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Ronon Dex/Jennifer Keller Appreciation/Ship/Discussion (Doctor & Wild Man)

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    Originally posted by dragongirl View Post
    since it is Known I live in Texas my name is another simple one I LOVE Dragons! I have little knick-nacks that are dragons a dragon oil burner and a dragon tattoo, and I am female dragonwoman sounded odd to me could have gone dragonchick but I didn't like the flow so dragongirl is what I came up with
    Originally posted by Everlovin View Post
    Be nosey, it's ok by me. I grew up in White Salmon down on the Columbia. I loved it there and cried the whole way through Oregon when we moved to Arizona when I was a kid.

    As for Everlovin? That's easy. I'm out of my everlovin mind! I use it for everything online. Not that there's a lot.
    Hey look at me... I learned how to 'multi-quote'. Feel like a big girl now.

    Anyway, bailey was a cats name when I was much younger. Loved him dearly. Don't know what I would have chosen if I'd known all the things I'd use it for, but now it has stuck.

    Are you still in Arizona Ever? For some reason I thought New Mexico.

    Like Dragongirl much better than the other two.


      Thank you I use it a lot


        Yeah, I'm in New Mexico now. We moved here a little over 20 years ago. And with the exception of three years with hubby in the Army, I've been here ever since. It's a nice enough place I suppose, but I really miss green.

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        It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


          Yeah there is a lot of tan, beige and sand colors I noticed that while driving through NM and AZ the cacti just isn't the same as having grass (Still love my Yucca plant though )


            Lots and lots of brown. When we moved into this house, it was all beige, tan and brown. Hubby was just getting back into woodworking and asked what he could make me. I had him make me a bunch of shelves of all sorts of color. And then I painted my living room green and I've all sorts of plans for other colors around the house.

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            It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


              I think it'd be hard to live away from a large body of water. I have lived the majority of my life in cities on the ocean. I still look out at Lake Superior and find myself watching for marine life and have to remind myself that other than fish, it doesn't have anything that would be noticeable. I miss spotting distant dolphins, whales, seals, killer whales and the like and the lake is so large here I sometimes forget it is freshwater.

              I would miss the green. When we lived in southern California for a while and I missed green, too many buildings and asphalt, but at least it had the ocean.

              Do you either of you live near water?


                I live on one of the largest lakes in the state. Which is laughable. It's a resevoir in the river so it's really just a wide spot that goes up about 6 miles from the dam. And this wide spot is about as wide as the Columbia was where I lived. It's something anyways. Hubby is great at growing things, so we've been planting trees, rose bushes, etc. And us living on the river means we're near the bosque.

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                It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                  So probably nothing more than fishes for you too.



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                    It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                      So, back to being nosey, Ever. Do you like Teal'c from the show or Chris as the actor? Both?


                        Actually, I've only seen Chris as Teal'c and that the random high schooler in one episode of MacGyver, and Snow Dogs, so I guess you'd say Teal'c. But I've seen a lot of the behind the scenes stuff, bloopers, and Stargate specials and Chris is crazy wonderful. Chris and Teal'c are so different from one another I was amazed when I first saw something that was Chris.

                        By the way, one of my favorite crack ships is Teal'c/Uhura because those were what's-his-face's parents in Snow Dogs. I've been trying to come up with a time travel scenario so the two could have met.

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                        It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                          I don't live near near water there are rivers and lakes near by I can go to but I don't go often. My mom lives on Padre Island (north part near Corpus Christi) on the Texas Coast seen rays (at least I am pretty sure it was a ray I didn't get close enough to see much other than a shadow that was very ray like), sharks and dolphins while out visiting her my Mom and Step Dad have even caught a shark or two when they go fishing off a dock near where people swim


                            That is a story I would read. I probably wouldn't stumble upon it, but I would definitely read it.

                            I have to agree though, the first time I watched him on a panel I couldn't believe it. His laughter and smile is amazing.

                            Is he your favorite Stargate actor?


                              Originally posted by dragongirl View Post
                              I don't live near near water there are rivers and lakes near by I can go to but I don't go often. My mom lives on Padre Island (north part near Corpus Christi) on the Texas Coast seen rays (at least I am pretty sure it was a ray I didn't get close enough to see much other than a shadow that was very ray like), sharks and dolphins while out visiting her my Mom and Step Dad have even caught a shark or two when they go fishing off a dock near where people swim
                              I don't think I've ever seen a shark or ray in the water, but as long as I was not in the water at the time, it would be cool to see. Speaking of sealife - we are taking the kids to Seaworld in San Diego when we visit family next week. They picked over Disneyland and I had to kiss them both for it!


                                I loved petting the rays at the aquarium in Corpus! It was so cool!

                                And yeah, Teal'c is one of my favorite characters. Generally speaking, I try and ignore the private lives of various celebs. It's their private life and I try to respect that. So, yeah, I know Chris is a practical joker and has a great smile, but I don't really know too much else about him.

                                Click here daily to give free mammograms

                                It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi

