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Ronon Dex/Jennifer Keller Appreciation/Ship/Discussion (Doctor & Wild Man)

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    Yes Jack managed to go back in time.

    That is true I miss those that I got attached to I keep hoping to see them again but with the change and Doctor Who now being headed by someone else I don't think I will see them again but I have my DVD's and I can relive those eps.


      I do have to say that at first I really was hoping
      that Rose would break-up with Mickey, he wasn't a favorite of mine. Still not a favorite, but I did like that he seems to be growing braver and in the Christmas Invasion it showed him pulling Rose along and trying to keep her safe and much more helpful... much less of the useless sort that he first was.


        Yes he was very irritating in that first ep. He grew up a lot.


          I hate it when my multi-quote doesn't work! Grrrr!

          SeNedra, so looking forward to tonight's ep of Castle. Looks so good!

          DG, I had never seen that extra bit of Doctor Who. Loved it! Why doesn't BBCA play these little gems for us?

          Bailey! Yay! There's another Nine fan out there! Took me a long time to get used to Ten (David) but I grew to love him too.

          Empty Child/Doctor Dances are two of my favorite for the whole series. Loved Father's Day as well.

          It's snowing here! Kids are on their way home from school. Lots of fun. If there were just a bit more snow, it'd almost be blizzard conditions. Chilly out there!

          Click here daily to give free mammograms

          It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


            I think I'm going to go work on my smut fics to warm up some.

            Click here daily to give free mammograms

            It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


              Dad is back from the Oncologist and there is a mix of news.

              Good: It might not be cancer

              Bad: If it is cancer, because of "growths" on his Pancreas, Liver and Spinal Column, It is Stage 3

              Irritating: He has to have a biopsy but where the Oncologist is they can't do it there so they have to schedule it through a partner hospital and so he will be called when he has an apt to get a biopsy

              More Good (kinda sorta in a hey it might not be cancer good news): The Dr he went to first last week had run some labs and his thyroid numbers are low and that could be the cause of some of the problems he has had with being tired and loss of appetite.
              Last edited by dragongirl; 05 December 2011, 12:09 PM.


                DG, I like the good news part. Hold that close and I hope that there is more good news in the future. I understand how frustrating though to have to wait for the biopsy. It seems that there should be a more speedy way of scheduling in things that are this important and anxious. *hugs*


                  Yes there should. Even with this I feel a bit better knowing more than we did. I want the biopsy done now so we know what we are dealing with. I am holding on tight to the hope that this is not as serious as it could be.


                    Originally posted by dragongirl View Post
                    Dad is back from the Oncologist and there is a mix of news.

                    Good: It might not be cancer

                    Bad: If it is cancer, because of "growths" on his Pancreas, Liver and Spinal Column, It is Stage 3

                    Irritating: He has to have a biopsy but where the Oncologist is they can't do it there so they have to schedule it through a partner hospital and so he will be called when he has an apt to get a biopsy

                    More Good (kinda sorta in a hey it might not be cancer good news): The Dr he went to first last week had run some labs and his thyroid numbers are low and that could be the cause of some of the problems he has had with being tired and loss of appetite.
                    Praying for you guys. Hoping that things continue to look good. Remember every little piece of information is good. You will know how to fight it better with more information.

                    Click here daily to give free mammograms

                    It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                      *runs in* hugs DG *runs out*


                        I think the wind ran in here to hug DG!

                        Yup! It's snowing here! They closed down the freeway and the old highway. Hubby's stuck in town until tomorrow likely. Fortunately, he has people he can stay with.

                        Click here daily to give free mammograms

                        It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                          Ever, sorry to hear that hubby is stuck in town. Do love storms though. Wish we'd get a bit of one here. If it is going to be in the teens temperature wise, we might as well have the snow to go with it. If it isn't going to snow than I think we deserve some warmth!


                            Was that what that was? It was nice of the wind.

                            Some parts of Texas got snow today not me I only got rain but west of us there was snow. Between 1-2 inches but there was an area that got 3 inches and near that there was 5 inches


                              Fingers & everything else crossed that it doesn't turn out to be as serious as first thought DG. I hope the doctors arrange the biopsy asap.

                              It's been snowing here as well. But then it turned to sleet & now it's all gone. Shame really. SB was hoping to get her sledge out after school today but no luck. Sorry to hear about your hubby Ever.

                              I think I'm going to watch The Christmas Invasion again & maybe New Earth. It depends if I fall asleep or not.

                              BTW I definitely like the Eleventh Doctor best. He's totally barking mad & alien. I've liked each new Doctor better than the previous one. Same goes for the companions. I like the later ones more. My top three are River, Rory & Donna.


                                Originally posted by bailey1ak View Post
                                Ever, sorry to hear that hubby is stuck in town. Do love storms though. Wish we'd get a bit of one here. If it is going to be in the teens temperature wise, we might as well have the snow to go with it. If it isn't going to snow than I think we deserve some warmth!
                                Hopes for snow for Bailey!

                                Originally posted by dragongirl View Post
                                Was that what that was? It was nice of the wind.

                                Some parts of Texas got snow today not me I only got rain but west of us there was snow. Between 1-2 inches but there was an area that got 3 inches and near that there was 5 inches
                                We're at about 4 inches of snow here. Not a lot, but more than they're used to in this desert state.

                                And I must say, today I'm trying my best to look at the sunny side of life. I was supposed to have a RiF giveaway. But the lady who was supposed to bring the books never showed. My vehicle broke down - the second one in a week . All the snow. Hubby in town. And now! We're out of propane. So, I cleared the fireplace and we have a fire going, but still! How much more do I have to put up with!

                                Click here daily to give free mammograms

                                It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi

