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Ronon Dex/Jennifer Keller Appreciation/Ship/Discussion (Doctor & Wild Man)

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      omg me too!!!! *squeals*

      ok but seriously, i think i might have to tape this episode, not cool
      *Turn in your P-90 for a MP7; the standard issue weapon for any SG Team*



        I have my DVR set and I might put this one on DVD to watch till I can get S5 on DVD


          well i might or might not be on call tomorrow night so i might have to ask my friend to tape it for me.... damn sick people
          *Turn in your P-90 for a MP7; the standard issue weapon for any SG Team*



            Good morning everyone!

            I've spent about half an hour reading through Joe Ms blog. Loads of stuff about special effects but nothing of interest for us at all.

            Well it's Broken Ties tonight & here's a promo pic to celebrate

            BTW Did someone mention tea. And scones.

            I'll have ordinary cream though on mine. I'm not too keen on clotted cream.


              I just found this about Broken Ties. I don't remember reading it before. Has anyone else seen it.

              By script coordinator Alex Levine, in a message at his blog.

              "Joe had lots to say about Friday's episode, entitled 'Broken Ties,' a Ronon-centric episode that he wrote and produced. Firstly, he told me that Jason Momoa, who plays Ronon, gave a great performance. He showed a wide range of emotions, and allowed us to see Ronon at his lowest point, displaying a vulnerability not often shown by actors who play tough guy roles. It takes guts and talent, and this guy has both.

              "Mark Dacascos returns to reprise his role as Tyre, and, as Joe explained, Mark is the crew's all time favourite guest star. 'Why?' you might ask. Because he's so darn nice, that's why! And I concur, as I have met him myself -- he really is a gentleman.

              "Joe also mentioned that this is a great episode for stunts. James 'Bam Bam' Bamford, our stunt coordinator and stuntman extraordinaire, has always wanted to do an extended sword fight, and he finally gets the opportunity to do just that in this episode. Now, unfortunately, the sword fight was edited down considerably for the episode to tighten it up and make it great, but for those of you sword fight enthusiasts, I understand Ivon Bartok will be including the entire sword fight in a behind the scenes featurette that will be on the Season Five DVDs. So that's something to look forward to.

              "As for story arcs, Joe noted that we did a Ronon-based story in episode three last year ('Reunion') focusing on Ronon having to choose between his old Satedan friends and his new role on Atlantis. Similarly, in this episode's B-story, Teyla, a new mother, is confronted with the dilemma of whether or not to give up her adventurous ways to be a better mother to her newborn son. This episode also shows Woolsey at his most human. In Joe's opinion, it's the little moments that really uncover character, and you'll see a lot of those moments in 'Broken Ties.'"


                Hello guys!!
                How is everyone doing?
                Originally posted by Blencathra View Post
                I just found this about Broken Ties. I don't remember reading it before. Has anyone else seen it.

                By script coordinator Alex Levine, in a message at his blog.

                "Joe had lots to say about Friday's episode, entitled 'Broken Ties,' a Ronon-centric episode that he wrote and produced. Firstly, he told me that Jason Momoa, who plays Ronon, gave a great performance. He showed a wide range of emotions, and allowed us to see Ronon at his lowest point, displaying a vulnerability not often shown by actors who play tough guy roles. It takes guts and talent, and this guy has both.

                "Mark Dacascos returns to reprise his role as Tyre, and, as Joe explained, Mark is the crew's all time favourite guest star. 'Why?' you might ask. Because he's so darn nice, that's why! And I concur, as I have met him myself -- he really is a gentleman.

                "Joe also mentioned that this is a great episode for stunts. James 'Bam Bam' Bamford, our stunt coordinator and stuntman extraordinaire, has always wanted to do an extended sword fight, and he finally gets the opportunity to do just that in this episode. Now, unfortunately, the sword fight was edited down considerably for the episode to tighten it up and make it great, but for those of you sword fight enthusiasts, I understand Ivon Bartok will be including the entire sword fight in a behind the scenes featurette that will be on the Season Five DVDs. So that's something to look forward to.

                "As for story arcs, Joe noted that we did a Ronon-based story in episode three last year ('Reunion') focusing on Ronon having to choose between his old Satedan friends and his new role on Atlantis. Similarly, in this episode's B-story, Teyla, a new mother, is confronted with the dilemma of whether or not to give up her adventurous ways to be a better mother to her newborn son. This episode also shows Woolsey at his most human. In Joe's opinion, it's the little moments that really uncover character, and you'll see a lot of those moments in 'Broken Ties.'"
                Blen thanks for the info, about 'Broken Ties' and Ronon, can't wait for the episode
                Originally posted by DrJenniferDex View Post
                Wonder what they're looking at? Sheppard, Teyla and Zelenka all look pretty surprised by something.
                I think that they are looking at FRAN. But I'm not sure



                  Originally posted by Blencathra View Post
                  I have a theory about that Jason.

                  I think that most people would assume that this triangle would go Ronon's way. After a brief flurry of activity after The Last Man, the whole McKeller thing has basically died from lack of interest. So I think that TPTB are trying to get people interested in McKay/Keller by dropping various heavy hints and getting the actors to mention it in interviews as well. Then people will be wondering who she will pick Ronon or Rodney, rather than just thinking she would definitely pick Ronon.

                  I hope so anyway!

                  Edit - And where's DG! I am planning to go to bed soon but I have to wait to see what she is planning.
                  I like your theory

                  DG, congrats on 4000!!!

                  How are you doing it?

                  Some the Seed pics


                    Hey Sen What's new with you?
                    Congrats DG on 4000 posts


                      New? The last holidays are running too fast... That's not new but now it's getting closer. Still have a lot to do.

                      What about you aqua? Something new found at work?

                      And I am looking forward to Broken Ties! I will go away for a weekend but on Sunday evening I am back and will watch it immediately


                        I've been busy, but nothing new for now at work I have one week left and after that I'm on a one month vacation and that's about it from me


                          You are lucky. I start working a week after my final exams Yeh, it was my idea, I alreay study longer than I should.



                            Don't worry Sen you'll get used to it in a couple of weeks


                              Thanks SeN and Aqua!! SeN I will play games over in the Jason Thunk thread with copter and it is really easy to gain a lot of post when doing that

                              Blen I loved the bit about Broken Ties it is good to know that the whole sword fight will be in the S5 DVD


                                Originally posted by dragongirl View Post
                                I will play games over in the Jason Thunk thread with copter
                                -giggles- Like butt poker?

