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Ronon Dex/Jennifer Keller Appreciation/Ship/Discussion (Doctor & Wild Man)

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    On your OT rant DG:
    This may sound terrible, but I don't watch the news very often. I do watch a lot of tv, but because of Tivo it is usually only stuff it has recorded for me. By the time the kids are in bed and we can sit down to watch tv at night the news is already over. If we select a show to watch from Tivo it usually runs through the late night news.

    I typically hear by word of mouth and then have to go google it and catch up with the world. Once in a blue moon we will catch the news on the weekend. I didn't know about the BP incident in the gulf for over a month.

    I rambled on about that just to say that I hadn't heard about Travolta and will have to go google it and catch up. However, I completely agree with your rant. I hate it when people try to capitalize on tragedies and then claim victim when it doesn't go well.


      bailey OT
      I watch the noon news every day during the week

      With John Travolta his son died and one of the EMT's had taken pictures and such and then was going to sell them to John Travolta so that he (the EMT) would not release the pics (insinuating that there was something to hide about the death of Jett Travolta). Eventually the charges were dropped and there was no Trial but the EMT is saying he is not a criminal and that he has suffered.


        Originally posted by bailey1ak View Post
        I think I need to let the vid thing go. I have a few good song/clips ideas, but gimp alone has derailed me from writing. I think I've written about 4 paragraphs since I downloaded it. I'm a slow enough writer that adding another new obsession would probably not be wise.

        Its not all gimps fault. You lured me over to this site shortly before you'll introduced me to gimp and so between the two I'm pretty set with my free time.

        No complaints though, you'll have been a blast. Thank you, by the way.
        Hey, I never opened my sig making thingy until I was here at this thread. I was writing long before I got here. But I only had three or four stories up. I guess this ship inspired me to write

        And we'll take what we can get as far as fic goes. We get to be blessed with your art as well!

        Originally posted by dragongirl View Post
        OT Rant

        The EMT accused of trying to Blackmail John Travolta and his family is now saying that HE is the victim! Why? Because people have called him a Criminal, he is facing finacial troubles and he has lost his job! That is no less than he deserves and yet people should what feel sorry for the man that tried to blackmail a grieving family!? I don't think so suck it up he made his bed no he needs to lie in it!!

        okay sorry done now.

        I can make vids but I don't know if the generic movie maker I have in the comp can take anything from DVD's
        Oh, just people like that seriously torque me!

        And I've heard of people using WMM to make the vids. I hear you have to save it often as it has a tendancy to crash. But it can produce some wonderful vids.

        Originally posted by bailey1ak View Post
        On your OT rant DG:
        This may sound terrible, but I don't watch the news very often. I do watch a lot of tv, but because of Tivo it is usually only stuff it has recorded for me. By the time the kids are in bed and we can sit down to watch tv at night the news is already over. If we select a show to watch from Tivo it usually runs through the late night news.

        I typically hear by word of mouth and then have to go google it and catch up with the world. Once in a blue moon we will catch the news on the weekend. I didn't know about the BP incident in the gulf for over a month.

        I rambled on about that just to say that I hadn't heard about Travolta and will have to go google it and catch up. However, I completely agree with your rant. I hate it when people try to capitalize on tragedies and then claim victim when it doesn't go well.
        I'm a news hound. Sorta anyways. I watch an hours worth of news in the mornings as the kids are getting ready and an hours of commentary in the afternoon. I surf online sites for news as well.

        Basically the OT -
        A couple of years ago, John Travolta's 14 year old son died. He had some serious health problems. I don't remember what. About a year ago? one of the EMT's that responded to the call tried to blackmail him for $100,000. Something about how he supposedly didn't call 911 soon enough, or supposedly refused a certain treatment due to thier religion. It did not go well for the jerk.

        Click here daily to give free mammograms

        It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


          I've just spent 2 hours making a beautiful sig & my stupid computer fecked up whilst saving & has lost it. I think I'm going to scream.


            Let it out, Blenca!

            Click here daily to give free mammograms

            It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


              Well part of the issues I have with WMM is that all of my music is in iTunes and WMM can't find the songs I want to use. o.O for example I was going to use the song "Lips of an Angel" by Hinder (if you know the song it is easy to understand what the plan for the vid would be) and I have that song in my iTunes but when I go to the Hinder folder and then the Extreme Behavior folder there is nothing there. I know the song is in my iTunes it is on my iPod I heard it yesterday while picking up the kids. I have tired with a couple other songs and none seem to be there

              John Travolta OT
              He had seizures and I think he was Autistic as well. He spent a lot of time under medical supervision if I remember correctly.

              *huggles* That sucks Blen


                Originally posted by dragongirl View Post
                Well part of the issues I have with WMM is that all of my music is in iTunes and WMM can't find the songs I want to use. o.O for example I was going to use the song "Lips of an Angel" by Hinder (if you know the song it is easy to understand what the plan for the vid would be) and I have that song in my iTunes but when I go to the Hinder folder and then the Extreme Behavior folder there is nothing there. I know the song is in my iTunes it is on my iPod I heard it yesterday while picking up the kids. I have tired with a couple other songs and none seem to be there

                John Travolta OT
                He had seizures and I think he was Autistic as well. He spent a lot of time under medical supervision if I remember correctly.

                *huggles* That sucks Blen
                Do you have a format converter? I downloaded a bunch of songs from iTunes and WMP wouldn't play them. Fortunately, I have a format converter and easy as pie I could switch it to .wmv (I think that's the correct name of the format)

                Click here daily to give free mammograms

                It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                  So sorry Blen, . Yelling won't fix it, but it will definitely feel good.

                  Travolta OT

                  That is just a terrible thing! People can be so low down and weasely. Hopefully karma is right around the corner for him.

                  DG, there are converters you can download. My sister has to convert her itunes to mp3 files so she can load them on her Sansa mp3 player. Maybe that is all you'd need.


                    That is don't think so I did find out that if the song is in the Download Folder it will import (Hinder and some of the other songs I have tried came from CD's) so I think that means I need to DL whatever song I want to use hmmmmm Don't know how to get anything from DVD's though so all I can do is a slide show to music


                      DG, I have seen some very good slideshows! Don't worry about it!

                      Has anyone talked to the Mods about being handy Saturday? Anybody on good enough terms with them?

                      And, may I say on a totally unrelated subject. There is a derth of Teal'c smut. I'll probably have to add to that soon.

                      Click here daily to give free mammograms

                      It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                        *sleepwalks into the thread, tosses out some pics, sleepwalks back out*



                          I think we can let Copter sleepwalk any time she wants

                          Click here daily to give free mammograms

                          It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                            if she keeps dropping off yummies maybe we should make sure she sleep walks often


                              Copter! You will post more hot pics!

                              Click here daily to give free mammograms

                              It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi




