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Ronon Dex/Jennifer Keller Appreciation/Ship/Discussion (Doctor & Wild Man)

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    Originally posted by GSRgategirl923 View Post

    i found this PB and thought it was funny
    Where is this please???!!! I need to sell my child to the circus at once. She has just split chocolate milkshake all over her bed.


      Originally posted by GSRgategirl923 View Post
      To our little thread !!
      (Although its not so little anymore )

      i found this PB and thought it was funny
      WELCOME lommit

      And the warning is funny :-)


        Problem is - what do I do now??? Am eyeing up a Bratz boy & wondering how much cushion I'll need to cover his head with dreads.


          Originally posted by Blencathra View Post
          I had a bloody good laugh making it!!!

          And as a special treat I've taken it one stage further ...


          Well, actually a whole lot further. LOL

          DrJennDex - it seems reasonable to me for you to be annoyed at your friend. She let you down. Stay with us instead.

          Yeah, and she just let me down again, to the point that I'm crying. I logged onto MSN and Yahoo just to talk to her, and again, she's too busy. We've been friends for almost eight years now, and she's suddenly too busy to talk to me every time I try. Maybe I should just stop trying.


            I'm sorry that things are going so bad with your friend right now. The oly advice I can give you is don't stop tring to talk to her but try not to plan your whole evening around it. I know it is hard sometimes things like this happen I have a friend and we have been friends for 10 years and every now and then we go through periods where we can't talk often because life gets in the way but we eventually get to a point where we talk to each other like everyday. I hope things end up being like that for you and your friend.


              Originally posted by Blencathra View Post

              I hope you don't get into trouble BTW - for spluttering in class.
              Just a weird look from a prof... it helps being an older student!

              Originally posted by GSRgategirl923 View Post
              To our little thread !!
              (Although its not so little anymore )

              i found this PB and thought it was funny
              I love that sign ....can I get one that says "in Laws"?


                Originally posted by DrJenniferDex View Post
                Yeah, and she just let me down again, to the point that I'm crying. I logged onto MSN and Yahoo just to talk to her, and again, she's too busy. We've been friends for almost eight years now, and she's suddenly too busy to talk to me every time I try. Maybe I should just stop trying.
                Perhaps you should leave her be for a week or two?

                Are you really close? I was just wondering if she has a personal problem she isn't telling you? Please don't get too upset.

                That's what I like about this type of forum. There is always someone here to talk to - you aren't hanging about waiting for just one person.

                I've got just the thing to cheer you up! You'll have to wait a few minutes though!!!

                And then let's tease Rac80 about her in-laws!!!


                  DrJenniferDex this is for you.

                  Are you ready?



                    Originally posted by Blencathra View Post
                    DrJenniferDex this is for you.

                    Are you ready?


                    Thanks, you guys. Nice to know I always have you guys if things don't work out with us, but I really don't want to lose the only roleplay friend I have.

                    And yeah, we're really close, Blencathra. -nods- We tell each other everything.


                      Originally posted by Blencathra View Post
                      Perhaps you should leave her be for a week or two?

                      Are you really close? I was just wondering if she has a personal problem she isn't telling you? Please don't get too upset.

                      That's what I like about this type of forum. There is always someone here to talk to - you aren't hanging about waiting for just one person.

                      I've got just the thing to cheer you up! You'll have to wait a few minutes though!!!

                      And then let's tease Rac80 about her in-laws!!!
                      I honestly admit I have the inlaws from HE**! My father in law would scare the Wraith! There is a good reason we have lived over 1000 miles away from them for the past 27 years. it has saved my marriage (and saved me from jail as well )


                        Originally posted by Rac80 View Post
                        I honestly admit I have the inlaws from HE**! My father in law would scare the Wraith! There is a good reason we have lived over 1000 miles away from them for the past 27 years. it has saved my marriage (and saved me from jail as well )

                        Rac - Some jokes for you ...

                        What's the definition of mixed emotions?
                        When you see your mother-in law backing off a cliff in your new Mercedes.

                        I used to not get on with my father-in-law, but over the last few months I've developed quite an attachment for him. It goes over his head and a strap comes down under his chin to keep his mouth shut!

                        Did you hear the one about the cannibal who got married, and at the wedding reception, toasted his mother-in-law?

                        DrJennifer - Perhaps your friend just has something that is occupying a lot of her time at the moment. She may lose interest in it shortly and find time for your role playing again. What role playing do you do if you don't mind me asking?


                          Originally posted by Blencathra View Post
                          Welcome Lommit to our happy ship!!!!

                          Did you accidentally click on the multi-quote botton on the other thread? Cos I think it will then pop up when you click to post a reply.

                          I was out and about on the threads. There was one that was "Do you think Ronon and Jenn will get together in season 5" Or something like that! So of course I posted. What was up above. ??? I think maybe one of the mods moved it. 'cause I just don't know.

                          Originally posted by GSRgategirl923 View Post
                          To our little thread !!
                          (Although its not so little anymore )

                          i found this PB and thought it was funny

                          My parents have that on their front door!! When they first got it, we all teased the kids (there are 5 grandkids altogether 3 of mine, 2 of my brother's) that they were going to have to learn to be clowns, trapeeze artists, etc. LOL

                          Click here daily to give free mammograms

                          It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                            And because I love you guys best!! Here's chapter 2 of my story


                            Reunion pt 2 (spoiler for a tiny moment in Trio)

                            OMG!! I actually went and developed a bit of a plot! The world might be ending soon. Watch out.

                            Jenn walked nervously into the workout room where Ronon said they’d meet for their morning run. The early morning sun shone golden on Ronon’s caramel skin. Damn he looked good enough to eat . .


                            Com’on Keller, back to the topic at hand. She gave Ronon a nervous smile. “Hi.”

                            “Ready to run?”

                            “Well that’s just it. I may have overstated how much I like to run.” She turned slightly from him with pink cheeks. “Ah, I believe that the extent of my running has been to the corner store for a latte before they closed.” Jenn’s cheeks were pink in embarrassment. “I wanted you to smile; I wanted you to see something normal here in Atlantis; and I wanted to spend some time with you.”

                            Ronon barely concealed a smirk. His eyes, however, were twinkling. “Does this mean you won’t be running this morning?”

                            “No, no. I will. I just don’t want you to be too disappointed if I drop out after the first quarter mile.” Jenn offered a shy smile.

                            As they stretched some, Jenn got many more close looks at Ronon’s powerful body. “Ready?” Jenn finally asked.

                            “For a while now,” Ronon rumbled back.

                            “Well take it easy on me. I’m not looking for a six minute mile here.”

                            “I figure you can set the pace for while you’re running. We’ll see how it goes.”

                            The two took off down toward the east pier. It was a circuitous route but fairly level for Jenn’s beginner status. She had just started to find her stride when she placed a foot down wrong. The pain instantly stopped her with a cry. She tried to take another step to catch up to Ronon but it was obvious that wasn’t happening.

                            Ronon looked back and rolled his eyes slightly and turned back. Jenn leaned up against the wall. “I think I sprained it. It will support some weight but the damn thing is swelling already.”

                            “Ok, so lean on me. We just passed a transporter to get us to the infirmary fast.” Ronon offered an arm and wrapped the other around Jenn for added support. Even still, Jenn did best to set a normal pace with a quick step-hop. When they finally got to the infirmary, Jenn was more hopping than stepping.

                            “Doc!” Ronon bellowed with his deep voice. “Need some help here.” Without asking, he swept Jenn off her feet and placed her on the examination bed.

                            “Well I’m obviously not going to be able to run with you any time soon.” Jenn sounded vaguely disgusted with herself. “Maybe in a few weeks we can try it again?”

                            Ronon’s warm eyes glowed some. “I’d like that, Doc.”

                            Click here daily to give free mammograms

                            It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                              Originally posted by Everlovin View Post
                              And because I love you guys best!! Here's chapter 2 of my story


                              Reunion pt 2 (spoiler for a tiny moment in Trio)

                              OMG!! I actually went and developed a bit of a plot! The world might be ending soon. Watch out.

                              Jenn walked nervously into the workout room where Ronon said they’d meet for their morning run. The early morning sun shone golden on Ronon’s caramel skin. Damn he looked good enough to eat . .


                              Com’on Keller, back to the topic at hand. She gave Ronon a nervous smile. “Hi.”

                              “Ready to run?”

                              “Well that’s just it. I may have overstated how much I like to run.” She turned slightly from him with pink cheeks. “Ah, I believe that the extent of my running has been to the corner store for a latte before they closed.” Jenn’s cheeks were pink in embarrassment. “I wanted you to smile; I wanted you to see something normal here in Atlantis; and I wanted to spend some time with you.”

                              Ronon barely concealed a smirk. His eyes, however, were twinkling. “Does this mean you won’t be running this morning?”

                              “No, no. I will. I just don’t want you to be too disappointed if I drop out after the first quarter mile.” Jenn offered a shy smile.

                              As they stretched some, Jenn got many more close looks at Ronon’s powerful body. “Ready?” Jenn finally asked.

                              “For a while now,” Ronon rumbled back.

                              “Well take it easy on me. I’m not looking for a six minute mile here.”

                              “I figure you can set the pace for while you’re running. We’ll see how it goes.”

                              The two took off down toward the east pier. It was a circuitous route but fairly level for Jenn’s beginner status. She had just started to find her stride when she placed a foot down wrong. The pain instantly stopped her with a cry. She tried to take another step to catch up to Ronon but it was obvious that wasn’t happening.

                              Ronon looked back and rolled his eyes slightly and turned back. Jenn leaned up against the wall. “I think I sprained it. It will support some weight but the damn thing is swelling already.”

                              “Ok, so lean on me. We just passed a transporter to get us to the infirmary fast.” Ronon offered an arm and wrapped the other around Jenn for added support. Even still, Jenn did best to set a normal pace with a quick step-hop. When they finally got to the infirmary, Jenn was more hopping than stepping.

                              “Doc!” Ronon bellowed with his deep voice. “Need some help here.” Without asking, he swept Jenn off her feet and placed her on the examination bed.

                              “Well I’m obviously not going to be able to run with you any time soon.” Jenn sounded vaguely disgusted with herself. “Maybe in a few weeks we can try it again?”

                              Ronon’s warm eyes glowed some. “I’d like that, Doc.”

                              Ohhh. I like that.

                              I like the way you got her both using him as a crutch and being swept off her feet !!!!

                              Quick. Write some more!!!

                              Can't green blob you. So have a green


                                DrJennifer - Perhaps your friend just has something that is occupying a lot of her time at the moment. She may lose interest in it shortly and find time for your role playing again. What role playing do you do if you don't mind me asking? [/QUOTE]

                                I do all kinds, mostly based on movies, books, musicals, tv shows, and history. Right now, I'm really craving a Moulin Rouge one, came up with an AWESOME character...least in my opinion. So if anyone's ever interested, PLEASE IM me...I'm only on AIM right now, don't want to talk to Tiffany, so if you want me to log onto YIM or MSN, just tell me.

                                And now I just feel used, she IMed me right now only because she's bored and sick of studying. And she finally figured out I'm mad at her, and now she's pouting.
                                Last edited by DrJenniferDex; 16 April 2008, 06:21 PM.

