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Ronon Dex/Jennifer Keller Appreciation/Ship/Discussion (Doctor & Wild Man)

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    Originally posted by Mimzy View Post
    umm...okay this is random, but amusing...yes, I have too much time on my hands:

    Stargate/Sanctuary Style

    The Awkward One Walter, Henry Foss
    The Chill One Teal'c
    The Sheltered One Will Zimmerman
    The "Misunderstood" Chuck, Zelenka
    The Smart One Daniel Jackson, James Watson
    The Evil Mastermind John Druitt
    The Fatty Rodney McKay
    The Gangster Evan Lorne
    The Savior John Sheppard
    The Hot One Sam Carter
    The Technology Illiterate Cameron Mitchell
    The Smitten One Vala Mal Doran
    The One That Won't Take Your Crap Elizabeth Weir, Ashley Magnus
    The Confused One Jack O'Neill
    The Referee Richard Woolsey
    The Whip-Wielder Teyla Emmagan, Helen Magnus
    The "Good Driver" Carson Beckett (b/c he seems sweet, but then when he's around the needles...oh dear )
    The Not-So-Innocent One Jennifer Keller
    The Quiet One Ronon Dex
    The Arrogant One Nikola Tesla


    Originally posted by perkin127 View Post
    yea it was really cute it had lorne in it and a jealous cam =)
    What is this fanfic you speak of?

    Originally posted by perkin127 View Post
    my fella, well hes younger than me, only 19 to my 23, long hair, such lovely long hair =) he loves all the same music as i do, and is now getting into stargate, he watched 2 seasons in a matter of weeks =) and he agrees that Ronon is uber hot as in Jennifer. He is unfortunately for me at uni in southampton which is a 3 1/2 hour train journey away which really sucks. Although hes coming to mine for easter so i get to spend 4 weeks with him. He is amazing good with Jack (embarrassingly better than his dad) and is just *sigh* great lol
    Sounds lovely! You go girl!

    Originally posted by Everlovin View Post
    Ok, All the Ways Ronon and Jenn got Together - Midway part 1
    Rated K

    It was one of the things he'd learned in his sixty years living among the Tauri. One he'd honed. His ability to read people. Right now, the doctor was fussing over RononDex. And while, the warrior was gruff and clearly didn't feel the need for the fussing, he thoroughly enjoyed her attention.

    Teal'c watched as she quickly and competently patched up a small cut above his eye. She patted his arm and sent him on his way.

    "And you, Mr. Teal'c. Anything I need to know about?"

    "DoctorKeller," Teal'c bowed his head in acknowledgement. "I believe, with my tretonin, I will suffer no long term effects. I merely require a nights rest."

    "If you insist. Might I say you seem quite fit for a man of 158. Ronon spoke highly of your fighting skills. Once I got past all the animosity anyway."

    "Might I say that your beloved is an able warrior."

    "But. . . but. . ." Jennifer stuttered. "He's not. . . we're not. . . that is. . ."

    "If I am out of turn, I apologize. However, I have observed humans for a great period of time. I have observed that Ronon has great affection for you. And, I believe you return that affection."

    Jennifer completed Teal'c's check-up in a daze. "If you'll excuse me, Mr. Teal'c, I have someone I need to talk to."

    Hope you all like it.

    Originally posted by Blencathra View Post
    Wait for me!!!! I just need to throw my swimming costume with the frilly skirt attached and my swimming hat with the flowers all over it into a suitcase & I'm on my way. Now where did I put my nose shield......?

    Sen, no problem is you want to send me more of the R/J fic.

    And what do you think of this sig? Be careful MK!! It has "that man" in it but I think you might approve.

    LOVE IT!!!

    Sorry I've been gone for so long, my computer got a virus and that virus not only destroyed my msn but also mozilla so now I am forced to use internet explorer which I hate!
    Plus this laptop is super slow!
    I am currently necociating with my parents to get a new one fore my 18th brithday.
    How are you all then?
    I applied to be house captain at my school so I'm campaining


    Thank you to Blen for the sig!


    I'm a 60%er!!!
    Proud member of the Major Lorne/Kavan Thunk thread
    Proud member of Sam/Jack family thread

    Proud member of The Doctor and the Wild Man Thread


      Originally posted by Everlovin View Post
      Perkin!! Love you muchly!! I'm newly fast, so I've been going hogwild watching a LOT of vids on YT. When I get my computer back though, I'll for sure want to download it. Woah! It won't take an hour and a half to do it! How crazy is that!!

      Ever's still having fun with high speed!
      Going to see if I can find Midway. Just for the fic mind you.
      Yay for the high speed, and im glad your enjoying my vids, it just sucks youtube have taken about 20 of them down or taken the audio off which sucks!

      Originally posted by Mountiegirl View Post

      What is this fanfic you speak of?
      I shall try and find the link for you =)

      Originally posted by Mountiegirl View Post
      Sounds lovely! You go girl!
      oh i will



        ok heres the link to the fic, lornes presence makes cam jealous, i love a jealous cam its so cute


          Originally posted by dragongirl View Post
          No don't be mad here have some pics


          I was just teasing you back!
          Midway pics! Ever's happy!

          Originally posted by Mountiegirl View Post

          What is this fanfic you speak of?

          Sounds lovely! You go girl!


          LOVE IT!!!

          Sorry I've been gone for so long, my computer got a virus and that virus not only destroyed my msn but also mozilla so now I am forced to use internet explorer which I hate!
          Plus this laptop is super slow!
          I am currently necociating with my parents to get a new one fore my 18th brithday.
          How are you all then?
          I applied to be house captain at my school so I'm campaining

          I'm voting for Mountie as House Captain! Where do I vote?

          Thanks, btw!

          Click here daily to give free mammograms

          It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


            Afternoon Perkin! Is is sunny where you are? It's gourgous down here!!!

            Thank you to Blen for the sig!


            I'm a 60%er!!!
            Proud member of the Major Lorne/Kavan Thunk thread
            Proud member of Sam/Jack family thread

            Proud member of The Doctor and the Wild Man Thread


              its been a little overcast this afternoon but we did have a lovely sunny day yesterday, spring is finally here!


                Jenn: Ronon, how come whenever i'm with you we seem to get trapped?
                Ronon; I don't know what u mean *grin*


                  It's been lovely here today. I actually went to work without my coat!!

                  I'll vote for you as well Mountie. I don't know if our votes will be accepted though.

                  Shame about the computer BTW

                  And I believe you Misi! That you are watching Midway just for research purposes.

                  Edit - In that last pic Perkin, it looks like she is about to sneeze.


                    Not that you need a reason to watch midway, such a hot episode!


                      Hey Mountie & perkin. You guys may have missed my all new shiner version of Drugged. Here it is on Livejournal.



                        Originally posted by perkin127 View Post
                        Not that you need a reason to watch midway, such a hot episode!

                        Click here daily to give free mammograms

                        It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                          if i didnt have my friend over i would probably be watching it...ahhh Teal'c and Ronon, so good, now all we need is Tyr from Andromeda and phew!


                            Some pics.


                            Edit - And a bit of Kiryk as well Perkin!


                              lol i wouldn't say no =D


                                Talking of which there is a new chapter of Runner up on ff net.


                                And to get us more in the mood - some pics.


