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Ronon Dex/Jennifer Keller Appreciation/Ship/Discussion (Doctor & Wild Man)

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    Originally posted by mellow yellow View Post
    If she ends with McKay I'm sure she will be nothing but jealous in future Ronon fics..
    Not in mine. Mine will be how Rodney screws up and loses the girl


      Originally posted by dragongirl View Post
      Not in mine. Mine will be how Rodney screws up and loses the girl
      LOL! True..but for some reason I can't see her with Ronon or I should say I don't want Ronon to want her if she has been with McKay..and I mean "been" in any kind of way.. I'm just bitter that way

      I'm off to watch the end of The Prodigal and watch Remants..SQUEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
      Be back later
      Sig made by DG. Thanks DG sigpic


        i know what u mean, i dont want Ronon to be second to Mckay, id rather he didnt have her! Right im off to bed. night x


          17 minutes
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            Well! The whole blooming episode was
            one giant mindscrew! HOLY COW! John got whumped, Woolsey was attracted to a beautiful woman with a New Zealander accent? ( I think that's right), Radek complemented Rodney's brilliance! There was no McKeller. There was no Ronon/Jenn. But DANG! I was having a few moments of whiplash there toward the end.

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            It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


              I agree about that Ever but I have to say I liked it and as a side note
              who noticed the scientest guy that was in Runner?


                Originally posted by dragongirl View Post
                I agree about that Ever but I have to say I liked it and as a side note
                who noticed the scientest guy that was in Runner?
                Lorne warned me about you!

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                It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                  Originally posted by Everlovin View Post
                  Well! The whole blooming episode was
                  one giant mindscrew! HOLY COW! John got whumped, Woolsey was attracted to a beautiful woman with a New Zealander accent? ( I think that's right), Radek complemented Rodney's brilliance! There was no McKeller. There was no Ronon/Jenn. But DANG! I was having a few moments of whiplash there toward the end.
                  Yea! No McKeller! But I really didn't like all the mention of
                  Amelia...or the way Jenn reacted when she thought Amelia came to see her and thought Jenn didn't want to see her and her wanting to clear up any misunderstanding! Really didn't like that..I just jumped to oh no Amelia and Ronon are together and Jenn didn't want Amelia thinking she didn't want to see her because of that.. <-- I've just been reading too many fan fics..
                  That happened in one..not with Ameila but a OC with Ronon!

                  Originally posted by dragongirl View Post
                  I agree about that Ever but I have to say I liked it and as a side note
                  who noticed the scientest guy that was in Runner?
                  Nope didn't notice..
                  Why wasn't Ronon and Teyla in this epi more?

                  Loved the first scene with them
                  in the mess!
                  Sig made by DG. Thanks DG sigpic


                    I didn't even
                    that of that with Amelia and Jennifer. I was annoyed that we had so much of her and not enough Ronon and Teyla

                    I loved
                    them in the mess was funny especially "you know when I walk past his quarters at night I can hear him crying." "really?" "no"


                      Originally posted by dragongirl View Post
                      I didn't even
                      that of that with Amelia and Jennifer. I was annoyed that we had so much of her and not enough Ronon and Teyla

                      DG, I'm gald you didn't see anything to that!
                      We are usually on the same page so I'll sum it up to me being over reacting I agree why the heck was Amelia in it so much..I don't mind Amelia but what the heck was Ronon and Teyla doing all that time? Why couldn't something happen with them?

                      I loved
                      them in the mess was funny especially "you know when I walk past his quarters at night I can hear him crying." "really?" "no"
                      LOL! that whole scene was great! I love Ronon trying
                      to hint to McKay why Shepp went to the mainland and Ronon just said you know..that look was priceless..
                      Sig made by DG. Thanks DG sigpic


                        I agree that was great
                        and Rodney still didn't get it


                          Originally posted by dragongirl View Post
                          I agree that was great
                          and Rodney still didn't get it
                          I think Sheppard is the only one getting "it"

                          Where is everyone? I guess its just you and me
                          Sig made by DG. Thanks DG sigpic


                            Izzy (my injured daughter) wanted to do her fantasy sprite! Here it is!

                            Izzy says that she has the power to steal anyone's hearts!
                            Last edited by Everlovin; 13 December 2008, 07:59 AM.

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                            It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                              I like Izzy's sprite so pretty

                              and that is true Mellow definatly and I meant to say earlier but
                              The reason I didn't see the whole Jennifer not wanting Ronon mad at her for not treating Amiela was because my first thought was she was nervous what her boss thought of her. I mean if her boss thought she was not doing her job she would be sent back home and I think she likes it on Atlantis and doesn't want to lose her job.


                                I had a thought while watching the clip for next week. This is a s t r e t c h though. The graphic they are showing when Rodney is talking about a "matter stream" looks a lot like the ones they used for the dimentional bridge in McKay and Mrs Miller. Maybe it all takes place (another Jenn or something) in an alternate universe?!

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                                It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi

