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Dr Jennifer Keller/ Jewel Staite Appreciation/Discussion

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    Originally posted by Briangate78 View Post
    If it makes the story and quality better, then it was the right move. I've learned back in S9 of SG-1, that I was a Stargate fan not a RDA fan, in fact never saw Macgyver. Characters sometimes will come and go, if it doesn't happen the show can get boring. Although I don't want it to become Stargate : 24! Sheppard being Jack Bauer!

    So if Carson returns to a recurring role that is great, but can they still keep Dr. Keller on as a few guest spots or even a recurring role like she is now? I hope so. I am really looking forward to "The Kindred"
    That's my concern. If he comes back he's the CMO so does she leave or stay on as chief surgeon, or something else?
    Proud Sam/Jack and Daniel/Vala and John/Teyla Shipper!
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      Originally posted by Briangate78 View Post
      If it makes the story and quality better, then it was the right move. I've learned back in S9 of SG-1, that I was a Stargate fan not a RDA fan, in fact never saw Macgyver. Characters sometimes will come and go, if it doesn't happen the show can get boring. Although I don't want it to become Stargate : 24! Sheppard being Jack Bauer!

      So if Carson returns to a recurring role that is great, but can they still keep Dr. Keller on as a few guest spots or even a recurring role like she is now? I hope so. I am really looking forward to "The Kindred"
      The most I saw was a portion of a McGyver episode way back. I decided to watch it to see what my best friend was saying how great a show it was.

      I am also a Doctor Who fan (not just the revival, but the classic series as well) so I know how that is so the case.

      I am looking forward to basically every episode of this new season. The way the show is now presented is so much more... interesting... than previously (well, at least season one!).


        Originally posted by Mitchell82 View Post
        That's my concern. If he comes back he's the CMO so does she leave or stay on as chief surgeon, or something else?
        Good question, well this is how I personally feel when it comes to characters...

        My favorite characters of the show for SG-1 and SGA are as followed. O'neill and Cater for SG-1 and Sheppard, Mckay, and Dr. Weir. Now when I found out O'neill was going to guest star on SGA I was very happy and excited, later found out Carter will be going full time to SGA, was also happy. I was not happy about Weir since she is a favorite of mine, but having Carter in he place sorta softened the blow. Um does that make sense?

        As per Dr. Keller and Carson. Carson we've seen in a lot of eps. He was a great character but not one of my favorites. I am enjoying Dr. Keller's role a lot. So if the decision is to swap them back, I dunno how I will feel. Probably the same about the Weir and Carter swap. I might actually miss Keller, she is really shaping up to be a great character.

        I guess my biggest upset of the franchise was when RDA left the show. I am sure I was not alone with that. I respected his decision for leaving, totally understandable, but still was upset with how SG-1 would continue. I'm glad I stuck around through Season 9 which I did not care for too much, because Season 10 was a lot better and had some really great episodes.

        It's a little different for me with SGA because Carter coming aboard made it easier to adjust to not having Weir. Now I still have a lot of hope for Weir to return down the road, and I mean in the 5th season. Heck, we could even see Ford return. Season 5 needs to happen, the show has gotten too good to end now.

        Oh sorry for my ranting! lol! To answer the question. I would think it all depends on the events. Can Carson come back full time? Will something happen to Dr. Keller? Will Carson just be an assitant appearing in a few eps here and there if he returns? We dunno yet. Again, 5th season holds the answer.


          Originally posted by Willow'sCat View Post
          Well I stopped watching SG-1 on a regular basis after Daniel came back as Jonas was such a good character and Daniel was just Daniel by then.

          Carson never worked for me as a real part of the show but I really don't want to turn this thread into a bash Carson Thread there is enough neg talk (especially from me ) elsewhere on GW.

          I just think if you make this kind of change it is better in the long run to stick to your guns. And as I think Jewel is doing a good job so far I see no reason to drop her from the show. I do know she is only there for a few eps in season 4 but if they get a season 5 I would love to see Keller remain as the CMO on Atlantis.

          Of course others can and often do disagree with me.
          Would love to see Keller stay with the show permanently.
          Actor:"A zombie has no will of his own. You see them sometimes, walking around blindly with dead eyes. Following orders." Not knowing what they do, not caring."Bob Hope :" You mean like Democrats?" Hope in the movie ghostbreakers.


            Originally posted by Briangate78 View Post
            So if Carson returns to a recurring role that is great, but can they still keep Dr. Keller on as a few guest spots or even a recurring role like she is now? I hope so. I am really looking forward to "The Kindred"
            But that is the thing, Jewel has already had a bit part on the show... been there done that in. And anyway tptb could end up with a similar situation to Carson or Weir, endless questions about when she will come back... heck some still ask about Jonas and Ford. I would rather not have that happen with Keller.

            Sure Jewel may get a good offer elsewhere and that is fine but if she was offered a place on SGA as a regular or whatever she is now, for season 5 I would be happy to see that happen but have great reservations over Carson coming back in any form.

            Yeah I have to wait and see *spoilers season 4*
            what they do with Carson this season but it is not my favourite idea on shows; bringing folks back from the dead.


              Me too!
              "YOU'RE EASIER THAN THE U.S. CONGRESS."~Nikola
              Sig by ME!!!


                Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
                So far from what I've seen of Keller, I like the character I'm looking forward to seeing how she interacts and fits in with more of the characters.

                Yeah I think she's great !

                but I still miss Beckett
                Let it be known for all times there were once two planets in this system. The planet Lister made great television shows. The planet Liber made crap
                They had to fake the ratings
                They had to fake the ratings.
                Let it be known for all times there were once...


                  My fav was Beckett, so I would love to see him coming back. I think it's not necessery for Keller to go in that case. When Daniel replaced Jonas, I was very sad, because I liked him very much, but also liked Daniel, cos he was my fav in sg-1. So it's the same situation, and to go with both is the best way IMHO.
                  'One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them,
                  One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them'

                  SGA fanfiction I'm translating to english. It's a novel!


                    I am growing very fond of Keller. From the new video posted, I think I am going to love this character. She may turn out to be better than Beckett (Ooh! Controversial!)


                      Originally posted by SGFerrit View Post
                      I am growing very fond of Keller. From the new video posted, I think I am going to love this character. She may turn out to be better than Beckett (Ooh! Controversial!)
                      Carson will be back for only 2 eppys, Keller will most likely stay as a regular.
                      Actor:"A zombie has no will of his own. You see them sometimes, walking around blindly with dead eyes. Following orders." Not knowing what they do, not caring."Bob Hope :" You mean like Democrats?" Hope in the movie ghostbreakers.


                        Originally posted by dec55 View Post
                        Carson will be back for only 2 eppys, Keller will most likely stay as a regular.
                        Yeah, I know. I just think Keller has the capacity to become an extremely interesting character, even more so than Beckett was. Not that I didn't like Becket, I think he is great, and I am chuffed he is coming back. There is just something about Keller that I am really loving. I mean character wise, before any of you start!

                        I personally think Beckett will pop up in s5 too. Not full time, but I think both him and Weir will make appearances.


                          Originally posted by ruby_caspar View Post
                          Here are some caps from said vid - there are MAJOR SPOILERS in them, so watch out!


                          What on Earth....or the Pegasus Galaxy is Keller holding to fend of the bad guys...Is that a nail file or something.....What is she gonna do,Manicure them to death
                          I'm sorry i just couldn't resist


                            has s5 been confirmed?

                            sgferrit, i agree staite makes keller superb. she's a bit like carson at the start of atlantis. i think if tptb write it well, her evolution could be better than carson, cause there are endless possibilities of interactions with oher characters.

                            doppleganger gave us a hint at keller/shep and keller/ronan. she's kool. and another powerful, intelligent and sexy chic on tv, more keller!


                              The clips of her from Missing are brilliant IMO. When she...

                              shoots that Bola Kai, I couldn't believe it! I thought that was great, the little standoff between them

                              I don't understand the people who say she is boring/1 dimensional/dull, and just ther 'to look sexy'. It's pretty insulting to Jewel to be honest. But hey, each to their own...


                                well, i really enjoy dr. keller this season. In the past few seasons beckett has gone offworld on some missions so maybe if beckett comes back he can be the cheif of medicine(or whatever the title is called) and stay on the mainland while keller can be on the team and go offworld with them instead of it being beckett. That way both the keller and the beckett fans win.

