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Ronon Dex/Jennifer Keller Appreciation/Ship/Discussion (Doctor & Wild Man)

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    Originally posted by dragongirl View Post
    Oh I am 27 and you made me feel old thanks and The Birds is an classic horror movie by Alfred Hicthcock you should see its so good

    Sorry, i do that sometimes (I'm only fourteen)
    The only Alfred Hicthcock movie i've seen is "Psycho" i loved it.
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      Originally posted by GSRgategirl923 View Post
      Sorry, i do that sometimes (I'm only fourteen)
      The only Alfred Hicthcock movie i've seen is "Psycho" i loved it.
      it is okay and his movies are great "Psycho" being one of my fave's


        Originally posted by dragongirl View Post
        it is okay and his movies are great "Psycho" being one of my fave's
        Yeah i hade to watch it for my English Lit. class.
        BTW, how did i make you feel old ?
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          Originally posted by GSRgategirl923 View Post
          Never heard of that movie.
          If we're talking about scary movies, i saw Stephen King's "The Langoliers" when i was eight years old, i dont know why i did i just did.Gave me nightmares for two weeks! -Shivers-
          Oh, Langoliers gave me the heebie jeebies! Who knew Balki (Or whatever the actors name is. I can't remember) could play disturbed so disturbingly!

          And I was off voting, but post 2900 has to be here!

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          It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


            another thunder storm

            I'll be back!
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              Originally posted by GSRgategirl923 View Post
              Yeah i hade to watch it for my English Lit. class.
              BTW, how did i make you feel old ?
              Well I watched Langoliers when I was much older than 8 and for some reason you not knowing of The Birds (but I am odd that way)

              Originally posted by Everlovin View Post
              Oh, Langoliers gave me the heebie jeebies! Who knew Balki (Or whatever the actors name is. I can't remember) could play disturbed so disturbingly!

              And I was off voting, but post 2900 has to be here!
              I know as soon as I saw him I squeeled BALKI!!!! and he was so good at creepy. and I was mad at that one guy in the end he was supposed to end up with the blonde chick

              CONGRATS Everlovin!!!!!


                It's been thundering around here for the last 20 minutes or so, but I think the storm eill pass by us! If it had hit during SGA, I'd have pitched a holy fit!

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                It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                  we had the storm early this morning so I should be good


                    Originally posted by dragongirl View Post
                    Well I watched Langoliers when I was much older than 8 and for some reason you not knowing of The Birds (but I am odd that way)

                    I know as soon as I saw him I squeeled BALKI!!!! and he was so good at creepy. and I was mad at that one guy in the end he was supposed to end up with the blonde chick

                    CONGRATS Everlovin!!!!!
                    Oh well i wasn't supposed to watch it then i mean it came out when i was two. But the guy that rips paper throughout the movie he is in my dreams still,like i could be on an island and there he is ripping those papers.-shivers-

                    Yeah but instead of ending up with the blonde chick he decides he would be the one to die.

                    :is hungry,and starts to eat a granola bar:
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                      Ok, I'm here for the next hour. I hope you all will forgive my typos, anything I might forget to put into spoilers, etc.

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                      It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                        Oh, dear! I love the end of DV!! LOL


                        And on with the show!!!! Does the Atlantis planet have rings? the team is in a PJ and they're leaving which ever planet. My mistake. Power spikes! Nevcer good! PJ lost steering! Drive pods not retracting! Lost power! and they bashed/crashed into the space gate! Not good! And entrance

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                        It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                          You know, I love how the ships are together on the opening credits. John then Teyla. Ronon then Jenn. Woolsey and Rodney last

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                          It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                            God! I hate commercials

                            Drifting in space. Power isn't getting to primary or secondary systems. Nothing fro the planet. Rodney is saying oh no again. Hitting the gate slowed down the velocity. but one of the drive pods started up on it's own. No way to get the dhd going. No life support. Sparks and then everything works. Dialed Atlantis, and they're on their way.

                            Jon and Woolsey talking about some flying monkeys on the planet. Nothing wrong with the PJ. Radek taunting Rodney@ Love it!!!!!

                            Woolsey in an elevator and it all stops. Did he want the balcony? And the doors close behind him and lock him out!! LOL. Lord! He's out in the middle of nowhere!

                            Lights all over Atlants are flickering. Power arcs. Radek and Rodney are speculating.

                            Comms are down. Lost power to stargate! Computer zapped!!!!! Explosion. Nearly every system affected. Erratic Woolsey panics because they can't dial Earth. And a blackout.

                            Organize teams - Woolsey is trying to stay calm. Everything is out except Rod's computer. Someone typing help. Who? Elizabeth



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                            It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                              This is turning slightly spooky, considering our earlier conversation! I love it though!


                              Dr.Weir?! She's dead! or is she! Rodney is answering . She's in the computer. She's having diffulcty controlling subspace. Power came on. Liz did it. Help her!

                              Oi, about a dozen naquadah generators. Dozens of fragmented progreams. Rodney patched them together. Merging programs dangerous? Of course! Calibrating to hear Liz. Bass voice.

                              Are you Liz? Yes. Is John there? Hi! We thought you were dead. Conscoiusness still in tact. body dead. Remember the day left behing? yeah. New form. Referenced TMC. The one

                              Woolsey wants answers.

                              Woolsey's hte "new you" EEW. They were on the run. Referencing SOW. I still don't know if Liz is good or evil! GAllowed them to persue their goal in peace. - Ascention.. Can't ascend. Tried to embrace tech solution to exist as energy. Upload themselves as energy in subspace. The one they are looking at who is supposed to be Liz doesn't look like Liz or Fran. ???? Didn't work! They're stuck in subspace. Constant motion. Deathly noice. More tech societies in the galaxy. Hiding in various tech. Wraith, others. It was Liz that shorted out the PJ. Atlantis is the only friends she has. Ronon's suspicious. Rodney wants to try to build her a body. Woolsey says no. Upload her into a VR like they did with whats-her-face from Outcast.

                              And out comes Liz/Fran. Took the choice right out of their hands.


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                              It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                                I'm back, my lovelies! My grandma had this yucky mahi mahi, I had Salmon Wellington and rice pilaf, now I'm eating a quarter pound of marzipan. -mouth is still watering-

