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Ronon Dex/Jennifer Keller Appreciation/Ship/Discussion (Doctor & Wild Man)

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    I can't say I particularly want him to suddenley become all intelligent but it kind of bothered me that he

    bashed the control panel with his fists in DV and it's always him who has to say "What does that mean?"

    I know sometimes questions like these have to be asked to that things can be explained to us - the audience. But why is it always Ronon who has to say them?


    fist bashing thing did lead up to the cute "Easy Chewie" line, but it did belittle Ronon character somewhat IMO. That and the Shep wisecrack in the Seed saying who would notice that Ronon had lost his voice. Both kind of cute but again at Ronon's expense. I suppose we are to believe that Shep and Ronon are so close that he is able to make remarks like that but I would love to see the tables turned, at least once.


      Good morning!


        Morning Krissie

        I've made a Carson/Jennifer sig if anyone would like to snurch it.

        Last edited by Blencathra; 05 August 2008, 04:57 AM.


          Originally posted by Everlovin View Post
          Do we still need to click on her? She's pretty!
          Ckick away! She no longer needs clicks to grow though

          Originally posted by Blencathra View Post
          I can't say I particularly want him to suddenley become all intelligent but it kind of bothered me that he

          bashed the control panel with his fists in DV and it's always him who has to say "What does that mean?"

          I know sometimes questions like these have to be asked to that things can be explained to us - the audience. But why is it always Ronon who has to say them?


          fist bashing thing did lead up to the cute "Easy Chewie" line, but it did belittle Ronon character somewhat IMO. That and the Shep wisecrack in the Seed saying who would notice that Ronon had lost his voice. Both kind of cute but again at Ronon's expense. I suppose we are to believe that Shep and Ronon are so close that he is able to make remarks like that but I would love to see the tables turned, at least once.

          I agree but at the same time they do down play Ronon's intelligence I think though that a lot of it comes from 1) a person can be smart about somethings and then completly lacking in others that is how I see Ronon as he is smart but he doesn't know anything about Science and since that is what a lot of times solves problems that leaves little for him to do but ask the "What does that mean?" questions. 2) We know that Ronon is very capable of teaching others to fight and stay alive no matter the situation. Plus let us not for get
          Ronon is supposed to be the one that comes up with the way to cure McKay in The Shrine
          as for him and what happened in DV I try and look at it like this
          they were going to die and there was nothing he could do to stop it Ronon isn't the type to just sit there and do nothing I think that was how he felt that he and everyone else was about to die and he was helpless. It was flustration thats all.


            Morning DG

            I'd forgotten about
            The Shine. Lets hope that Rodney realises it was Ronon that saved him and appreciates it. Doesn't make some derogatory comment (though knowning Rodney that is probably what he will do *rolls eyes*)


              Originally posted by Blencathra View Post
              Morning DG

              I'd forgotten about
              The Shine. Lets hope that Rodney realises it was Ronon that saved him and appreciates it. Doesn't make some derogatory comment (though knowning Rodney that is probably what he will do *rolls eyes*)
              He might but Rondeny has cut back on that a lot over the years although it is Rodney and he is convenced he is the smartest person to live

              I also saw this and thought everyone would like to see it


                I did see it, but thanks anyway.

                Just briefly getting back to Ronon, I'm hoping that TPTB will explore all facets of his character this season. Not just the usual "caveman" thing.


                  Same here


                    Originally posted by Seythia View Post
                    Yeah, well, I would
                    I really really like Rodney, but I also really really like Jen to get Ronon.
                    I don't know, to me, Rodney is a person I simply can't see to get sexually involved with anyone on the show. I mean, Katie was great, she was sweet, caring, and was only seen in 4 episodes.
                    But a relationship between Jen and Rodney would be so weird, because he always does something really embarassing and somehow seems to get more and more action and a lot more time on-screen. Compared to Ronon that is.
                    And that's exactly the reason why I can't ship John with anyone either.It's not good for the story if the actors with the most on-screen time get involed with someone who is part of the main cast, too.
                    And I trust Ronon to be more discret about his love life than Rodney.
                    I mean... honestly. Rodney and dircret... that's something new

                    Waves :HI: !!
                    Wow im on early today .. oh well some presents for you all...


                    Jason without his Dreads !!

                    :Goes off to make Shiny banner for Seythia:
                    sig by


                      Here it is !

                      sig by


                        Morning Gategirl


                          Mornin Blen.

                          I was up super early today ive posted in different threads and redid my Myspace.
                          Last edited by GSRgategirl923; 05 August 2008, 05:59 AM.
                          sig by


                            Originally posted by GSRgategirl923 View Post

                            Aaaaaaaaah, thanks

                            btw: Now that jason has short hair... the wig really looks strenge on the show
                            += +lots of children
                            Ronon Dex/Jennifer Keller supporter!


                              I'm really not happy with that wig. When I first heard that Jason had cut off the dreds, I thought NOOOOOO. He wouldn't look like Ronon without them. But then seeing pics of Jason since, I've completely changed my mind. Without them Ronon would be just as dangerous only in a sleeker way. And what a missed opportunity - having him cut them off in Broken Ties. What a scene that would have been and the reaction of the team as well. Stupid Scifi insisting that he keep them


                                I heard that there was a camera there when they cout off the dreads after he had cut them on and they sewed them back JM hinted that we might see that. As for Ronon's hair it wasn't just going to be short it would have been bald so given bald versus bad wig I will have to go wig.

