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Ronon Dex/Jennifer Keller Appreciation/Ship/Discussion (Doctor & Wild Man)

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    I have always looked at Rumple and Regina as the baddies, but I think in context of season 1 and what we saw. I think with all of the twists they keep throwing at us and the new baddies we have met, I think of Rumple as less of a bad guy as well.

    Regina has been surprising me in the last few episodes as well and is becoming less of a baddie in my mind. She gave up her son to his grandpa without an ulterior motive and then called Charming when she knew her son had taken the keys. I think she is seeing that she is doing to her son what her mother had done to her. Very good that she could see it and I hope she is able to fight that urge to be her old self or emulate her mother.

    Now her mother and Captain hook teaming up will be formidable for sure and then that parting shot the week before of Charming's dad in town was interesting... wonder if he will still be a bad guy or if all of these things that have happened will make him have a change of heart.


      Yeah as this season goes the baddies are becoming less baddies and more grey. I wonder what Charming's "father" will plan and will he be the more baddie in this world?

      I am hoping we get more of the way Regina was before her mother killed Daniel but I am still not entirely sure I trust her motives.

      I have seen some people questioning if maybe Bay didn't end up in this world but in Neverland and if he was Peter Pan.

      Also as we saw Ruby has a heightened sense of smell so I hope they have a place to put her when the Full Moon comes.


        Peter Pan would be perfect for that. Will be interesting to see.

        I'm hoping for a return to the young Regina as time goes on too, but not holding my breath... like Rumple, she might have a hard time not being selfish and turning to her old was to speed things up or get her way.

        I did like the way they were handling Ruby in the few flash backs we saw this season... like when they were planning strategy in the tent and Charming mentions something about being caught with their tale between their legs and then apoligized to Ruby off handedly when he realized what he'd said. It seemed they must have found a way to control those urges to some degree. I remember another where Charming specifically asked her to go wolf on their enemies.

        I like that they have acknowledged it and seem to be working with it.


          That is true they have used Ruby in her wolf form so maybe it wont be that big of an issue.

          What do you think of the promo's for next week? It looks like he is Dr Frankenstein but since Frankenstein isn't really a fairy tale character I am wondering if I am not wrong


            I did think the promo pics looked very in theme for a Halloween episode. Frankenstein would be a logical twist, but your right in that it doesn't fit the loosely interpreted fairy tales they have going on.

            I miss seeing what is going on with Snow and Emma though and it looked as if they weren't going to be in that episode either. I'm sure though that there are several things that need to happen in Storybrook, and not as much in fairy tale land (what are they calling the alternate world) at the moment.


              Yeah it is getting harder to show everyone it seems. I love the new characters and seeing more with the ones we have but at the same time I don't want it to be such a huge cast that we don't see the characters we had in season one.


                OUaT, although not that spoilery...

                Oddly that is my same worry with a second Avengers movie. I really don't want the next movie to have any new heroes or leave any of the current cast from the first movie out. My daughter keeps telling me what the rumors are for the next movie and I keep lamenting that I don't want any new characters... I just want the current crew!


                  with the avengers
                  Most of the Avengers will have a movie come out before the 2nd Avenger movie (Iron Man 3 May 3rd, 2013, Thor 2 Nov 8th, 2013, Captain America 2 April 4th, 2014, Ant Man 2015 Avnergers 2 2015 my bet is that Ant Man will be eariler in the year and then Avengers 2 later in the year) it is possible we will be introduced to most of any new characters that might make an appearance. However there are some characters that are only connected through the Avengers (like Black Panther) but I don't know that he will be in the next movie. Since we have seen Thanos then we know he will be at least part of the problems in Avengers 2. It is possible that we will see some more about him in one of those movies. If Marvel could get the rights to the X-Men back from Fox they could put Wolverine in but that is not likely to happen.


                    I was so amazed that Joss was able to balance all of these heroes in one movie and do such a great job of it. I hate to see him try it with an even bigger assembly of heroes, but then again I don't want any of the 6 we already have to not be in the movie. I selfishly don't want to see new heroes in the 2nd Avengers only because I don't want to see less screen time for the 6 we have or have one or some of the 6 not in the new movie.

                    Not sure if that makes sense, but my daughter is so very excited with all of the rumors of who might be in it and she really wants X-men to find their way into the Avengers too.


                      With the movie still being so far into the future everything we have now is all rumor I did see where they are thinking of adding the Falcon in other than he knows Captain America I know nothing about him. I know what you mean though with seeing less of fave characters to see more of new ones. Joss is good at the juggling and i have faith that we will see enough of the characters and leave us just wanting more so that we come back for the next movie. I have heard that Marvel has decided that Joss would be part of any and all Marvel movies (that don't have other attached to them) from here on in because they loved his work in Avengers so much.

                      I have also heard lots of rumors that Nathan Fillion could be Hank Prym (Ant Man) but Marvel and he are not saying. I am not sure what I think of that Ant Man is a HUGE pacifist and he doesn't really ever want to fight people could be attacking and all he wants to do is stop sit down and talk and he drives me crazy so while seeing Nathan as a super hero would be cool him being that superhero...


                        Iron Man 3


                          I saw that I am so excited and it looks like the release date changed again now it says April still far too long to wait


                            Had me grinning this morning when they were discussing it on the radio, but I just now had a chance to peek at it. Can't wait.


                              It looks good and I like the bit where
                              he is talking to pepper about being afraid of losing the one thing he can't live without because (and it could be something different) he is telling her he can't live without her and it is so sweet!!


                                Originally posted by dragongirl View Post
                                It looks good and I like the bit where
                                he is talking to pepper about being afraid of losing the one thing he can't live without because (and it could be something different) he is telling her he can't live without her and it is so sweet!!
                                Loved that part too, DG. Can't wait to see this. Found HD screencaps of the trailer and they look good.. made me smile thinking about this newest Iron Man and Tony looks really good in it... very thunk worthy.

