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Ronon Dex/Jennifer Keller Appreciation/Ship/Discussion (Doctor & Wild Man)

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    You are still here Blen, does it mean you are feeling better?

    I am struggling with it... I made one version and threw it, cause I didn't like it. Now I am trying something else. But it is Ronon only


      Originally posted by SeNedra View Post
      SG I am just seeing your sig - Ronon with green eyes and it is amazing!

      Well yeah, artwork... no Ronon Jenn but one is SGA related


      SEN!!! Missed you!!
      Those are great!!


        Good news: I don't have to go to church because I woke late.
        Bad news: I don't get to go to the church Memorial Day picnic, and M-Day at home is invariably boring. Maybe I can get my grandpa to buy me McDonald's. I'd ask someone to dump me off downtown so I can go see a movie, but the only ones playing right now are ones I can talk my grandpa into taking me to see, and my card only has $25 on it anyway, so I can see two movies, and get some cash to see another one. I think I'll wait until The Boat That Rocked comes out, though, I love Talulah Riley movies, I've been trying my hardest to see everything she's in.


          Originally posted by SeNedra View Post
          You are still here Blen, does it mean you are feeling better?
          No not really. I do a bit then take a break. But I have made a sig. Not going to let you all see it yet though. I want to make a pic fic from the idea first - though it may take me a wee while.

          I am struggling with it... I made one version and threw it, cause I didn't like it. Now I am trying something else. But it is Ronon only
          We can never get too much Ronon.

          Edit - Dr Jenn going to the movies sounds like a good idea. But so does being on my own all day. Peace and tranquility!


            (((Snowy))) It is great to be back

            Pic fic? I love pic fics We can wait. Sorry it is still bothering you...


              (((((((((((SeN))))))))))))))) welcome back we missed yoU!
              Still trying eh blen, we are addictive... even when feeling cruddy I can't stay away for long! hope you are doing better soon too.
              Happy memorial day to those stateside!


                That's actually my main reason for wanting to see the movie, Blenca. I don't get peace at home because someone's always criticizing me.*coughgrandmacough*


                  Originally posted by Rac80 View Post
                  (((((((((((SeN))))))))))))))) welcome back we missed yoU!
                  Still trying eh blen, we are addictive... even when feeling cruddy I can't stay away for long! hope you are doing better soon too.
                  Happy memorial day to those stateside!

                  I really had to force myself not to turn the computer on. I just knew that if I peeped in here, I would have to join in.

                  BTW I was just looking for some pics for my pic fic. Remember this one from Doppelganger where John is smirking at Ronon...

                  Well I found another. I hadn't seen this before. In Missing when Ronon notices that Teyla and Jennifer haven't come back & he wants to go & see what has happened to them...

                  It's either he's smirking or his false teeth are falling out.


                    *waves at Rac*

                    It was so difficult not to go here for a month! I had to cut myself out of the threads completely. As you said, I woulnd't be able just to read. So if I disappear sometimes later, it means I am studying and have no time

                    Anyway I finished the sig, had to make a break... But I still think it needs something...


                    Now I am really looking forward to the pic fic

                    I am now off to bed, tomorrow will be hard I'm afraid. But just one week and I am at least off to work. Night


                      Originally posted by Blencathra View Post
                      Another lovely sig SeN. It doesn't mean a lot to me ... yet. But I agree with what you said in your e-mail to me - that I need to get House to watch while the hands are out of action. I get paid on Friday and I'm going to order it then.

                      And yes we need another Ronon/Jenn sig from you.

                      More pics in the hope you may get inspired.


                      Looks like he's about to pass out in that last one.
                      Hmm...What's she looking at there?

                      Originally posted by DrJenniferDex View Post
                      Good news: I don't have to go to church because I woke late.
                      Bad news: I don't get to go to the church Memorial Day picnic, and M-Day at home is invariably boring. Maybe I can get my grandpa to buy me McDonald's. I'd ask someone to dump me off downtown so I can go see a movie, but the only ones playing right now are ones I can talk my grandpa into taking me to see, and my card only has $25 on it anyway, so I can see two movies, and get some cash to see another one. I think I'll wait until The Boat That Rocked comes out, though, I love Talulah Riley movies, I've been trying my hardest to see everything she's in.
                      Hey! Now you get to come over to my house! We'll head down to the lake, swim, have a campfire! It'll be fun!

                      And btw, I've had quite enough excitement for the weekend. I bought hubby and little brother tickets for wrestling. Hey, we can all be stupid and like wrestling at least once. Anyways, I get a call a little less than two hours ago saying that they'd been in an accident. So I mildly freak out. Head down to where they are - about 15 miles from home - and they're fine. The truck isn't, but they are. To hear little brother tell it, it was like a Hollywood stunt! Hail, a wall of water raining down, microbursts, driving sideways down the freeway. And they're fine! I'm just glad that Hubby is as good a driver as he is.

                      Click here daily to give free mammograms

                      It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                        Glad Hubby and the bro are okay, Ever! And yeah, a lake does sound fun. Buy me a plane ticket?

                        Edit: Ever! I found the Susan Boyle clip you were wanting, she sang Memory from Cats.



                          Glad to hear family is okay Ever. That would be scary. *huggles*


                            Originally posted by DrJenniferDex View Post
                            Glad Hubby and the bro are okay, Ever! And yeah, a lake does sound fun. Buy me a plane ticket?

                            Edit: Ever! I found the Susan Boyle clip you were wanting, she sang Memory from Cats.

                            DrJenn!!!!! *tacklehugs* Thank you so much!!!

                            And sorry about the plane ticket. One of these years!

                            Click here daily to give free mammograms

                            It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                              Originally posted by dragongirl View Post
                              Glad to hear family is okay Ever. That would be scary. *huggles*
                              Thanks guys!

                              Click here daily to give free mammograms

                              It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                                Ever I'm glad your Hubby and little bro are ok. That sounded scary!

