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Ronon Dex/Jennifer Keller Appreciation/Ship/Discussion (Doctor & Wild Man)

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    Morning everyone. No hot Ronon dreams for me either

    Edited to say - I've been & voted on the H&H game

    I wonder who will post next & be the 6000th post!!!!!
    Last edited by Blencathra; 07 May 2008, 12:18 AM.


      Hello everyone. How is everyone. I have a day off today, so I just step buy to say hello.

      P.S. Blencathra you posted nu. 6000.

      JEEEE 6000 posts everyone.


        Awesomeness! -loves this thread-

        The former friend who shall not be named...and who is now demanding my attention back, like nothing ever happened...liked to tease me because her dreams always stop before the 'naughty bits', and once, I dreamed that I was living in Canada, and her brother...she doesn't have one, just two sisters...was interested in me, and things we say 'interesting'? I knew I had seen him somewhere, but I couldn't remember where, and I was looking up pics of the Stargate men for our forum, when I found the pic of the guy in my dream.

        Yeah, that's right. Jason Momoa, people. I...-coughs, so the word she says is inaudible-...Jason Momoa. A lot.


          hey hey Congrats on 6000 posts everyone.


            6000 posts!!!

            Well that was really strange when I said I wonder who will post no 6000, cos I was postive I was no 5999. How very odd

            And Dr Jenn - you lucky thing! We all need tips on how to get a dream like THAT!

            It's a lovely day here, sun's shining. I'm gardening today. Luckily there's not much pollen about to set off my hayfever.


              Originally posted by Blencathra View Post
              And Dr Jenn - you lucky thing! We all need tips on how to get a dream like THAT!
              -grins- Oh, don't I know it! And if the dream him is anything like the real him, Lisa Bonet is one VERY lucky woman. -off to sleep, hopefully to have another dream, unlike the one she had LAST night...yeah, that one was just too weird-


                Morning all!
                Originally posted by Blencathra View Post
                6000 posts!!!

                Well that was really strange when I said I wonder who will post no 6000, cos I was postive I was no 5999. How very odd

                And Dr Jenn - you lucky thing! We all need tips on how to get a dream like THAT!

                It's a lovely day here, sun's shining. I'm gardening today. Luckily there's not much pollen about to set off my hayfever.

                WOOOO HOOO 6000 is great!!!! We are the best!!!
                it's decided to rain here today...nothing like Indiana with a "fish-belly" gray sky!! ALMOST makes me miss snow! (notice I said ALMOST! )
                So what are you planting in your garden over there? I willl be working on mine this weekend.
                Ok time for ......
                A PIC RUN!!!!!
                when we see them in the lost tribe (s5) will see this?

                or this?

                I know what I am hoping for


                  Isn't 6000 wonderful. I wonder what number we will be on when season 5 airs?

                  I'm not planting anything today, just weeding and mowing the lawn but I want to go to the garden centre & get some violas and pansies. And I was thinking it may be just a little too early to do my hanging baskets just yet.

                  I DO hope that we'll get something like those pics you posted! I snurched this one from Firefly but do you think we may get something like this in The Lost Tribe, albeit with
                  a wraith rather than that guy (whose name escapes me for the moment!)


                    6000 posts!!!
                    We are good
                    We have a beautiful weather by us, but I hate gardening
                    Yeah, we must wait, still two months till season 5... But I think my only interest in July will be Stargate. Maybe when I watch Continuum about ten times, I will be able to do something else


                      Originally posted by Blencathra View Post
                      Isn't 6000 wonderful. I wonder what number we will be on when season 5 airs?

                      I'm not planting anything today, just weeding and mowing the lawn but I want to go to the garden centre & get some violas and pansies. And I was thinking it may be just a little too early to do my hanging baskets just yet.

                      I DO hope that we'll get something like those pics you posted! I snurched this one from Firefly but do you think we may get something like this in The Lost Tribe, albeit with
                      a wraith rather than that guy (whose name escapes me for the moment!)

                      yep yep,
                      with her looking at ronon and him saying "trust me?" Of course she will

                      I have some plants I need to transplant (discovered they aren't getting enough sunshine) and some others to put in the shady areas (the front of my house) this weekend. My hubby mowed the lawn last night. (i cook, he mows - fair trade ) so I don't have to.
                      Originally posted by SeNedra View Post
                      6000 posts!!!
                      We are good
                      We have a beautiful weather by us, but I hate gardening
                      Yeah, we must wait, still two months till season 5... But I think my only interest in July will be Stargate. Maybe when I watch Continuum about ten times, I will be able to do something else
                      I can relate, Indiana gets hot and dry in july-aug, so I plan to have all of my outdoor projects done by then so I can sit inside (with the a/c on) and OD on stargate!

                      Thanks to everyone for the good wishes on my finals... grades are due next week until then I refuse to worry!


                        I voted and look at us over 6,000 posts


                          Originally posted by Rac80 View Post
                          it's decided to rain here today...nothing like Indiana with a "fish-belly" gray sky!! ALMOST makes me miss snow! (notice I said ALMOST! )

                          Thanks to everyone for the good wishes on my finals... grades are due next week until then I refuse to worry!
                          Did I hear you say that you missed me?

                          Good luck next week!! Your gonna ace it!


                            Did I hear you say that you missed me?
                            LOL. Good one!!!

                            Finished gardening for today.

                            I was just looking at this pic & realised how much taller he is than her.

                            Looks like he has to bend a bit so he can hear what she's saying!


                              yeah she is like around his shoulder look at these two

                              (click them)


                                She's going to have to stand on tip-toes then for a really good smooch - or on a box.

