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Ronon Dex/Jennifer Keller Appreciation/Ship/Discussion (Doctor & Wild Man)

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    Good morning, Love Shack! How's it going?

    Originally posted by Blencathra View Post
    I was the same as you DG. I watched SGU as far as them getting some water but I was actually having to force myself to watch it. I didn't like any of the characters and had no sympathy with any of them. It wasn't fun to watch, so I gave up on it. And like you DG, Malozzi and Wright's comments put me off even more. I was another grinning and cackling like a mad woman every time the viewing figures came in and they were getting lower and lower.

    I have mixed feeling about a potential S6. I couldn't stand any more McKeller. I don't think I could even stand any more McKay in any shape or form. Though having Kiryk back would have been great, I could see both Ronon & Kiryk ending up propping up walls together and having nothing to do, while Rodders saves the day yet again.

    I was thinking like someone who actually loved the characters. I could blithely ignore McKeller - I already was - but having Ronon being used as wallpaper again. Teyla too for that matter. I don't think I could have handled it compounded with Kiryk.

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    It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


      That is how I am thinking S5 was horrible with how Ronon and Teyla did nothing. I remember they were saying there was a good team ep coming up and when the ep came on between Ronon and Teyla they only had like 5 lines together and I was thinking how is this a "team epy"? When the last ep of SGA aired I was a little glad that we wouldn't have to see such good characters ignored and underused in favor of more McKay. I would have liked to see the return of Kiryk because two former runners together could have brought some serious pain to the Wraith. Course with how things had been going odds are we would not have seen that.


        That's one of the threads I wish they would have persued! We found out way back during Sateda that there were other runners out there! Kiryk could have been rescued so much sooner! They could have been either freed of the running and gone back to their lives or become part of the Atlantis teams. Already, in part of my fangurl head, Kiryk is part of Lorne's team. Wonder who else is out there!

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        It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


          I agree they were really pretty selfish after that. I understand the need to get Ronon back but they didn't care about any of the other people in the same situation that he had been in.


            Challenge #10 Favorite Game {and submit an idea}

            I received SO many new ideas for the challenge, thank you all so much! Now for the fan fic/art entries:


            fan fic Ch. 9

            Junior’s return to the house interrupted a lively discussion, in which only Walter did not participate. He was sitting off to the side, humming to himself, and didn’t even look up when the panicked young man pushed the door open so hard as he entered that it banged against the wall.

            “Junior! What’s wrong?” Angie cried.

            “I... I just saw my mom,” Junior gasped. “And she told me to hurry.”

            “A family emergency? Do they need you at home?” Peter asked.

            “No, you don’t understand,” Joe explained. “Junior’s mother has been dead for many years.”

            “I see.” Peter rose from his chair, walked over to Junior and guided him to the sofa. “Get me a shot of whisky, or something else high octane,” he said over his shoulder to Angie, who obeyed immediately. “Now then, son, why don’t you tell us exactly what happened.”

            When Junior had finished his tale - aided by a spot of Bourbon Angie provided - Norrie spoke up. “The mini dome also showed me my mom. In the forest, and I think it was just as she was...” She broke off, the issue of her mother’s death still too sore a subject to mention. Joe awkwardly patted her hand to comfort her.

            “It appears that thing urgently wants to communicate with us,” Peter said. “And some kind of event seems to be imminent. If only we knew what.” He turned to his father. “Walter, this would be a good time for one of your theories.”

            There was no reply, Walter remained sitting in his corner, counting on his fingers and muttering to himself. With a heavy sigh, Peter rose and walked over to him, put his hand on Walter’s shoulder and gave him a little shake.

            Walter gave a violent start and glared at Peter accusingly. “Must you always interrupt me?”

            “Interrupt what, exactly?” Peter asked.

            “I was using an ratiocination technique I developed myself. It is based on the game ‘We’re going on a journey’, and it allows me to logically arrange a set of seemingly unrelated data.”

            “Going on a journey? Are you serious?”

            “You remember the game? We used to play it on long drives when you were little. We’re going on a journey, and in my suitcase I have pyjamas. Then the next person repeats it and adds...”

            “I know how the game works, but I fail to see how it can help in our present situation.”

            “Well, that’s the brilliance of it. You see I started out with ‘I have an alien city’. Then I had to decide what picture would be the next logical step, and I came up with ‘I have an alien city, and I have a super nova threatening it’ followed by ‘I have an alien city, and I have a super nova threatening it, and I have an emissary from this race landing on Earth in this barn.’”

            Peter had been listening with growing impatience, which now got the better of him. “I think we’ve all come this far in our conclusion. Skip to the good part - where do the other two images come in?”

            Walter cast him a reproachful look. “I was just getting to that when you so rudely interrupted my thought process.”

            Peter was about to turn away with an eye roll, but Walter caught him by the sleeve of his jacket. “Still, I succeeded so far to narrow down their meanings to two possibilities.”

            “Alright then,” Peter said, returning to his chair and sitting down. “You have our undivided attention.”








              fan fic link Rest Stop Soccer


              fan fic
     Here's the link to my friend Rabid's fic. It's part of a series, but stands well enough on it's own, too, if you're familiar with the TW fandom. Might have to issue a warning for slash, but since there's not actual contact, maybe not.


                Great sigs from everyone.

                Sorry but I forgot. My mind has been totally taken over with arranging things for the DW Con, buying train tickets, clothes etc. Just 10 days until we set off for London.!


                  Challenge #11

                  I thought last week with 'games' would have been easy, but it seemed it stumped several people. They had no idea what to make! I hope this week is easier.....I am going super simple again with...Favorite Super Hero and/or Villain! Entries due to me by midnight Sunday Nov. 17th.

                  Now...time to talk about Secret Santa. We've done it on the Sheppy Whump thread for the past 3 years and it is always SO much fun! I need at least 10 people for it to work, and the more the merrier! You *must* be committed. If you sign up there is no backing out because it is not nice to have someone not get a gift. How does it work? There will be a sign up sheet and you list what you want {fan fic, art} what you can make {fan fic, art} and then your fave fandoms and thunks. I will pair everyone up randomly and then you will receive a person and you will make them art or fan fic. At the same time someone is making *you* something. Don't worry, you will *not* have to write OUaT fan fic for someone if you make SGA art......that is why there is an info sheet to fill out so everyone is comfortable with their assignments! It is all a secret until December 20th when the gifts are all handed out and everyone is happy. If you are interested, please let me know. I hand out assignments in about a week or so so everyone has lots of time to make their gifts.

         anyone interested in doing an advent calendar? How that works is that you sign up for a day [or two or three how ever many you want] in December. You are then responsible for making art for that day. Any fandom, any thunk, even fan fic [as long as it is short] the only thing is that it must be Christmasy/Holidayish and include the number for that day. So Dec. 4th would have a "4" on it somewhere. This is totally and completely separate from secret santa. You can do both, or just one, or neither.

                  If you are interested in either one, or both, please PM me or visitor message me on my page.....I am just afraid I might miss a post if you post in here. So just let me know if you want to do secret santa, and if you want to do the advent calendar. If enough people want to do the calendar, I can start a list with days so you can sign up.


                    Awesome artwork!

                    I can't do Secret Santa. I simply don't have any extra time. The Advent Calendar? Maybe. What would we be theming it on?

                    We'll see about the new challenge. I might even have the dvds for it

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                    It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                      Originally posted by Everlovin View Post
                      Awesome artwork!

                      I can't do Secret Santa. I simply don't have any extra time. The Advent Calendar? Maybe. What would we be theming it on?

                      We'll see about the new challenge. I might even have the dvds for it
                      the advent calendar would be wide open. you can do any thunk, any ship, any fandom. Just has to be Christmasy.


                        Good morning, Love Shack! How's it going?

                        I can maybe do the calendar. Let me know if there are any (a) empty days once everyone has signed up and I'll get something done. or maybe use one from years past.

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                        It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                          OMG!!!!!!!!!!! Look!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                          The Night of the Doctor (prequel)


                            Good morning, Love Shack! How's it going?

                            Long day yesterday of NOTHING!!! Hubby asked me to go with him to the city, talk with the fire marshall about getting their old fire trucks, pick up the one that was being fixed, etc. Well, the fire marshall was in meetings with the city council all day. The fire truck being fixed wasn't before it was time for us to head back home. It was exhausting waiting for nothing.

                            Blenca, the mini episode was AWESOME!! Although, I'm confused. I read somewhere that SM said that John Hurt's Doctor wasn't going to be 8.5 It does make sense for him to be in there though.

                            Click here daily to give free mammograms

                            It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                              Sorry to hear about the frustrating day, Ever.

                              Wasn't the vid amazing??!!!!! My doggies thought I'd gone off my head as I was shouting "Yes! Yes!"

                              I really did not think that I would ever see

                              the Eighth Doctor regenerate.

                              As for The Moff, I don't believe a word that man says.

                              BTW Copter I can't do Secret Santa but I may be up for some advent stuff.


                                I never truly gave a thought to Eight regenerating. I did assume that it was a combination of him and Nine that fought in the Time War and Nine had other adventures before Rose - he was at the Titanic and saw JFK being assassinated. Maybe even Nine had a companion before Rose. There's lots of untold story there.

                                Click here daily to give free mammograms

                                It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi

