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Ronon Dex/Jennifer Keller Appreciation/Ship/Discussion (Doctor & Wild Man)

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    Originally posted by bailey1ak View Post
    We had the same idea here. Just got back from stocking up on groceries for the cold. Hot tea and cocoa sound wonderful and I got the ingredients to make soup too.

    Hey! It's warming up for you through next week! Stay warm!

    Originally posted by bailey1ak View Post
    Love the invite art, Ever! I really need to sit down and get going on some art for the celebration.
    I decided to sit down today and do a bunch of artwork. Got the Quarantine Day stuff done (the avi and stuff) and a bunch of stuff for the challenge.

    Originally posted by bailey1ak View Post
    Your weather does sound a bit erratic. The other difference for us is that we are built for this weather. We aren't worrying for our pipes much. I know that is something you and Ever have to worry about when it gets too cold out.

    We do worry about the vehicles starting though. So on Monday when I'm at work, I'll go out and run our car every couple of hours for several minutes so I don't get stuck at work at the end of the day.
    I worry about the pipes if it dips into the teens here. I've got my own well, and some of the pipe is out of the ground. When it gets cold I leave a faucet running a bit. Three years ago, I didn't know it was going to get that cold and I was out replacing pipes for days! All the electric blankets/insulation for pipes was sold out.

    Personally, I'd prefer cold to the stupid hot it gets here. I know how to warm up and stay warm. It's hard as anything to cool down. If it were socially acceptable, I'd go around in my underwear or something in the summer time.

    Click here daily to give free mammograms

    It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


      I just poured myself a cup of cocoa... it is easier to warm up... as you said, Ever.

      Now replacing pipes would be an awful task.


        Originally posted by bailey1ak View Post
        Wouldn't that be just the perfect place to live. Wonder if there is anywhere that gets that temp year round? I want to live there too. Maybe after the kids are done with school I need to put in a bit of research.
        Puerto Rico is like that. consistent temps all year round. Maybe a bit warmer in the summer. You know how they figure the temp "feels like" when they add in the wind chill? Well, PR has the opposite. The temp may be 100, but when you add in the cool ocean breeze, it only felt like 85. One fall it got down to 70 and I kid you not we were wearing long sleeves and we thought we might freeze

        They also did not do daylights savings time and being so close to the equator, the sun always set about 7 PM year round. There was no sun setting at 10 PM in the summer and 4 PM in the winter stupidiness.


          Sounds good to me

          Hey bailey if you get bored you could always try this



            Puerto Rico sounds like a good place to go. Will have to start researching it.

            Wish I had a water gun to try that, DG... it is -32 right now with the wind chill. Might work.


              Good afternoon, Love Shack! How's it going?

              Originally posted by mrscopterdoc View Post
              Puerto Rico is like that. consistent temps all year round. Maybe a bit warmer in the summer. You know how they figure the temp "feels like" when they add in the wind chill? Well, PR has the opposite. The temp may be 100, but when you add in the cool ocean breeze, it only felt like 85. One fall it got down to 70 and I kid you not we were wearing long sleeves and we thought we might freeze

              They also did not do daylights savings time and being so close to the equator, the sun always set about 7 PM year round. There was no sun setting at 10 PM in the summer and 4 PM in the winter stupidiness.
              Hubby said it was like that when he was in Saudi Arabia. It got up to ridiculous highs during the day, but at night they were shivering in their sleeping bags when it was in the mid 80s.

              Originally posted by dragongirl View Post
              Sounds good to me

              Hey bailey if you get bored you could always try this

              I would so do that!

              Click here daily to give free mammograms

              It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                Morning Love Shack.



                  Good morning, Love Shack! How's it going?


                  Click here daily to give free mammograms

                  It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                    Challenge #15 Favorite Alien


                    {the twelfth doctor}



                    who is who

                    Ok, starting at the top and going across...
                    Ninth Doctor, Doctor Who; Jade (season 1 ep 2) Doctor Who, Tenth Doctor, Doctor Who; Eleventh Doctor, Doctor Who

                    Guinan, ST: TNG; Marvin the Martian, Looney Toons; Michael, SGA; Pilot, Farscape

                    Teal'c, SG-1; Tyr, Andromeda; Urgo, SG-1; Worm Guy, MiB

                    Yoda, Star Wars; Yoghurt, Spaceballs; Zhaan, Farscape; Spock, ST: TOS






                      Challenge #15 technical challenge brushes only or fan fic challenge no dialogue

                      chapter 12

                      Norrie saw Max and her two henchman block her path, but ever since she had touched the dome she felt as if she was under water. Movements around her looked sluggish, and sounds appeared distorted and far off. She realized that there was a conversation going on between Max and the two Bishops, but she could not make out the words.

                      Instead, the surface under her palm suddenly seemed to ripple, and when she looked she realized that the butterfly had finally hatched from its chrysalis and was now clinging to the inside of the dome, right under her hand. It appeared to be looking straight at her. A buzzing started in her head which grew into images, thoughts, feelings. The hair at the nape of her neck started to rise, because there was a clear indication of DANGER. And when she lifted her eyes towards Max again, she could see her for what she really was. It appeared as if her skin had become translucent, and inside this creature was not flesh and bone but nothing more than a writhing nest of slim black snakes.

                      With her newly found understanding, Norrie realized that the fragile creature on the other side of the dome’s shell was what this alien was after. A history of millennia of persecution, exploitation and death caused by Max and her species against its kind was downloaded into her mind, and within her grew the firm resolution that this monster would not get the creature sheltering under her palm. Not this one. Not this time.

                      As more information trickled into her brain, Norrie gasped. Everything that had been happening started to become clear to her. How wrong they had been in interpreting those images. Still, what remained unchanged was how vital this creature’s mission was. And as understanding bloomed in her mind, a small smile started to form on Norrie’s lips. Of course, this suppressed species wasn’t stupid, and they had put safeguards in place to defend themselves against an attack.

                      Suddenly Norrie became aware of a touch against her arm, and when she focused on her surroundings again she realized that Max was about to encircle the mini dome with those vile black tentacles of hers. But Norrie didn’t panic, she knew what to do. She put her other hand against the surface of the sphere, drawing power from the link with the winged creature inside. She wasn’t sure how she knew, but when the other side of the floating dome began to blur and to dissolve it was obvious to her that a wormhole had appeared there, leading to where the creature needed to be. And with a mighty heave Norrie pushed the sphere against the rift where it disappeared without a trace, leaving a mess of black snakes writhing on the ground.






                      Last edited by mrscopterdoc; 06 January 2014, 09:10 AM. Reason: added an entry


                        Love them!

                        Click here daily to give free mammograms

                        It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                          Challenge #16

                          Challenge #15 had a lot of great entries! Maybe it's because there was a 'fun' element and then a 'technical' element, so let's try it again!

                          Since much of the USA is locked in snow and ice right now, and the other half of the world is actually having *summer* right now, showcase the weather. It could be you are so cold you are dreaming of sunshine, or maybe you actually enjoy white covered landscapes. Or maybe you find beauty in rain. Whatever the case may be, showcase weather in your art or fan fic.

                          For the technical challenge, if you are wanting to push your boundaries a bit more, choose only 2 elements for your art, and then only 2 of each element you choose. You can choose from these elements .... pictures, textures, fonts, colors, brushes or filters. So you could pick pictures and fonts, and you can only use 2 fonts and 2 pictures in your art and that is it.
                          Two elements, and only two of each element that you pick.
                          when you PM me, please let me know which 2 elements you chose.
                          For fan fic, your story can only have two charactors.

                          entries due Sunday Jan 12 midnight your time


                            Great art from everyone.


                              Filming for DW series 8 started today.

                              The BBC have released first pic of Peter Capaldi & Jenna



                                How fun to think they have started. Thanks, Blen.

