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Ronon Dex/Jennifer Keller Appreciation/Ship/Discussion (Doctor & Wild Man)

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    I think I will stay right where I am I could not do negative temps and so much snow


      Yeah... but at least in the summer I'm not having high, high temps when I want to be outside... or sleep at night.

      Think I'd like to move somewhere a little more even in the summer and winter after the kids are done with school. I'm thinking Southern Utah.


        yeah the summers here are killers although it is really fun to go up north in the summer and hear them complain about being 90 course they laugh at us when it it snows here course part of the big difference there is up north there are chains and tires for driving on that stuff but not here not to mention that we always get ice before the snow and no one can drive on that well


          Good evening, Love Shack! How's it going?
          Been a long week for me - more in the next post. For now, LONG multi-quote!

          Originally posted by Blencathra View Post
          I feel for you DG.

          Have you seen the new Guardians of the Galaxy trailer?

          Karen Gillan is at 1:54 and 1:58 as Nebula.
          Had not even heard of it! Cool!

          Originally posted by Blencathra View Post
          I'm not normally into Marvel comics & super hero films etc, but this one has really piqued my interest. I think I may drag SB to the cinema to watch it with me.

          Though even I recognise Stan Lee in this pic.

          Happy Wednesday to you too.
          I think three fangurls just twitched and died right there!

          Originally posted by dragongirl View Post
          I was very thrilled to see the Guardians trailer last night. Blen you should totally see the movie it looks to be another memorable marvel movie.

          Knowing that you know Stan Lee on site is good that means you will notice his cameo if you do see the movie.

          I think that the humor we have seen in the more recent marvel movies might go in part to Joss when he did Avengers he put in the stuff about galacia and the he's adopted to give the movie some levity and naturally it worked well

          the first 12 minutes of Red Road are up for people to watch
          Awesome! I'll get to it here soon!

          Originally posted by dragongirl View Post
          I will give it a go at least can't say that I will watch all of it.

          Ever March 3rd your super bowl winning QB will report to spring training

          I think I may like him in the Ranger uniform better course I will have to see how he plays baseball to decide for sure
          Yay Russell!

          Originally posted by bailey1ak View Post
          So much snow here! Ugh! Only upside is that I can't get my car out to get to work. Bad part is I've been shoveling for two hours and it doesn't look like it. Not even halfway. Weather man says more on the way after lunch. Hope he is wrong!
          Weather here is just beautiful!

          Originally posted by bailey1ak View Post
          Yeah... but at least in the summer I'm not having high, high temps when I want to be outside... or sleep at night.

          Think I'd like to move somewhere a little more even in the summer and winter after the kids are done with school. I'm thinking Southern Utah.
          You ought to move here to New Mexico! Winters here aren't too bad (almost non existent even in Albuquerque), Summers are only bad for a month or so, sunshine!

          Click here daily to give free mammograms

          It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


            Love the theme this weekend!

            Ok, you guys know that Mom was in the hospital last week. Aside from that, early last week, Miriam started to feel yucky. It got passed around the family and all of us were throwing up over the weekend and early week. With Miriam it blew so out of control she lost about a pound and a half. She's very underweight as it is. So, they in-patiented her in the PiCU in Albuquerque. Her med levels were super high, kidney functions were going down. Bad news!

            Anyways, they're continuing to keep her there in the PiCU with a group of specialists to encourage her to eat more. They're planning on keeping her there until she gains four pounds. She's gained four pounds in the last YEAR!

            Anyways, I was up there Tuesday night, Wednesday, Thursday, and this morning. Her daddy is up there with her now.

            On top of all that, we got word that Hubby's dad has 2 - 5 years to live if he's lucky. He'd been diagnosed with cirrhosis of the liver - he hasn't drunk a drop of alcohol in his life - a couple of months ago and just got the prognosis.

            Sucky two weeks for me.

            Click here daily to give free mammograms

            It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


              Oh dear not a good couple of weeks Ever *hugs*


                ((HUGS)) Ever!! That is a lot to deal with. Hope Miriam gets well soon. As for Hubby's Dad...good luck.


                  Good morning, Love Shack! How's it going?

                  Oh, my. It's good to be home. Moving around in more than a 15 by 25 foot room (or so). Feels good to get all nice and clean, sleep in my bed. All that stuff.

                  Thanks for the love. Both of you. We'll get through this too. Somehow.

                  DG! LOVE your new sig/avi! *drools* Still haven't had a chance to watch the Red Road stuff. Is it from that?

                  Click here daily to give free mammograms

                  It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                    Copter made it for me yes it is a pic from Red Road


                      My computer didn't like the link so much. It was jerky to watch. Maybe lurchy would be a better term. Anyways, Jason has matured into his looks so very well. He's not just pretty anymore like he was. And he is getting so much HOTTER@!

                      Click here daily to give free mammograms

                      It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                        Sorry the site isn't working well I do like his appearance more I still miss the longer hair but it looks good short too.

                        Oh if you haven't seen it you should watch the trailer for the movie Wolves with Jason (I am not sure I should post it here there is some sexy and blood and I worry that gw might not like it but this is what Jason looks like in that movie

                        I must say I like the gray


                          Please please please pm me the link!


                          Click here daily to give free mammograms

                          It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                            Sent pm

                            I am not only Kate Beckett but the real Derrick Storm wow I have issues


                              I've just seen your news Ever. So sorry to hear about your father in law and Miriam. ((((HUGS))) Fingers & everything crossed that Miriam puts on the weight quickly.

                              Totally agree that Jason is looking super hot. I don't think Red Road is quite my thing either but the Wolves one looks good.


                                Originally posted by dragongirl View Post
                                Sent pm

                                I am not only Kate Beckett but the real Derrick Storm wow I have issues
                                I'm off to see it now.

                                You do seem to have issues!

                                Originally posted by Blencathra View Post
                                I've just seen your news Ever. So sorry to hear about your father in law and Miriam. ((((HUGS))) Fingers & everything crossed that Miriam puts on the weight quickly.

                                Totally agree that Jason is looking super hot. I don't think Red Road is quite my thing either but the Wolves one looks good.
                                Thanks, Blenca. Here's hoping she does. I've tried everything I can think of and everything anyone else can think of in the last year.

                                Click here daily to give free mammograms

                                It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi

