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Ronon Dex/Jennifer Keller Appreciation/Ship/Discussion (Doctor & Wild Man)

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    Morning Love Shack!!

    Can't wait for the Challenges Blen

    Oh that is a beautiful header SeN Of course I will use it


      Good morning, Love Shack!
      The computer seems to be behaving so far. Keep your fingers crossed.

      Originally posted by Blencathra View Post

      I've been having slightly putery problems as well. Everything seems to be so slow today.

      I've had a good think about the challenges and I'll post them later on today. One here and one on the other thread.

      Loved the pic spam BTW.
      It sucks to have computer problems. Totally understand.

      You are going to post your villians either here or over there sometime soon, right?

      I'm hoping to watch Runner tonight sometime. I'm sure kids will have homework to distract them.

      Click here daily to give free mammograms

      It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


        Ooh! And I just got hit with inspiration (at least for the text) for a wonderfully shippy sig. I need to check out my pics.

        Click here daily to give free mammograms

        It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


          Ok, I have a shippy question for everyone here

          After what episode did you start to ship Ronon and Jennifer and why?

          Well, my answer is quite common I think - I started to really ship them after Quarantine. After that ep I also visited this thread for the first time. I didn't notice anything before, although now I can see that of course I was still sad about Elizabeth (and sparky...) and I kept on watching especially cause of Carter and my S/J love and also cause of Ronon, I loved him since Runner And in Quarantine I suddenly saw a great couple that should work together, that is created for each other. I wished Ronon had some love interest before but I couldn't get into him and Teyla at all. In that time I believed they will get together on hundred percent. At least they did in our fanfics


            Actually, I started shipping Ronon/Jenn waaay back during (or not long after) First Strike. I had come across a fic (what are they called? Challenges almost over at LJ *shrugs*) with weird pairings or something like that. And I loved it!! I had been looking for someone to ship Ronon with for the last couple of years and here was someone they could do it with! Then, some of the spoilers started coming out on JoeM's blog about how similar Jenn was to Melena and wouldn't it be cool and I was on Cloud 9!!!! I was right! They were going to ship them! I was hooked ever since.

            Click here daily to give free mammograms

            It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


              I started to ship them after the run in in Doppelganger. Rnon had never been that I guess the word is gentile with anyone. He scared her yes but he wasn't glaring he wasn't growling it was like he didn't want to scare her off. She had the nerve to stand up to him and even slightly chastise him. So I started paying attention to every time they were together. They compliment each other perfectly.


                Morning Love Shack.

                It has been too long for me to remember if it was after Quarantine or before. I would say because I have a very shippy disposition that definitely after, just not sure if it was sooner. I loved Jewel in Firefly so I was hyper aware of her though. I do however remember one of my first fan fics that I read about them that had me hooked was a tag to Tabula Rasa that had Ronon finding Jennifer after she escaped the mess hall with Rodney and Carter. He was so gentle with her, calmed her fears of the soldiers. It definitely solidified my shippy-ness for them.

                SeN - the header you made is beautiful.
                Last edited by bailey1ak; 06 March 2011, 07:23 AM.



                  I thought I'd do something a little like what is normally done on Livejournal for icon challenges. So here goes....

                  Create five icons. These can be 100 x100 px or 120 x 120 px.

                  Each icon will have a theme. The themes are as follows & I've given an example of each.

                  Icon 1 - Heart

                  The icon must have a heart on it somewhere, eg

                  Icon 2 - Colour Splash

                  The icon must be in Black and White with a splash of colour on it somewhere. This can be either text or an item on the icon, eg


                  Icon 3 - Half & Half

                  The icon must be split into two, either vertically or horizontally, eg

                  Icon 4 - Negative Space

                  The background must cover more space than Ronon/Jenn, eg

                  Icon 5 - Artist's Choice

                  Whatever takes your fancy!

                  SeN - I love your head for the Clubhouse.


                    Oh I will have to get to work on the new challenge

                    I have added SeN's header to the Clubhouse and changed the BG although I may change it again I am not sure about the BG I have there now.


                      Nice challenge More icons, more icons

                      It is looking nice DG, I am glad you used the banner, just wonder if it wouldn't better to remove the blue on the left and just keep the light blue/green background, that way it is in the middle of the site, I know it is but it doesn't look that way. And maybe I should do something with the sides of the banner, why did it disappear? Was it too wide?


                        I can make the BG all one color that is easy to do

                        I think it must have been when I uploaded it it wanted me to crop it the header size is 960x200 and when I uploaded yous it took me to a page to crop the sides a bit.


                          Just dropping in to let you know that the results of the OT challenge have been posted in that thread.


                            Alternative sizing if needed.



                              Looks great now DG At it will be easier to make headers for other people too, if there is just one colour it is always easier. I really like it.


                                Clubhouse looks beautiful girls.

