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Ronon Dex/Jennifer Keller Appreciation/Ship/Discussion (Doctor & Wild Man)

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    Originally posted by Rac80 View Post
    Congrats blen (someday I will grow up to be a go'auld lord, I will, I WILL!!!!)
    Hope everyone has a terrific day! this is my last full week of classes, then finals and THEN I can play!!!
    I happy it is the last full week of classes also...Just waiting for class to start... Good morning everyone...
    All of the above statments are merely my own opinion unless otherwise stated.


      Morning Love Shack!


        Afternoon y'all! How's life in the outside world?

        I'm wondering if I need more caffeine. Or in the least --- cake. Preferably chocolate.

        Operation "this will most likely end badly" is a go. - John Sheppard
        MALP on a stick! - Rodney McKay


          Hi everyone. I'm back from work and had a fairly hair raising journey over snowy moorland. Just followed some tracks made previously and ploughed on. Very pretty though.

          BB- well done on winning the money. You have funds to try that beer milkshake now.

          And I wish I had some chocolate as well.


            Eww, beer milkshake? That's disgusting. I feel sick just thinking about it...

            Oh, and before I forget. I won't be around this weekend, cause I'll be here. Leaving tomorrow after work and going back on Monday Eeee, can't wait!
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              I had the most amazing milkshake when i was in Brighton on Monday, it was hobnobs, with malteasers on the top


                Originally posted by Blencathra View Post
                Hi everyone. I'm back from work and had a fairly hair raising journey over snowy moorland. Just followed some tracks made previously and ploughed on. Very pretty though.

                BB- well done on winning the money. You have funds to try that beer milkshake now.

                And I wish I had some chocolate as well.
                No snow on the ground here, just cold as heck! BRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!

                I am almost ready for snow... once the semester ends and I don't drive 50 miles /day to and from campus, THEN it can snow.

                Originally posted by misskitten View Post
                Eww, beer milkshake? That's disgusting. I feel sick just thinking about it...

                Oh, and before I forget. I won't be around this weekend, cause I'll be here. Leaving tomorrow after work and going back on Monday Eeee, can't wait!
                OOOh lucky you mk. and ITA about the beer milkshake! is that like a rootbeer float I wonder?



                  I am back. You wrote about one page, no picspam tonight?

                  I watched another amazing House episode. That is how ship should be written


                    Beer milkshake is something that Lister drinks on Red Dwarf. He's an absolute slob. I gave BB the recipe.

                    Rimmer - "I want a triple fried egg sandwich with ..."
                    Lister - "With chilli sauce and chutney."
                    Holly - "You what?"
                    Lister - "It's a state of the art sarny."
                    Holly - "It's the state of the floor I'm worried about."
                    And it's supposed to snow again tonight. Hopefully enough so I don't have to go to work tomorrow.

                    MK - I hope you have a good time at your convention.

                    Edit - Hi SeN!


                      Originally posted by Rac80 View Post
                      OOOh lucky you mk.
                      Originally posted by Blencathra View Post
                      MK - I hope you have a good time at your convention.
                      Thanks It's so weird. It's already like half a year since my last convention (March, April, June........ December)... I'm having withdrawal pains.

                      Rac, you should head over to the anti- thread, got some more games fo ya Though I am partial to the original three I posted
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                        I've never been to a convention. Sounds fun. But I think I would be more interested in meeting other fans than seeing the celebs. Cos I'm shy.


                          Originally posted by Blencathra View Post
                          I've never been to a convention. Sounds fun. But I think I would be more interested in meeting other fans than seeing the celebs. Cos I'm shy.
                          HA! for some reason that makes me giggle-snort! Somehow you being shy doesn't fit the mental picture I have of you. i would love to go to a convention. indy used to have a star-trek convention every year on thanksgiving week, but the con has gone bankrupt and cancelled two days before it was due to begin this year. The local supporters are wanting to do a larger sci-fi themed one!


                            Sorry Blen, you don't seem to be shy, really

                            I was at a few conventions but about fantasy. Books, games and similar stuff. I met some authors and it was always fun.


                              I was plaing with gimp. Do you wanna see nice Ronon vs Rodney pic?


                              Where is Blen? She is not talkin to us? Ok, I trust you


                                Originally posted by Blencathra View Post
                                I've never been to a convention. Sounds fun. But I think I would be more interested in meeting other fans than seeing the celebs. Cos I'm shy.
                                Well, that is partly what you do at conventions It's not just about meeting people from your favorite shows (though that *is* a big part of why I travel all the way to the UK several times a year).

                                Conventions are a real blast (of course, if I didn't think so I wouldn't be going to my tenth this weekend, lol). You ge a whole new perspective on the shows you watch. Because before you go to a convention, you're convinced that the people you're gonna love the most are the biggest names that are going, but once you've been to one or more, you start getting excited about recurring characters and even guest stars as much as you're excited about the main cast.

                                Like my next con (which is in April... I *want* to go to the SG one in February where Jason's going, but I am unsure if I'll afford it so soon after Christmas and all those expences I have then... I also have a student loan payment coming up in February ), the person I am most excited about is Clare Kramer ("Glory" on "Buffy"), because she is the sweetest person I've *ever* met. Sure, I'm also excited that Summer Glau will be there (especially since I missed the chance to have a picture with her the last time, 4 1/2 years ago), Summer's incredibly sweet and I love River. But Clare is just very special to me. She has a way of making you feel good about yourself

                                I just LOVE conventions in general. Because they're a reality escape, really. You're free to be yourself without anyone judging you for it. It doesn't matter what color hair you have, what way you dress (crossdressing, costumes, skimpy clothing that leaves very little to the imagination... it doesn't matter), how badly you dance (in fact, the more silly, the better). As long as you're nice to the people around you, they will be nice to you

                                I'm pretty sure with the right effort, I could help you come out of that shy shell, Blen
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