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Ronon Dex/Jennifer Keller Appreciation/Ship/Discussion (Doctor & Wild Man)

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    Morning Love Shack.

    Hope your day is good Ever. I'm excited that after I get off work today I am done till Monday with work anyway. Daughter has been out sick all week so there is a ton of homework to be done. Plan to sleep in on Saturday though.

    Hope to also get my Christmas cards out this weekend. Just need to find where I stashed them last week.



      It is Friday finally! The next we should be calm, but I am taking one class to Prague on Thursday... Yeah I let them persuade me and we are going to the cinema. I am a bit afraid cause of the organization but I believe all will be ok. One of my collagues is going with me so it is not up to me only.

      And I got a card from Copter yestrday Thanks


        Morning Love Shack!


          Originally posted by senedra View Post
          and i got a card from copter yestrday :d thanks
          yay! :d


            I have decided that my next job will be one that has everything completed before you leave each night. For instance waitressing - at the end of your shift you go home and there is no deadline that you stress over while you eat or shower and you can't take your work home with you. Dental assistant, retail store clerk, pet groomer, and I'm sure there are others.

            I'm just so exhausted here at work from this week and counting down... four hours and 50 minutes to go. Hubby is going to come for lunch and I'm thinking a chocolate milk shake should help me perk up... if not it will at least taste good.

            Hope everyone is having a wonderful Friday.


              Morning/evening everyone.

              Originally posted by SeNedra View Post

              It is Friday finally! The next we should be calm, but I am taking one class to Prague on Thursday... Yeah I let them persuade me and we are going to the cinema. I am a bit afraid cause of the organization but I believe all will be ok. One of my collagues is going with me so it is not up to me only.

              And I got a card from Copter yestrday Thanks
              Good luck! What are you planning to see?

              Edit - Chocolate milkshake sounds good Bailey.


                Originally posted by Blencathra View Post

                Edit - Chocolate milkshake sounds good Bailey.
                We're bracing for another snow storm late tonight and I'm ordering milk shakes... but your right, Blen... it is yummy.


                  All our snow has gone. It went nearly overnight. Are you planning getting your sledge out Bailey?

                  We are going to put our Christmas tree up tomorrow hopefully. Has anyone else got theirs up yet? Also I need to change my sigs etc for some more Christmassy ones.


                    My Mom put hers up on Thanksgiving Day actually I should say that My brother and I put it up my mom had to work and so she was already gone when we got set up.

                    bailey actually really cold things like milkshakes and ice cream help to warm the body up. The body does not like having something that cold in it so the body works to warm up the cold stuff and through that the body gets warmer.

                    I need a Christmas avi but I have been lazy and not made one yet


                      I've sorted the avi out but at the moment I've got a stinking cold & really don't feel up to gimping. I'll perhaps have a go tomorrow.

                      I'm going to leave SB to put up our tree. She loves doing it & now she's older I can trust her not to put all the baubles at the bottom of the tree.


                        Sledding would be a lot of fun and the kids would love it. We will have to find time to do that once they are over these colds.

                        The milkshake is helping me feel more awake... probably the sugar at work. Was worried that if it warmed me up to much as you said DG, that I might get more sleepy.

                        I did my avi because I didn't have time to gimp and so just that little bit made me feel better. Like your new avi Blen.


                          *huggles* feel better Blen

                          Yay fun for SB to get the big responsibility of putting up and decorating the tree


                            She's been wanting to put the tree up for a couple of weeks now.

                            If you do go sledging Bailey I think we will need pics.

                            Glad you like the avi. It's from The End of Time.

                            Wilf goes into a church...

                            and looks at the stained glass window...

                            then he notices something...

                            .... surely not.....


                              *grinning* Guessing Dr. Who is represented in your avi.


                                Originally posted by Blencathra View Post

                                Okay it took me forever to figure that out. I was thinking it was more of a lantern kinda thing. I was concentrating on the white thing, wondering if it was a mouse, a skull, what??!

