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Ronon Dex/Jennifer Keller Appreciation/Ship/Discussion (Doctor & Wild Man)

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    Pretty banners!!!
    Sig by ME!!!


      Hi Everyone,

      DG is stuck in traffic and no idea when she will be home. I am posting her challenges for her. They will be due at noon CST Sunday. Not sure what that is GMT......

      The Shippy challenge is to use a movie tag line in your shippy art.


        Thank you Copter

        The challenge is pretty simple this time around the only requirement is that the text needs to be the tag line from a movie




            Morning Love Shack.

            Went and looked up tag lines for movies last night and decided this is going to be a challenging challenge Looking forward to what we all come up with.



              I wonder if there will be any duplicates


                Well, when I looked up the top one hungred from the 1990's and then top one hundred from the 2000's, there weren't a lot of shippy ones.

                I'm guessing that you are going to want us to send along with the tag the name of the movie.


                  Some of them it will depend on the way you look at it if it helps look at and concentrate on the tag line it's self not the movie. Like look at the tag and if you see one that could be good for a sig then look at the movie.

                  I would like to know the movie though yes


                    It is going to be fun to see the taglines.

                    Here is the website I went to just to get a general idea of what the sigs would be like. Even if you ignore the movie side and just read the taglines, most aren't real shippy. But I think it will make it a more interesting challenge and I can't wait to see what people choose and how they use it in the sig. I'm sure there will be a lot of "oh... why didn't I think of that one" going on when the sigs are revealed.


                      Afternoon everyone.

                      I was without internet yesterday I had to take my mind off it by watching copious amounts of Doctor Who. How did I manage without the internet only a few years ago?!

                      I only made one sig for the challenge Sha. Obviously I couldn't let you have it but I wasn't very happy with it anyway. Everyone's sigs look great!! Congrats to Bailey & Jade!

                      So the next challenge is to use a tag line from a movie? Hmmmmmmmm...... I need to get my thinking cap on.

                      Edit Thanks for the link Bailey. Looks like it will come in handy.


                        Okay a thought occurred to me about what you asked and The tag line can be altered slightly. take a word out or don't use the full tag but as long as the tag is still recognizable from the original.

                        How horrible to be without internet Blen *huggles*

                        cool web site bailey not the one I use but it is good to see a lot of the same taglines on both


                          I've got an idea right now. I need to make this IMMEDIATELY.


                            Originally posted by Blencathra View Post
                            Afternoon everyone.

                            I was without internet yesterday I had to take my mind off it by watching copious amounts of Doctor Who. How did I manage without the internet only a few years ago?!

                            I only made one sig for the challenge Sha. Obviously I couldn't let you have it but I wasn't very happy with it anyway. Everyone's sigs look great!! Congrats to Bailey & Jade!

                            So the next challenge is to use a tag line from a movie? Hmmmmmmmm...... I need to get my thinking cap on.

                            Edit Thanks for the link Bailey. Looks like it will come in handy.
                            Sorry you were without internet, Blen. Happened to me last year for a short bit and I went nuts. I had it at work, but it made the nights really long. I'd rather lose my tv than internet.

                            It was actually quite fun looking through the taglines and there are so many that would make great non-shippy sigs that I jotted a few down for possible sigs later when I have time. Also now have a bunch of movies that I need to see again.

                            At least you had Dr. Who to entertain you.


                              Originally posted by dragongirl View Post
                              Okay a thought occurred to me about what you asked and The tag line can be altered slightly. take a word out or don't use the full tag but as long as the tag is still recognizable from the original.
                              This site also lets you break it down by the decades, kind of fun to see, some of those movies are older than I thought. (or maybe I'm older than I thought).

                              It is a good challenge, kind of stretch our imaginations a bit. I'll keep in mind the leaving something out or changed if needed, but I did find 3 that might work.

                              Kind of interested in what sparked Blen though. She found that awfully fast.


                                I am looking forward to getting everyone's work

