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Ronon Dex/Jennifer Keller Appreciation/Ship/Discussion (Doctor & Wild Man)

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    It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


      That is a great new look, Ever!

      Still snowing... supposed to do so until around midnight. It is the big flake kind...


        Originally posted by Everlovin View Post
        ... Happy St George's Day to you! What does it commemorate again?

        Today was going ok - minus the internet not working most of the day (just started up again). I got SeNedra's next chapter done with that time (I'm sending it to her here soon). And then I go and lose $50. I just can't win for losing!
        St George is the patron saint of England. Much like St Patrick is the patron saint of Ireland.

        Hope the luck changes soon!

        Looking forward to reading the fic!

        Originally posted by bailey1ak View Post
        Blen... saw your new sig. Another great one, and I love the coloring.
        Thanks! I have a bit of trouble making Blake's 7 sigs as all the pics of the cast are low definition & look a bit grainy. I may see if I can a higher def pic of Gareth Thomas (Blake) later.

        Love the worms, Ever!

        Originally posted by mrscopterdoc View Post
        Challenge Update

        for those of you who were wondering about RiG's hidden easter eggs in this sig:
        1 in his mohawk, one above his hear, one in between those two , one on his neck, one on his shoulder and 2 in his name.


        Reminder about challenge #29

        Make a visual representation of any Stargate episode {SG1, SGA or SGU or any of the movies}
        But you cannot use any SG related caps or words in your art. So for example the SGA episode "Rising" you might show some bread dough rising. When you send me your art, please include the title of the episode in your PM.
        If you need a list of all the episodes check here.

        If you want more of a challenge or that one stumps you, do a little spring cleaning. Go back through all the challenges and do one that you missed. {look here for a list}

        entries due to me Monday April 28th by noon your time.
        Well I didn't get half of those eggs.

        I think I may go back & do one of the previous challenges. There were a couple that I really wanted to try but didn't get round to doing.

        Originally posted by bailey1ak View Post
        Its snowing here! It was raining, but now it is snowing.
        Oh no! Not again.


          Good morning, Love Shack! How's it going?

          Teaching again this afternoon. We'll see how the headache develops.

          Originally posted by Blencathra View Post
          St George is the patron saint of England. Much like St Patrick is the patron saint of Ireland.

          Love the worms, Ever!
          I knew (pretty sure I knew) about St George being the patron saint of England. Just wasn't sure if it was his birthday, or commemorating an accomplishment or what.


          I've worked a bit on some more fics while I've been teaching. Nothing ready to post but working again!

          Click here daily to give free mammograms

          It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


            So I am Adama and I captain a ship...meh


              I know next to nothing about Battlestar Galactica. I tried it and couldn't get past the first couple of episodes. But I did like the original version. With Starbuck and his swirling cape.


                I am the same Blen. Adama is the one of the only characters I know the other is Starbuck who in the original was a male and in the new one was female (Dad told me that). I have to say though I have not sen the original


                  It's a very long time since I saw it, probably not since it first aired here in the UK. I wonder what I would link of it now. I suspect I probably would still enjoy it, as I'm rather fond of old sci fi. I did hear that Starbuck had become female in the new series. I bet she doesn't have a swirling cape though.


                    no, no capes! Okay I had my Incredibles moment but yeah she didn't have a cape


                      Yeah, I know nothing about the new Galactica (is that even how it's spelled?) It all seemed so dark and hopeless.

                      Click here daily to give free mammograms

                      It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi



                        I did watch all four seasons, but I'd say only one and two were any good, but dark... and definitely not worth a rewatch.

                        I never minded that they made Starbuck a woman. In the original he was my favorite, but it was the actor that made the character, so without him, didn't matter to me really.

                        It does make sense though that in a futuristic military, there would be more women in the military and even pilots.


                          I don't mind dark sci fi. I adore Blake's 7 which is as dark as any, and Torchwood, which isn't exactly a barrel of laughs either. But what both those shows have is a a cast of likeable people, even though they have flaws.

                          With BSG (and also SGU) I couldn't find a single character that I liked and could empathise with. Not one. Most of them I wished would die. I have to love the characters in order to get into a show.


                            I completely agree with needing to love the characters. Which is probably why I didn't like BSG very much. The main characters were terrible. I did like three of the non-main characters and that is what probably kept me watching.

                            Well that and I kept being told by a few friends how great it was and that I needed to give it a chance... so by watching it all I could say I still didn't care for it and it wasn't because I didn't "give it a chance". Even the characters I liked couldn't save it for me.

                            Oddly there were three characters I liked in SGU, but the same thing... not the main characters and still didn't help the show for me.

                            I see a pattern here though... might be that loving some of the main characters is also needed to like a show.


                              Good morning, Love Shack! How's it going?

                              Busy day here. Getting two of the brat kids off to Prom tonight. So, making corsage for son to give to girlfriend. Steaming out Star's dress of wrinkles. Lots of fun stuffs.

                              Originally posted by bailey1ak View Post

                              I did watch all four seasons, but I'd say only one and two were any good, but dark... and definitely not worth a rewatch.

                              I never minded that they made Starbuck a woman. In the original he was my favorite, but it was the actor that made the character, so without him, didn't matter to me really.

                              It does make sense though that in a futuristic military, there would be more women in the military and even pilots.
                              Good to know from someone I trust that it wasn't really worth a rewatch. I've been trying to decide off and on (mostly because it shows up everywhere) if I should give it a try, but I always manage to choose something else.

                              Originally posted by Blencathra View Post
                              I don't mind dark sci fi. I adore Blake's 7 which is as dark as any, and Torchwood, which isn't exactly a barrel of laughs either. But what both those shows have is a a cast of likeable people, even though they have flaws.

                              With BSG (and also SGU) I couldn't find a single character that I liked and could empathise with. Not one. Most of them I wished would die. I have to love the characters in order to get into a show.
                              The only reason SGU even sort of caught me was because of Varro (Mike Dopud) (our very own Kyrik) was a recurring character in the second season and he was SO underused he made Ronon look like a favorite character.

                              Click here daily to give free mammograms

                              It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                                Originally posted by Everlovin View Post
                                Good morning, Love Shack! How's it going?

                                Busy day here. Getting two of the brat kids off to Prom tonight. So, making corsage for son to give to girlfriend. Steaming out Star's dress of wrinkles. Lots of fun stuffs.

                                Good to know from someone I trust that it wasn't really worth a rewatch. I've been trying to decide off and on (mostly because it shows up everywhere) if I should give it a try, but I always manage to choose something else.

                                The only reason SGU even sort of caught me was because of Varro (Mike Dopud) (our very own Kyrik) was a recurring character in the second season and he was SO underused he made Ronon look like a favorite character.
                                Glad I don't have to think about Prom yet! I bet it is so fun to see them all dressed up though.

                                Varro was one of the three characters I liked too. Also Greer and Ginny (I think that was the red heads name).

