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Ronon Dex/Jennifer Keller Appreciation/Ship/Discussion (Doctor & Wild Man)

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    I have been saying that ablout McKay for a while I still say S1-S3 and most of S4 are all that worth watching S5 was way way way too much Stargate McKay and since I didn't like him to start with it just made my dislike grow.


      Afternoon everyone!
      I'm glad to hear people in Aussie are okay
      Everyone good?

      Thank you to Blen for the sig!


      I'm a 60%er!!!
      Proud member of the Major Lorne/Kavan Thunk thread
      Proud member of Sam/Jack family thread

      Proud member of The Doctor and the Wild Man Thread


        Hi Mountie & everyone.

        Just back from work.

        There's the first chapter of a great new story from Nika on It's called Nine Months and I can say I certainly feel a lot of sympathy with what Jenn is going through.


          Yup, it's decided. Never havin' kids, if that's what happens.

          Not really a fan of older movies, but I'll try and check them all out anyway. Somehow I doubt my aunt will really mind if I continue to use her account after I go home. -makes a list of all the movies that have been suggested-


            Originally posted by Blencathra View Post
            Hi Mountie & everyone.

            Just back from work.

            There's the first chapter of a great new story from Nika on It's called Nine Months and I can say I certainly feel a lot of sympathy with what Jenn is going through.
            It's a good story
            I know how she feels, I hate fainting (I'm a fainter, it's true)

            Thank you to Blen for the sig!


            I'm a 60%er!!!
            Proud member of the Major Lorne/Kavan Thunk thread
            Proud member of Sam/Jack family thread

            Proud member of The Doctor and the Wild Man Thread


              I'm pretty sure the only time I've ever fainted, I was in sixth grade.
              I was on stage at school one night getting an award, and everything went black, next thing I knew, my mom's boyfriend was lifting me into his truck.


                The only time I fainted was when I was in maybe the 2nd grade I was running in one direction and a boy was running in the other diraction in the playground and he ran into me my eye hit his forhead and I remeber thinking I need to get to my knees it will hurt if I fall on my face. I woke up in the nurses office with a bag of ice on my eye and the nurse telling me that my mom was on her way. I had to get x-rays to see if my cheek bone was broken.


                  -stares at DG- OW! It wasn't broken, right?


                    I only felt faint and dizzy while I was pregnant. I didn't actually pass out but I've fainted a couple of times at work.

                    Spoilered for some icky squicky hospital things. Read at your peril.

                    I fainted when I was helped out at a doctors surgery. The doctor was trying to take some blood off a woman but he couldn't find her vein. He was jabbing her arm with a needle again & again. By the time he found the vein I was feeling decidedly off, then he gave me the vial of blood to label. It was so warm. Thud.

                    Then I fainted while helping out in a clinic. The patient had ripped all the skin off her finger. She'd caught her ring while cleaning windows. I fainted while they were changing her dressing. Thud no 2.

                    And I fainted while on a ward round while the doctor was fiddling with an external fixator that was holding a man's fractured leg together. That was the most embarrassing of the lot.




                      No just a deep bruse and a big freaking black eye but that was it


                        I fainted once and half-fainted another time (scared the crap out of mom, cause I was on my way out of the bathroom, so she saw me stumbling out the door and right onto the floor)
                        My Site || My Blog


                          Just getting away from fainting for a moment, did you see which episodes have been chosen to be on the special edition Blu ray disc.

                          The top 10 episodes as chosen by the fans are
                          1. “Enemy at the Gate” (Episode 100, Season 5 — Series Finale)
                          2. “Rising” (Episode 1, Season 1 — Pilot)
                          3. “The Siege” (Episodes 19-21, Seasons 1-2)
                          4. “Tao of Rodney” (Episode 54, Season 3)
                          5. “Be All My Sins Remember’d” (Episode 71, Season 4)
                          6. “The Shrine” (Episode 86, Season 5)
                          7. “McKay and Mrs. Miller” (Episode 48, Season 3)
                          8. “Vegas” (Episode 99, Season 5)
                          9. “Midway” (Episode 77, Season 4)
                          10. “First Strike” (Episode 60, Season 3)

                          That's another disc I won't be buying.


                            Originally posted by Blencathra View Post
                            Just getting away from fainting for a moment, did you see which episodes have been chosen to be on the special edition Blu ray disc.

                            The top 10 episodes as chosen by the fans are
                            1. “Enemy at the Gate” (Episode 100, Season 5 — Series Finale)
                            2. “Rising” (Episode 1, Season 1 — Pilot)
                            3. “The Siege” (Episodes 19-21, Seasons 1-2)
                            4. “Tao of Rodney” (Episode 54, Season 3)
                            5. “Be All My Sins Remember’d” (Episode 71, Season 4)
                            6. “The Shrine” (Episode 86, Season 5)
                            7. “McKay and Mrs. Miller” (Episode 48, Season 3)
                            8. “Vegas” (Episode 99, Season 5)
                            9. “Midway” (Episode 77, Season 4)
                            10. “First Strike” (Episode 60, Season 3)

                            That's another disc I won't be buying.
                            Oh yay, something I definitely don't need to use any money on But at least BS isn't on it, then I really would lose my belief in humanity
                            My Site || My Blog


                              That's what I thought. The only one on that list that I would like to see in Blu ray is Midway.


                                Well, I can see my votes counted . Jeepers people. I may still buy it if only to help encourage TPTB to put out the season in Blu Ray. And frankly that would be the only reason I'd buy the Atlantis movie as well. Just to get more movies done. But as far as actually watching, I don't know if I'd be able to do it. And not get sick.

                                Glad to see I'm not the only Clash of the Titans fan here. Hubby gives me weird looks each time I watch it. I have it saved on the Instant Play list and catch it every once in a while.

                                Nika finished up Duplication as well as putting up Nine Months. Thank you for sharing the link Blen! In all seriousness, her Duplication story would have been wonderful as canon, and I'm treating it as my canon. Everybody wins in it .

                                sig by DG .
                                I can be found here:

