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Ronon Dex/Jennifer Keller Appreciation/Ship/Discussion (Doctor & Wild Man)

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    Merry Christmas Bailey...

    my day was okay.. I was home alone so that was nice.. I just finished watching the Dr Who Christmas Special.. It was good


      Did your hubby have to work?


        yep.. not a big deal though (holiday pay ) and the roomies were with their families..


          So you got to watch Dr Who loud and in peace.


            yep I was happy about that .. The new roommate came home at the end of Dr Who so uninterrupted Dr Whoness tonight! I am happy it has been a good Christmas


              I'm glad to hear you had a good one. Got Blen's card yesterday, but we forgot to check the mail, so I found it this morning. Like a Merry Christmas from Blen. Got Ever's the day before.


                I have been getting so many cards in the mail I have lost track of who's I have gotten and who's i haven'


                  I'm actually gimping right now... haven't sat and done that for what feels like ages.

                  I know tomorrow I'll have to get up and clean, maybe take down the tree and actually make dinner, but for now I'm ignoring it all.


                    Oh Gimping.. I really should be doing that.. I still have Torchwood Wallies/Siggys that are screaming to be made.. but right now those darn facebook games have me inthralled...

                    You should ignore it! It's a Holiday after all


                      Facebook is something I have never felt a pull toward. I think of it as my electronic address book, but like any address book, I rarely use it. Just seem to collect people...


                        .. that's a good analogy.. I like the games on facebook they keep my entertained.. I took a break for a while there, but now they are pulling my back in.. lol.. I think I will start gimping soon..

                        and you will post when you have something to show right?


                          Hopefully will be done shortly....


                            Merry Christmas Love Shack (although since it is after midnight for me I don't think that is approprate. ) I had a good Christmas I got Dr Horrible's Sing Along Blog on blue ray I got need for speed Carbon for my PS3 (yes it is a guilty pleasre) a $50 gift card and a pair of slippers Dinner was yummy (naturally) then my brother, step brother, step dad and I sat down and played some clue (I didn't win but I was either knew who and just needed to get to the right spot to make the formal accusation or I was working on the last part of the puzzle when it would be guess oh well I will win tomorrow ) My Stoe sister caused some issues . My step dad invited her to Christmas dinner more than a week ago she said of course she would come well today she said she might be late a girl from work has no family here and was going to be alone for Christmas so she wanted to spend time with her (okay fine) well then at like 7 (she knew we had to eat around 5 because my mom had to work tonight) we call and she is now at home but wants to bring over a guy we had never even heard of my step dad didn't want him to come because it is about family and we don't know him. She said my Step dad was being rude but that she would come at 8:30 we call her again asking if she is coming and she says she is about to leave her apt and it is now 12:13 and she has never shown up. her brother came down Tues she saw him for maybe 15 mins yesterday and that was it she didn't even try to spend any time with him and then today she totally blew off her family. It could be just her being insensitive but she is a recovering addict and this behavior is more how she would act when she was useing she had been good the last couple of years but it seems in the last couple of months she is going back to her old ways. So now we are all wondering if she is using again. If she is she will lose her kids (well the 2 she has custady of anyway) Mom and step dad have raised their kids and they love their grandkids but they have money problems enough as it is and they can't take in two more kids no matter how much they would want to. We had this same discussion a few years ago.

                            I didn't mean to unload like that sorry I recorded the Doctor Who Christmas SPecial but there was phone calls being made and talks about well ^^ that stuff and so I was not paying attention while it was on I will watch it tomorrow when I can watch it with out this stuff going on to distract me.


                              *hugs DG* I am sorry sweetie.. that sucks.. You should watch Dr Who it'll help you get your mind off of all that craziness!!


                                Yes it will. This trip was going so very well and then this but I will not let my step sister ruin the fun vacation i am having. I think Doctor WHo is the perfect cure for her actions (or inactions) today.

                                FOr now though I am off to bed. It has been a long day Night Love Shack!

