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Ronon Dex/Jennifer Keller Appreciation/Ship/Discussion (Doctor & Wild Man)

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    Well I have some stuff to do around the house (some cleaning and stuff) then going to hang out with a friend at the comic shop. He owns the Firefly board game (and all the expansions) and we are going to the comic shop to play it. Then the comic shop is doing Trunk or Treat so I figured why not do that for a bit (assuming we don't get rained out ) then Sun I will be back at the comic shop for another game (called heroclix it is really fun) I am a volunteer and if the number of people is uneven the shop sponsors me to play. I will also teach people to play if they want to learn. Then back home to clean more. Plus another friend of mine is going out of town so I will have to pop by Sat evening and Sun morning to check on her dogs.


      Sounds like a busy, but good, weekend


        I am looking forward to it but at the same time I will be glad when next Sat I don't have to do anything but sit around in my pj's all day


          Challenge Halloween



          Jaded Wraith








            Love all the artwork... spooky.

            Sounds like a busy and entertaining weekend, DG.


              Great Halloween art!

              Ever, I really really think you need to watch Doctor Who tonight.


                Planning on it!

                Click here daily to give free mammograms

                It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                  Just so everybody knows...

                  NOT T or C!! The sign looked right, but out of place. That was it.

                  We love our visitors. We've had people from all over the world here. Do some research!

                  Pul-eeze! It's like Hubby just said, there's too many rednecks here with guns.

                  We may have rednecks, but we're not hick.

                  Click here daily to give free mammograms

                  It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                    I really didn't like that episode, to be honest. I was totally bored with it.


                      One more entry for the Halloween challenge!

                      Better late then never!

                      Challenge 91

                      This week the challenge will be about "focus". Most of the time, our artwork is about the entire piece. For example, see my sig below. This week, I want you to focus on a specific part of the artwork. Maybe the left or right side, or the center, or maybe just a face. Make the areas that you are not focusing on blurry, or maybe black and white and the focus is in color....whatever you want to do to make sure we focus on only part of the sig.

                      Entries due to me by noon your time Monday November 9th.



                        It's that time again! If you are interested in doing Secret Santa and/or the Advent Calendar, please let me know!

                        How they work:

                        Advent Calendar

                        Sign up for one, two or three [or as many as you want] days in December that you want to do art. The theme is Christmas or Holiday. You may use any thunk, any fandom or any ship as long as it is Christmasy or Holidayish. It must also include the number of the day you signed up for. {if you sign up for Dec. 4th, it must have a number "4" on the art somewhere.} A good size is 600x400, but it must still follow GW guidelines for posting pics!

                        You must PM me your art work by midnight the day before your day is due. If you have Dec. 4th, then I will need your artwork by midnight your time Dec 3rd, but the sooner you can get it to me, the better.

                        Secret Santa

                        Please do not sign up for secret santa unless you are positive you can make something! It is not nice to sign up, get a name and then bail out and not make them something!

                        You will receive an assignment based on what you like and what you are comfortable making. I will do my best to pair up fandoms and thunks. What you make depends on who you get, but a minimum of 2 pieces of art is required. This can mean an avi and matching sig. For fan fic, this means 2 drabbles [500 words or less each] OR one longer one at least 1500 words or more. If you want to make more, please do! But limit of ten please. There will be info sheets to sign up listing what you want to get, and what you are able to make.

                        This time of year can be very busy, so please take the time to think about this and make sure you are able to do this. Backing out at the last minute because you are "too busy" makes things very difficult for me, and not very nice to the person you were to make gifts for. Signs up will happen in the next few weeks, so there is PLENTY of time before Christmas to make your presents.

                        If you think you are seriously interested, PM or message me, or let me know!


                          So I of course had to make a couple sigs after the other days OUaT I am putting them in spoilers since I don't know if everyone has seen the ep (if anyone else is still watching)




                            I can't promise anything for Advent/Secret Santa. I haven't figured out hardly anything on this Chromebook, and the power source on my old computer is bad. So, no pics to work with.

                            Love the new sigs, DG! Lots of interesting stuff coming up on OUaT!

                            Click here daily to give free mammograms

                            It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                              Thanks and I know I can't wait to see what Rumple does and...
                              what evil stuff Aurthur will do and what did Emma do to Merlin OH and did you hear that Robbie Kay will be back?!


                                Ok, so maybe it's this cold that's kicking my butt, but I can't remember
                                who Robbie Kay is. I mean. At all.

                                Click here daily to give free mammograms

                                It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi

