace, but fill that empty spot.
                  Never, never, never believe any war will be smooth or easy...

                  ... or that any man can measure the tides and hurricanes he will
                  encounter on the strange journey.


                  2 Cor. 10:3-5
                  3 For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh:
                  4 (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds; )
                  5 Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;


                    Dr. Keller has been perfectly fine thus far. She's a doctor who does her job when it's needed, meaning she shows up on screen when they need a doctor. So far, so good.
                    I'm not an actor. I just play one on TV.


                      Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
                      What on Earth....or the Pegasus Galaxy is Keller holding to fend of the bad guys...Is that a nail file or something.....What is she gonna do,Manicure them to death
                      I'm sorry i just couldn't resist

                      Well, I saw a really short clip from the ep in an interview w/ Jewel at ComicCon, and apparently Keller is somewhat of a she doesn't really have an affinity for weapons
                      "YOU'RE EASIER THAN THE U.S. CONGRESS."~Nikola
                      Sig by ME!!!


                        Originally posted by Avenger View Post
                        Dr. Keller has been perfectly fine thus far. She's a doctor who does her job when it's needed, meaning she shows up on screen when they need a doctor. So far, so good.
                        She is good, no doubt about it.
                        Last edited by dec55; 23 October 2007, 12:41 AM.
                        Actor:"A zombie has no will of his own. You see them sometimes, walking around blindly with dead eyes. Following orders." Not knowing what they do, not caring."Bob Hope :" You mean like Democrats?" Hope in the movie ghostbreakers.


                          Hello! I finally took my caps from Doppelganger, if you want to see them (including some Keller caps, too), click here



                            So far im loving Kellers character and i love the idea of her hooking up with ronan im also looking forward to seeing her in the rest of the season as she really seems to blend in well with the show
                            Sig Bye Me and Avi bye Luciana


                              I've seen Doppelganger today, and Keller was really good in it. I think I'm really going to like her.
                              'One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them,
                              One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them'

                              SGA fanfiction I'm translating to english. It's a novel!


                                Add me to the list of people who are liking Keller so far. She seems capable and is a nice person. I liked Beckett, but I have no problem with Keller. I'm looking forward to seeing how she develops friendships or antagonisms with other characters.

