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Ronon Dex/Jennifer Keller Appreciation/Ship/Discussion (Doctor & Wild Man)

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    Ok, she seems to have gone to bed, so I can play with SGA thunks now!


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    It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


      Originally posted by dragongirl View Post

      Remember you asked
      I sure did. But I like knowing why... and I can kind of see where you could come to that conclusion and once he started grating on your nerves it'd be hard to not cringe each time you saw him. I do completely agree with the bit about Sam though. I didn't like his character in those episodes at all, but I had already watched most of SGA.

      I personally like McKay, not in every episode and hated Brain Storm (too whiny), but most of the time I liked his banter with Sheppard. I wonder how I'd feel about him if I'd seen that episode first? I watched the episodes out of order as well, beginning in season 2 and then filling in the gaps.


        I don't mind if you do both!



          Dad watched SG-1 and then SGA but I would find something else to do when he was rec them or watching them then one day he had come out and said you have to see this it is funny so I watched and I saw Ronon beat him up and watched the rest of the ep. Then after that I would pay more attention to when it was on I want to saw the next ep I watched was Sunday. after that season ended I watched re-runs till I could buy the DVD's.

          I think another part of it was from the beginning when I started watching I liked Ronon almost immediately and seeing how he was treated by McKay didn't help McKay much at all.

          Feel free to post from either one Ever


            Ronon was kind of small in that photo


              I think my first was Runner, then Duet, but then a lot of re-runs as my Tivo picked them. So I was kind of confused on the timeline for quite some time. I think there may have been a marathon where I got the gist of it before season 3. Figuring out Ford was quite confusing for a bit.


                I saw Rodney in SG-1 first. Gritted my teeth all through 48 Hours. Here he was putting a timeline on Teal'c's life and insulting Sam. Grr! Then he redeemed himself in Redemption I and II. No pun intended Once he got to SGA, I seesawed back and forth as to whether he was likable or not. I don't mind snarky. I live with snarky (my brother) And as they established his friendships with Radek, John, and Carson he became ok as a character. Yes, he screwed up and only twice that I can think of got called on it - Sam putting him in his place aside. During S3, I started really noticing the McShep show and how it was edging out Teyla and Ronon. Never once were they allowed to be intelligent, come up with the idea to save the day, or actually save the day. And that annoyed me. I like Rodney. But I got overdosed on him. It's taken a long time to get past that. In fact, it was months between my SG-1 rewatch and my SGA rewatch because I just didn't want to see Rodney. *shrugs* Even while I was reading McCadman fic and friendshippy type fic. I'm strange. I know.


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                It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi



                  Click here daily to give free mammograms

                  It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi




                      Who told on me? ON2LL's just showed up at the other thread!

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                      It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                        I have to say of all the looks Chris had playing Teal'c the one that bothered me most was that horrible bleached caterpillar he had on his chin


                          Originally posted by dragongirl View Post
                          I have to say of all the looks Chris had playing Teal'c the one that bothered me most was that horrible bleached caterpillar he had on his chin
                          Completely agree.


                            Maybe ON2LL's was reloading. Needed more ammo. (does that mean you were winning?)


                              Oh, she's capped like half of SG-1! I'll never keep up with her!

                              The sow patch didn't bother me too much. I was rather shocked when I saw that pic of him with blond hair!


                              Click here daily to give free mammograms

                              It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                                Have to go for now. Night you two

