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Ronon Dex/Jennifer Keller Appreciation/Ship/Discussion (Doctor & Wild Man)

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    Originally posted by DrJenniferDex View Post
    AHH!!! Sey! We're some weird species of...I dunno...semihuman! (clearly I'm a dumbass today, I can't think of anything better)
    Nono I think we're definately human.
    I'm very sure humans are divided into races (*gasp* Yes, I'm a racist)
    That would be:
    Normal *coughs* boring *coughs* people
    Models (which is again divided into normal *cough* boring *cough* models and ex-super models.
    And the mysterious fourth race.... that would be us
    Care to give us a name?

    @Blen: What exactly is Jenn doing to poor John Evan in the kitchen? It looks a BIT dangerous
    'Night <3
    += +lots of children
    Ronon Dex/Jennifer Keller supporter!


      I got a good name for us, Sey! Coolness personified.


        Originally posted by DrJenniferDex View Post
        I got a good name for us, Sey! Coolness personified.
        Coolness personified it is then

        I'm off to bed... it's 2 am already.
        22 hours 'til New Year
        += +lots of children
        Ronon Dex/Jennifer Keller supporter!


          Hey all, hope I haven't missed too much. More computer woes. . More behind the spoiler for those interested.
          Even though I didn't tell it to download, I somehow managed to get stuck with Antivirus 2009 on my computer after all the rigamaroll to get the other junk off it. Grr. I wouldn't wish it on my worst enmey, ever. I've been dealing with it since before going to the in-laws and it had hindered my websurfing BIGTIME. For those that aren't familiar with it, it blocks websites and keeps putting in pop-ups and is a genral PIA. One that can become a serious one at that. What got me was trying to find ways to get rid of it. Normal antivirus programs wont work. I tried damn near all of them that I didn't have to shell out extra money for. And most websites claiming to have the stuff to rid you of it wanted a lot of money. So I grabbed Hubby's laptop and began searching and searching for someone who didn't have very complicated instructions or demand money in return for help. Took me a while but I found it . It took it a little while, but the little guy did its job . I have my computer back! And I can surf! Am so happy now.

          And I come baring a gift: A fic by the name of Othalaz. I haven't decided yet in my plans if I am going to follow current cannon as far as ships go, and Ronon dosen't figure in much yet, niether does Jen, but our man will play a bigger role in it as the story goes on. I have been leaning toward the Deller side, mainly becasue I cannot bring myself to write that other one. And if I do, I don't think I'd be able to be nice about it. But I've got several scenarios plotted out for all cases, so we'll have to wait and see. And I know we have a few Lorne Lovers in here, as the story centers around him. It's a sequel to my other fic, if you are interested, The Painting.

          Ok, I'm done with the shameless plugging .

          I haven't fully caught up yet but here goes with what I have been able too:

          Blen- love the SIMs videos! Your Jen is prettier than mine . Over at the offical EA site I did happen to stumble across a newer and better looking Ronon than what I've been able to find and or make. Thinking about starting up Ronon and Jen SIMs lives again...

          Momma Mia Sorry, as much as I like some of the actors in the movie, I can't bring myself to watch it. I've had a lot of opportunities, but it just... Sorry. I can go Ace of Base, I just can't do Abba.

          aquagirl, love the new sig .

          Off to try and play catch up now....

          sig by DG .
          I can be found here:


            Morning everyone.

            I have a chest infection from hell. Can't breathe. Can't sleep lying down. Sorry I'm whining but I feel so bloody miserable.

            Vatazes I'm glad you got your computer sorted out. I'll try to read your fic later. But right now I NEED a cup of tea.


              Hi Blen.
              Sorry you are so sick I'm doing well too, so keep in mind that you are not alone


                Just posting a link for the Jennifer Keller ship game


                That wraith is still troublesome.


                  Thank you Aqua. A cup of tea helps.


                    Yes that's what I'm going to do rite now


                      Originally posted by Blencathra View Post
                      Morning everyone.

                      I have a chest infection from hell. Can't breathe. Can't sleep lying down. Sorry I'm whining but I feel so bloody miserable.

                      Vatazes I'm glad you got your computer sorted out. I'll try to read your fic later. But right now I NEED a cup of tea.
                      Oh no!
                      *cuddles and bings a pot of Aldi-Anti-Bronchitis-Tea*
                      Is here anyone who is NOT on antibiotics right now? (I HOPE you are on antibiotics... from what I remember, my last chest infection was painful as hell. )
                      += +lots of children
                      Ronon Dex/Jennifer Keller supporter!


                        Originally posted by Blencathra View Post
                        Morning everyone.

                        I have a chest infection from hell. Can't breathe. Can't sleep lying down. Sorry I'm whining but I feel so bloody miserable.

                        Vatazes I'm glad you got your computer sorted out. I'll try to read your fic later. But right now I NEED a cup of tea.
                        Oh I am sorry, that is stupid today Glad the tea is helping a bit

                        I just got up, I needed to sleep in odrer to be up long tonight It is gonn abe fun, I am staying at home and our friends are coming here. I just should prepare some food

                        Vatazes, I will look at your stories later, I am looking forward to it I was writing yesterday (in fact today ttill three am) and the story is looking quite good already. About seven chapter so far and it will go on. I hope to finish the most till I have to come back to work...


                          Well, unless I get rid of this cold sometime today...or I go buy some surgical masks and get rid of my sniffling, I'll come bug you ladies at midnight, as I won't be going to my friend's house, and my grandparents always go to bed by ten at the latest.


                            Originally posted by DrJenniferDex View Post
                            Well, unless I get rid of this cold sometime today...or I go buy some surgical masks and get rid of my sniffling, I'll come bug you ladies at midnight, as I won't be going to my friend's house, and my grandparents always go to bed by ten at the latest.
                            I'll be there, too
                            Originally I wanted to spend today and tomorrow in Kerry with some friends... but my dear ex-host-mom HAD to tell me that she doesn't want me around during the christmas holidays (well, now I won't be around after the christmas holidays, too. Hehe.)
                            And since everyone already had plans here and I've got a bronchitis that doesn't go so well with alcohol...
                            I decided to spend my first New Year's Eve for... 6 years at home... with my parents (who are so incredibly boring that I'm sure I'll be here at midnight )
                            += +lots of children
                            Ronon Dex/Jennifer Keller supporter!


                              I'm home too for this New Year, after ten years. And I'm kinda glad that I'm spending it with my family, It's been a long time since we celebrate it together


                                Blen, Dr. J, and Seythia: Hope you all feel better soon. I gave up a while ago of trying to get rid of my cold. The actual cold left me about a week a go, but then my sinus' started in on me, so I know I have that to look forward to .

                                Sen, I know what you mean. I've already started on the next chapter of Othalaz, and am almost done with it. I've got the whole story outlined, with various parts already written in the outline. Ronon is kind of getting pushy though as I write . He's not to take a major part until about the 3rd or 4th chapter and he's gunning for chapter 2! I may have to re-work some stuff to accomodate him. I have too big of a soft spot for Ronon and Lorne .

                                Today will be spent writing, cleaning and gearing up for the Twelfth Night. No major plans, and no friends comming over. Just spending it witht he youngest and the hubby. I don't think I'll be on at midnight tonight as I do have to work tomorrow.

                                And hey, better early than late . HAPPY NEW YEAR! .

                                sig by DG .
                                I can be found here:

