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Ronon Dex/Jennifer Keller Appreciation/Ship/Discussion (Doctor & Wild Man)

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    Everything is weird. Strange times, threads vanishing and posts popping up in odd places. Got a feeling that Gateworld will go off again soon. Had trouble even finding this thread.

    I'm busy writing a fic at the moment so at least I have something to do while it gets sorted out!

    Aha - found your icon Everlovin, it's a page back from the end of the thread & so is this post. Hope it all gets sorted out.

    Great icon BTW - woof indeed!!


      Is anyone else having trouble with Gateworld today? It's giving me fits!

      Dragongirl! Read and loved the next chapter of your fic. Great stuff!

      And I think I'll post my first icon here. Everyone cross your fingers and hope it'll work.


      Click here daily to give free mammograms

      It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


        What is going on today? The post that wouldn't ended up on the previous page! And when I tried to post it a different way it too is on the previous page! ????????

        Btw, I think I can say that it almost worked. It looks like there is a lot of background white space. I mean, my sig should have been just below Ronon and it wasn't. ??? I seriously don't know where I went wrong.

        Sorry for the previous spammage there guys!

        Click here daily to give free mammograms

        It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


          And still!

          Click here daily to give free mammograms

          It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


            I have thought it for some now. But I am fast becoming convinced that my computer is becoming a sentient being. And I have decided to call him Desmond.

            I know it is a 'he' rather than a 'she', because he won't or can't do any multi-tasking of any kind. If I ask him to open any more than two applications he throws a fit and won't do it. Just like a man - thought I. Women can do any number of jobs all at the same time, so my computer must be male.

            He insists on blocking all sorts of things I want to see with pop-up blockers, even though I have turned them off. He won't download some pictures - I'm assuming he's taken a dislike to some of them. And fairly frequently he won't show me any text, which means me coming out of whatever website I'm on and then going back in again. (He doesn't like me to use the refresh button.)

            Sometimes he decides he needs a quick sleep and freezes completely, so I have to turn him off completely and back on again.

            So everyone, say hello to Desmond. Irritating b****** that he is!

            BTW good afternoon Aqua!
            Last edited by Blencathra; 14 May 2008, 06:43 AM. Reason: typo


              Originally posted by Blencathra View Post
              I have thought it for some now. But I am fast becoming convinced that my computer is becoming a senient being. And I have decided to call him Desmond.

              I know it is a 'he' rather than a 'she', because he won't or can't do any multi-tasking of any kind.
              I almost fell from chair

              If I ask him to open any more than two applications he throws a fit and won't do it. Just like a man - thought I. Women can do any number of jobs all at the same time, so my computer must be male.

              He insists on blocking all sorts of things I want to see with pop-up blockers, even though I have turned them off. He won't download some pictures - I'm assuming he's taken a dislike to some of them. And fairly frequently he won't show me any text, which means me coming out of whatever website I'm on and then going back in again. (He doesn't like me to use the refresh button.)

              Sometimes he decides he needs a quick sleep and freezes completely, so I have to turn him off completely and back on again.

              So everyone, say hello to Desmond. Irritating b****** that he is!

              So true... And Desmond is a good name


                Originally posted by Everlovin View Post
                And still!
                God this is soo strange. The only way I can find this thread is to go into my profile, find my previous posts & click on them. This thread isn't showing up in the Characters and Relationships folder that I can see.

                I saw your lovely icon Everlovin.


                  Desmond says Hi.

                  Oh and he wants me to ask you what kind of sexy beast you're typing on. He thinks her formatting is HOT!


                    Originally posted by Blencathra View Post
                    Desmond says Hi.
                    Oh and he wants me to ask you what kind of sexy beast you're typing on. He thinks her formatting is HOT!
                    I'm afraid that it is a man too.. Quite old and slow... Nothing for Desmond
                    But it would me my fault as well, I found out today I have just 2 GB left. We have together about almost 700GB at home but all is gonna be full soon. What am I doing? Mm...

                    But the keyboard is new


                      is anyone else haveing issues with gateworld?


                        well after going back I see I am not the only one wondering what is going on with gate world the times are all messed up or something


                          Actually I think that's probably Desmond's problem too.

                          I really need my OH to come back from Oz & sort him out.


                            I want to start out by saying, I missed you guys!! Dear Daughter was on the computer for most of the morning yesterday and then in the evening, the stupid Internet provider went out. And does anybody think I'll get a discount on my monthly bill for their hours of non service? Probably not!

                            I also want you guys to know that you are crazy, but I love you all anyway.

                            Originally posted by dragongirl View Post
                            Night Blen fossi liked his tickle and all that is needed is to have the story betaed I sent that to her just a couple of minutes ago so hopefully the new chapter will be up sometime tomorrow.

                            EDIT: Hey I have reached 700 posts
                            Yay!! 700! Keep it up DG!!

                            Originally posted by SeNedra View Post
                            Yeh, I should do something too. The problem is that I almost finished the school stuff and the semestr is over, the only think I have to do is to finish my final work. And that is really difficult for me, cause I have to be on the comp and that means that I spent time on internet instead of working... That's why I"m still at home and here

                            Ok, I hope to send Everlovin the next chapter today, I have it but I have a little problem. I can pm you when I post it

                            Looking forward to more fic!! Yay!

                            Well I spent my offline time writing, made a couple of (hopefully) icons, downloaded music to my MP3, all kinds of stuff! BTW, I found out I can write Ronon/Jenn easier than Rodney/Laura. Maybe it's because we know Jenn better than Laura. Hmm. I'm still not all that good at romance though.

                            Click here daily to give free mammograms

                            It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                              lets see first off yeah I hand write then type it out mainly because what I am writting by hand is a rough draft I change it as I type it out and it is easier for me to change it while typeing as opposed to typing it and then re-reading it and going now I don't want it like that I would rather do it like this. Plus a notebook is easier for me to write in while layig down than type in the laptop for me anyway

                              okay salt in porrage ew give me sugar or brown sugar

                              Thanks for the congrats

                              and new chpter has been posted hope y'all like it


                                Originally posted by Everlovin View Post
                                I want to start out by saying, I missed you guys!! Dear Daughter was on the computer for most of the morning yesterday and then in the evening, the stupid Internet provider went out. And does anybody think I'll get a discount on my monthly bill for their hours of non service? Probably not!

                                I also want you guys to know that you are crazy, but I love you all anyway.

                                Looking forward to more fic!! Yay!
                                We missed you too Be out of internet is awfull, I was a month ago cause we changed the provider. Just three days off and I was getting mad... I know I'm addicted to internet

                                Well I spent my offline time writing, made a couple of (hopefully) icons, downloaded music to my MP3, all kinds of stuff! BTW, I found out I can write Ronon/Jenn easier than Rodney/Laura. Maybe it's because we know Jenn better than Laura. Hmm. I'm still not all that good at romance though.
                                I'm looking forward to your fic for a change
                                And I will send mine today, I promise. BTW I'll try to send you an email, I think that the adress should be working now. Let me know

