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Ronon Dex/Jennifer Keller Appreciation/Ship/Discussion (Doctor & Wild Man)

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    Way back when, the US got the first half of the Stargate seasons then a loonng break and then the second half. During the break, the UK got the whole season and was about a month ahead on the back half of the season - or so. So, I knew just about everything major that was going to happen in S8.5 through fics etc ahead of time. Not as much fun.

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    It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


      I ordered mine alphabetically


      Ever size

      Gorgeous!!! I love the quote it works so perfectly with the pictures. There really isn't anything I don't like about this sig. Excellent Job!


      Doctor Who!! I actually had Dr Who in mind when I picked out the textures Love the coloring in this sig so beautiful!! The watch is perfectly blended you can see it but it's not too prominent.. Again like Bailey's I really can't find anything I don't like. Excellent Job


      Beautiful!! The only thing I think would make the sig a bit better is if the text was a little bigger not too much just a little. The way it is now I find it hard to read. However these textures compliment Jewel well .. It's blended very well looks like it's the natural background. Great Job!!

      Gorgeous!! I love this sig!! The black and white with the splash of pink is beautiful!! I can't find anything I don't like in this sig! Excellent Job!!

      Beautiful!! I actually couldn't tell there was text at first it blended into the background .. not sure if that's what you were going for, but I think it would look nice with a brighter color like a light blue or even one of the colors in the butterfly.. that said I love how the blue in Jewel's eyes pop and like your previous sigs Jewel blends with the background very well!! Great Job!!


        Jade! Those are gorgeous! Pretty pretty please, could you do the Doctor Who and the Princess Bride ones for me too?

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        It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi



          Beautiful!! Like I said with Copter's these textures compliment Jewel so well I love the quote!! And it's blended very well! I can't find anything that I don't like Awesome Job!

          Audrey Hepburn!! Great choice!! She is so beautiful!! The only thing I can see is the pic of Audrey on the right it's more of a faded black and white where the other pics are more crisp. I think the sig would have looked better without it and you could have moved the pic next to it over that would have also given more room for the text as well. Great Job!!

          Timeless Beauty!! Describes her so well!! The two pics on the right look a little weird. The pic of her with the tiara when you don't look at it carefully makes her look like a floating I think if the two pics were swapped it would look better. But I love the coloring and the font they work so well together! Great Job!


          Very Pretty!! I like the font the only thing is that the E's look kinda like S' other than that I love it! It's a very happy sig! Great Job!

          Have to have a Jenn/Ronon sig! I like this one.. it;s got a very sweet innocent feel to it. I love the font purple is very suiting for it.. it pulls out the purple in the butterfly the only thing I think would make it better is if you could get a little closer is erasing the backgrounds around Jennifer and Ronon.. having it there doesn't really work with the sig.. Great Job!!!

          Beautiful and heart breaking sig. I wouldn't have understood this is I hadn't seen it's so simple but simple works for this sig.. Great Job!


          Great first challenge! The only thing I see that would make it better though is the font. The color is too similar to the background. You should have used another color like a Maroon or even black that matches Sheppard or both have the John Sheppard text one color and the Explorer/Worrior text another color. That would have made the text pop. And in a sig like this where you only have one pic the text becomes a main focus so it needs color to help it stand out. I love the drop shadow behind Sheppard though it makes him look 3D that's really cool! Great Job!


          Pretty!! The only thing I see that could be better is the quality of the Cudy pic. I don't know if you couldn't find a better quality pic or what, but to me Lisa looks blurry.. Other than that I love it.. the quote beautiful every time in a day describes her perfectly the woman is gorgeous and the blue makes it feel like she just got out of the shower! Great job!


          Great job!! I love how the text circles the watch very clever!! And I love the cloud look around the Lorne pics, but the rectangle frame looks a bit weird imo.. you could try after making the frame erasing the edges with a soft/fuzzy brush so the edges don't show and it could give them an even more cloudy look.

          Love it! The font works perfectly in this sig and I love the colors! The only thing I see that could be fixed is the vertical lines.. you could erase them where they meet the outer border so its flush and it looks like the lines flow seamlessly into each other.. That really the only thing I can see. Great Job!!

          Looks great!! I love the burnt orange feel to the sig. It gives me a sense of heat. I can tell you like using the fussy which is great we all have our own style and feature we like to use the most.. The vertical lines in the above sig I said to erase doesn't apply here. I like it here it makes the center square pop out a little giving it a bit if a 3D look Great Job!!

          John and Aeryn!! I love these two together!! this sig has a very antique look to it which works for it.. I love the sepia like coloring in it!! Looks good!! Great Job!!


            And my favorite sig out of all of those gorgeous sigs is..

            Drum roll please....

            Copter's Pink sig!! (now no I didn't purposely pick Copter knowing she was the next it just so happens it is my favorite) I love the pop of Pink especially the butterfly over Jewels eyes it's sooo pretty!!!


              Great Job Everyone!! It was a really hard choice and process to critique them!

              Originally posted by Everlovin View Post
              Jade! Those are gorgeous! Pretty pretty please, could you do the Doctor Who and the Princess Bride ones for me too?
              Of Course I I can!! I keep the PSD for that reason I will when I get home from dropping hubby off from work I have to leave in a few minutes


                Gorgeous, everybody. I am in awe of everyone's talent.

                Who's turn to choose a challenge? Hurry up so we can get cracking!

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                It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                  Love all the entries Amd I would choose the same one, absolutely stunning, Copter


                    it's copter's turn Ever.. so if need be go poke I will be back in a bit I have to go drop hubby off at work..


                      Congrats Copter!!!

                      She is out actually right now Mr Copter's laptop died and so they are out getting him a new one.

                      Everyone had beautiful art


                        AOMG I can't believe I won!! Yay!!

                        I will gush more laterbut I am on my phone and I know everyone wants the challenge.


                        Make a sig (or whatever) of your favorite villian from any show or movie.
                        The only catch is you must have 2 different kinds of fonts.


                          I have nothing, nil, zip, nadda, zip, uh uh pics of villians. I don't even know where to start! Ummmmmm... Ummmmm... Ummmmm....

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                          It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                            Cool idea

                            okay I am about to update the Clubhouse and I am wondering do I include entries by the person that made the challenge or should those be put in their art page?


                              Congratulations Copter! Lovely work everyone!!!!

                              And Villains. Ohhhhh. I have ideas! Lots of ideas.


                                Ok, /panic. I swiftly went through my dvd collection - I'll talk to hubby later and get his opinion too - and I've got 4 solid ideas for villians.

                                I'll have to start from absolute scratch, but it'll be fun!

                                Click here daily to give free mammograms

                                It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi

