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Ronon Dex/Jennifer Keller Appreciation/Ship/Discussion (Doctor & Wild Man)

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    Yuppiyaya 5 days left! Or actually I would get to see it in the morning of the 6th day. Some delay before they upload the vid


      The next chapter of 'Encounter' is up at This one's especially for Doodley to prove to her that I'm no lady either. It has the scene she was missing from an earlier chapter...

      Check out my SGA and Fringe fanfics on


        I am now walking WAY up north, finding a deep pile of snow and jumping in. Expect the sea levels to rise some. WOW Starg8fans!! Loved it!

        Click here daily to give free mammograms

        It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


          Originally posted by starg8fans View Post
          Oh yes, oh yes, pleeeeeeeease! *jumps up and down*

          Can you make one we can snurch, too? *sends over chocolate cake*
          *jumps up and down and starts clapping* Cocolate cake!!! *accepts cake happily* Thanks starg8fans!

          For you, dude!



            Originally posted by Everlovin View Post
            I am now walking WAY up north, finding a deep pile of snow and jumping in. Expect the sea levels to rise some. WOW Starg8fans!! Loved it!
            Thanks Everlovin, I really appreciate it. Let's see how long I can keep this up. I don't want to be too repetitive, and it's going to get harder and harder to find new ways of them being together. At least a little (but very randy) plot bunny hopped in this afternoon and gave me an idea for the next chapter. Hope I'll have time soon to nail it to the page. Bring back some snow from up North, I think you're going to need it!

            Check out my SGA and Fringe fanfics on


              Originally posted by john_and_teyla_for_life View Post
              *jumps up and down and starts clapping* Cocolate cake!!! *accepts cake happily* Thanks starg8fans!

              For you, dude!

              Thank You J&t4life!!
              I LOVE it

              How did you know that aqua and cyan are my favorite colors?

              It's a shame I have to hide it under spoiler tags, but there are too many people over at the thunk thread who wouldn't speak to me again if I showed up with it. But who knows, maybe they'll come around after Quarantine airs...

              Check out my SGA and Fringe fanfics on


                Originally posted by starg8fans View Post
                The next chapter of 'Encounter' is up at This one's especially for Doodley to prove to her that I'm no lady either. It has the scene she was missing from an earlier chapter...
                LMAO!!!! Going to read this right now!!!

                Need I say more?

                Got Fanfic?


                  Originally posted by starg8fans View Post
                  OMG, that would be AWESOME! I'd even get up and log in at 3 a.m. to see that. Right now that's not a problem, don't know why but my inner clock still hasn't reset itself to European time. I downloaded and watched SOW at 3 a.m. this morning! And it was every bit as good as I thought it would be.

                  *Okay, just answered my own question. I AM becoming too obsessed.
                  Consider it done! I will recap the eppy live.

                  I live on the west coast of the US, but my satellite receives the east coast I'll be catching the very first airing.

                  My airing begins at 7pm pacific time.

                  I get so much enjoyment from your fanfic, I'm happy to be able to do something for YOU for a change, Star! :-)

                  Need I say more?

                  Got Fanfic?


                    I'm having an idea for a smutty R/K fanfic, but I want to poll the group before I write it.

                    R/K - in the shower.....

                    *pauses while everyone dives for the gutter*

                    Originally, the story played out in my head from Jen's perspective. Then it occurred to me that that majority of our fic is written from her point of view.

                    What about some smut written from Ronon's viewpoint?

                    And....this is the big question: is it possible to write Ronon's perspective on love/romance/sex without turning him into a wimp? Is it possible to write him as a sensitive guy without him becoming a marshmallow?

                    Need I say more?

                    Got Fanfic?


                      Originally posted by starg8fans View Post
                      The next chapter of 'Encounter' is up at This one's especially for Doodley to prove to her that I'm no lady either. It has the scene she was missing from an earlier chapter...
                      All I have to say is...


                      Need I say more?

                      Got Fanfic?


                        Originally posted by DoodleyDog View Post
                        I'm having an idea for a smutty R/K fanfic, but I want to poll the group before I write it.

                        R/K - in the shower.....

                        *pauses while everyone dives for the gutter*

                        Originally, the story played out in my head from Jen's perspective. Then it occurred to me that that majority of our fic is written from her point of view.

                        What about some smut written from Ronon's viewpoint?

                        And....this is the big question: is it possible to write Ronon's perspective on love/romance/sex without turning him into a wimp? Is it possible to write him as a sensitive guy without him becoming a marshmallow?
                        OOOHHH I love smut stories told from the male point of view. They tend to be all forceful and dominant. OOOHHH

                        Click here daily to give free mammograms

                        It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                          OK, here's the link to my very first fanfic:


                          I would say it's steamy on its way to being smutty. If you girls like it well enough to want a second chapter, the smut will really get rockin'.

                          I realize this first chapter might paint Ronon in a softer lighter than we typically like to see him - but remember: most of this is written as his introspection, where he would think unguardedly. You'll see the rough, gruff hero in his interactions with Jennifer in chapter 2.

                          Can't wait to hear what everyone thinks!

                          Need I say more?

                          Got Fanfic?


                            Excuse me while I pick my tongue up off of the floor. Dang that was hot. Need some sex now. Go. Write more.

                            Click here daily to give free mammograms

                            It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                              Originally posted by DoodleyDog View Post
                              OK, here's the link to my very first fanfic:


                              I would say it's steamy on its way to being smutty. If you girls like it well enough to want a second chapter, the smut will really get rockin'.

                              I realize this first chapter might paint Ronon in a softer lighter than we typically like to see him - but remember: most of this is written as his introspection, where he would think unguardedly. You'll see the rough, gruff hero in his interactions with Jennifer in chapter 2.

                              Can't wait to hear what everyone thinks!
                              Why, oh why did you wait this long to write a fic? That was unbelievable. God, I was right there in that bathroom. You must continue, right now.

                              Check out my SGA and Fringe fanfics on


                                Countdown to Quarantine
                                4 days to go

                                Ronon: Doctor Keller. I need to talk to you.
                                Keller: Uh, I'm a little busy right now.
                                Ronon: I'm not sick.
                                Keller: Well, if you were lucky enough not to be exposed, you just blew it by coming in here

                                Check out my SGA and Fringe fanfics on

