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Ronon Dex/Jennifer Keller Appreciation/Ship/Discussion (Doctor & Wild Man)

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    There is a strong resemblance when you see them both on TV. You can tell they are brother & sister. Same mannerisms etc.

    BTW I wonder what happens when Hal drinks Kia Ora?


      So I'm going through a bit of mourning today... I washed my jump drive in the washing machine last night.

      I have it buried in a bowl of rice at the moment, hoping beyond hope that it isn't damaged. It is killing me not being able to plug it in and see if everything is gone, but I know that if it is not completely dried out that I run the risk of frying it. Not sure how long I have to wait to be beyond the risk, but I'm assuming several days at a minimum.

      I do have a backup, but of course I don't back up daily, not even weekly, so I know there is some art on it and the beta'd/corrected versions of my story chapters. So... crossing my fingers, holding my breath and trying not to think about it as much as possible...


        Oh no!!!! Fingers crossed that it is OK.

        I once tipped a cup of hot tea (+ sugar) onto my keyboard, and when it had dried out it worked fine. Let's hope that your drive works OK too.


          I'm surprised with the plus sugar part... was it sticky at all? Hope it is exactly the same for me.

          Although, now I'm thinking about the fact that there was soap in there too... *crossing toes too*


            I'm a day late on the story review but I really loved Tag For The Last Man ... beautiful thoughts of how it might have gone for Jennifer and Ronon although not to happy at his short life but seemed more realistic ... great story.

            Bay ... I'm loving your new story ... makes my mornings!! I'm so sorry about your jump drive ... that is such a sickening feeling!! Is it possible to program your vault to back up your jump drive daily?? Of course it won't help now but maybe for next time. I'm praying for a full recovery ... I know it's probably silly in the whole scheme of things but God cares about the little things too.


              Thanks Hifield... I'm going to do a google search later to see if I can find out how many days I should wait to try it.


                *fingers toes and hair crossed* Hope the flash drive is okay bailey!


                  Thanks DG... hopefully the rice does the trick. Seems to be a popular solution on the internet.

                  Actually just got done with a quick internet search and it sounds very hopeful as long as I haven't dried it in the dryer. The main concern is waiting till it is completely dry before trying it.

                  I so want to try it tonight... wonder how to tell if the inside is completely dry...


                    yeah putting them through the dry is a very bad idea. I should know I had a cell phone in my pocket it went through the washer and dryer before I found it it was done for.

                    Other than taking it apart I have no clue how to tell if it is dry or not


                      What a bummer, DG... washer and dryer! I haven't done that yet. Hubby has though and it killed his phone too, although his went only through the washer.


                        It was a number of years ago I want to say it was in 2005 I had a job working nights when I got home one morning I took off the cloths I had and tossed them in the washer and started the washer then just before I went to bed I tossed them in the dryer. That night I went to work and I couldn't figure out where my phone had gotten to. When I got home I thought what did I do when I got home yesterday morning and suddenly I ran to the dry and fished out all the cloths and there was my cell. Fried the Sim card and I couldn't get it to even think of powering on. I am much more careful about checking my pockets now before I do the laundry


                          It was bound to happen to me. I carry that jump drive in my pocket just about every day for the last six years (once I started writing on a computer instead of on paper), and it only takes once. I'm surprised I haven't done it sooner. I probably should look into dropbox or one of those websites instead of carrying around a jump drive.


                            that would be good but even then I keep stuff on a flash drive all the art I make I save to a flash drive even though I have them all saved on Photobucket strangely I don't keep my stories anywhere but on how odd I even erase them from my hard drive I never thought about it till just now. Course I do hand write everything (my rough draft) then as I type them into the comp I correct grammar and do a little re-writing so maybe because I have a hard cope that is why I don't save them.


                              What might be a good idea would be to go to and send your stories to your email. It is really easy to do and then you'd have a .pdf copy in case ever goes down. I have a copy of mine my Kindle that I sent there through this site as well as a few of my other favorites.


                                I might do that.

