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Ronon Dex/Jennifer Keller Appreciation/Ship/Discussion (Doctor & Wild Man)

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    That would be an awesome story! And it sounds like a really fun packet that comes with the certificate.


      Just thought of another where my ship didn't disappoint -- Human Target. Heard a song that brought the show to mind.


        I've only heard vague references to Human Target. Not a single idea what it's about.

        Castle is pretty good about ship. NCIS and CSI though NCIS I'm getting tired of one or two ittle bitty hints per season. I mean they're great, but it's getting old. CSI they killed off half of the ship. Seriously. It gets old.

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        It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


          I only watch the New York CSI... but...

          Did you see last weeks NCIS?

          Oh... and how could I forget Farscape... wonderful ship...


            I haven't been able to - mostly scheduling conflicts I think - been able to watch CSI:NY. Although, Danny/Lindsey (last I watched) was cute.

            Farscape was absolutely wonderful!

            Yeah, I watched last week's NCIS. Little hint of Tim/Abby. Flirts with Tony/Ziva and then a call from the absent boyfriend to move them back apart. And with the preview
            With CIRay proposing to Ziva - who knows.

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            It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


              Originally posted by Everlovin View Post
              I haven't been able to - mostly scheduling conflicts I think - been able to watch CSI:NY. Although, Danny/Lindsey (last I watched) was cute.

              Farscape was absolutely wonderful!

              Yeah, I watched last week's NCIS. Little hint of Tim/Abby. Flirts with Tony/Ziva and then a call from the absent boyfriend to move them back apart. And with the preview
              With CIRay proposing to Ziva - who knows.
              It was
              the most brazen hint of Tony/Ziva I've ever seen... but if it is par usual, then I'm sure they will let us suffer for most of the second half of the season with her engaged... but probably won't let her get married. Death or someone changing their minds...

              And if par usual... Tony will then be paired with someone.


                Originally posted by bailey1ak View Post
                It was
                the most brazen hint of Tony/Ziva I've ever seen... but if it is par usual, then I'm sure they will let us suffer for most of the second half of the season with her engaged... but probably won't let her get married. Death or someone changing their minds...

                And if par usual... Tony will then be paired with someone.
                I was the most Tony/Ziva they've given us in the last couple of years. And I'll grant you, they've been slowly - excrutiatingly slowly it seems - been building the characters toward them being ready for more adult, established type relationships rather than flings and what not. I just wish they'd throw us a fan service and have them kiss, go on an actual date, something.

                Like I said a while ago, I probably wouldn't be heartbroken at this point if they just let Tiva fall to the wayside.

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                It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                  I wouldn't say I'm necessarily a shipper of the two... find it more fun than anything else. I was a Kate/Tony shipper and since they killed her off... not really gone there again with the show. But I do find when it is as blatant as the last episode that it is fun. And my thoughts immediately went to you.


                    Well dad made the decision that I felt has been coming for a few weeks. Dad has chosen to stop all treatment and get hospice care in home. I am not really surprised as with late stage pancreatic cancer it is really a question of when how much longer you will have left. I am a bit panicked, a bit resigned and a lot sad. My older brother came over tonight to help me move dads current bed out of his room as hospice care is providing a hospital bed for dad (which is good dads mattress is shot.)


                      DG I don't know what to say. I am so very sorry to hear this about your Dad. I'm thinking of you all ((((hugs))))


                        Originally posted by dragongirl View Post
                        Well dad made the decision that I felt has been coming for a few weeks. Dad has chosen to stop all treatment and get hospice care in home. I am not really surprised as with late stage pancreatic cancer it is really a question of when how much longer you will have left. I am a bit panicked, a bit resigned and a lot sad. My older brother came over tonight to help me move dads current bed out of his room as hospice care is providing a hospital bed for dad (which is good dads mattress is shot.)
                        (((DG))) I'm praying for you.

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                        It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                          DG... I am a lot sad for you. Will keep you in my prayers. Hugs to you girlie.


                            *hughs DG* I am really sorry, you are in my thoughts.


                              Hey Bailey ... are you still doing the re-read of the Doctor & Wildman FF stories?? I'm so sorry that I let it slide ... just got overwhelmed with Real Life but would love to start in again if you girls are still doing the book club.

                              Hope you all have a great Wednesday!!


                                Good morning, Love Shack! How's it going?

                                Originally posted by hifield View Post
                                Hey Bailey ... are you still doing the re-read of the Doctor & Wildman FF stories?? I'm so sorry that I let it slide ... just got overwhelmed with Real Life but would love to start in again if you girls are still doing the book club.

                                Hope you all have a great Wednesday!!
                                I'd like to get that going again. Maybe after next week? We sort of let it slide with the holidays and so many people dealing with RL stuff.

                                Click here daily to give free mammograms

                                It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi

