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Ronon Dex/Jennifer Keller Appreciation/Ship/Discussion (Doctor & Wild Man)

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    Sorry, Krissie, me neither.

    I adore my grandpa right now, he made me a quesadilla, got me some medicine(which I unfortunately can't take, since I can't manage to swallow pills), a fresh box of tissues, and a case of 7-Up, and he said he'll make me soup for dinner. Of course, that means he'll toss it in a bowl in the microwave, but that's what I do, too.


      Originally posted by DrJenniferDex View Post
      Sorry, Krissie, me neither.

      I adore my grandpa right now, he made me a quesadilla, got me some medicine(which I unfortunately can't take, since I can't manage to swallow pills), a fresh box of tissues, and a case of 7-Up, and he said he'll make me soup for dinner. Of course, that means he'll toss it in a bowl in the microwave, but that's what I do, too.
      Your Grandpa sound like a sweetheart. I think it is so cute you always talk about him

      OK, so I have too much time on my hands. Yea, so I have come to the conclusion of not worrying about that pic from is why.

      Joe posted the pics on his blog (not the McKeller one but we know its from the same day) on Sept 18th "Well, yesterday was the final day of shooting for many of our regular and recurring actors: Rachel Luttrell, Jewel Staite, Jason Momoa, David Hewlett, Kavan Smith, Sharon Taylor, and Chuck Campbell."

      See link to the blog and pictures....
      Sig made by DG. Thanks DG sigpic


        Yeah, we're really close, Mellow. I'm pretty close with my other grandma, too, she said she'll call me in a few days, give me time to feel better before she makes me gab.


          Originally posted by DrJenniferDex View Post
          Yeah, we're really close, Mellow. I'm pretty close with my other grandma, too, she said she'll call me in a few days, give me time to feel better before she makes me gab.
          I hope you feel better too. I've been having sinus headaches the pass couple of days and I'm just praying it doesn't lead to anything else..

          some more pics for Joe M's blog... Check out the one with Woosley..thats from August 15th...he showed up in last epi wearing that sling I guess what I'm trying to convince myself of is..Joe may post pics on his blog but he doesn't always say when its from...point is..the EATG pic is from the last day of shooting not necessarily from the final episode..big difference..yea!!!!

          Sig made by DG. Thanks DG sigpic


            Krissie & Rac, that pic is definitiely from Reunion.

            I've been asleep wrapped in a blanket on the sofa & drinking brandy & hot water. Now I'm off to bed.

            Badboyz, we need pics of you in your hunk guise.


              Originally posted by Blencathra View Post
              Krissie & Rac, that pic is definitiely from Reunion.

              I've been asleep wrapped in a blanket on the sofa & drinking brandy & hot water. Now I'm off to bed.

              Badboyz, we need pics of you in your hunk guise.
              good eye blen! I couldn't remember where I snurched it!
              I don't worry about our couple... the ship will live forever in fanfiction!
              everyone who is sick must feel better! the last thing I need this semester is to get ill as well!
              Ok I must say goodnite all!


                Originally posted by Blencathra View Post
                Morning everyone

                I have a cold, small Blen's cold to be precise. Good of her to share isn't it. So I'm not going anywhere today. it's bloody freezing out, with wind and hail.

                So I'm going to stay here, be warm and gargle occasionally with salt water.

                *cough cough*

                Oh and I had a brilliant idea for the fic, so I'll be writing that as well.
                I think small Blen gave me her cold too. What is with this thread? Are we all sick?

                Originally posted by Blencathra View Post
                No, not mine. You should write it BB! I dare you. In fact I double dare you

                Did the hail wake you up last night, Mountie? It did me. I didn't know what was going on. The dogs were barking. Sounded like someone was throwing heaps on stones on my house.

                Much the same thoughts about The Prodigal. Can't see anything coming of the Amelia thing with Ronon. Good idea about her with Chuck.
                Originally posted by badboyzII~86 View Post
                hmmmm, i haven't written fic for a while. i was more your journalist type of writer, ive got the qualifications to be so. I mean i could give fic a go, but ive always wanted to write non fic. You see from a personal perspective. i think women write fic better than men. mainly because they are more in tune with emotions than many men, although i count myself among the group that are in tune with how they feel and how others feel. i think just women are better at expressing those scenes and situations better.

                however when i get the time, ie, im not writing about Italian communists for an essay, i might give it a go.
                I double dare you to write it!

                Originally posted by mellow yellow View Post
                OH Goodie! I'm not going crazy! I don't know why Jewel is trying to throw us of her tracks. We all know that Jennifer Keller has wanted Ronon Dex since day one..didn't she say that Jenn had a crush on Ronon in one of her interviews? can't go from Ronon to way..and she basically admitted in the video that she was scared!!!

                Here is the link

                Thank You! I'm downloading!

                Ugh! This cold is not a typical cold. I've got a sinus headache and swollen tonsils. That's it! You'd think there'd be a cough, or stuffy nose or something. And yes, I slept all afternoon. That's why I'm late getting here.

                Click here daily to give free mammograms

                It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                  I was gonna pop in here and see what's up, but I think I might take my healthy self and back out of here.

                  Jen is supposed to be caring for a whumped Ronon, not whumped shippers.

                  **passes out chicken soup, cough drops (strawberry flavored) and tissues**


                    Originally posted by Everlovin View Post
                    I think small Blen gave me her cold too. What is with this thread? Are we all sick?

                    I double dare you to write it!

                    Thank You! I'm downloading!

                    Ugh! This cold is not a typical cold. I've got a sinus headache and swollen tonsils. That's it! You'd think there'd be a cough, or stuffy nose or something. And yes, I slept all afternoon. That's why I'm late getting here.
                    Lol, there is alot of pressure to do two things. Get into my hunk gear, and write fic for everyone. You see i couldnt write Mcshep stuff, even tho i love it, i don't thing that way, but ive got some gay mates who would do it proper justice. As for a Ronon fic, im sure i could do it. as i said, when ive got the time ill consider it people . I do have ideas about it all. But then again i think if i were to write one, i would include my other other ships from the perspective of ronon. Anyways, i shall think about it all. It's about time i put my creative mind to work on writing again.


                      Originally posted by Pocus View Post
                      I was gonna pop in here and see what's up, but I think I might take my healthy self and back out of here.

                      Jen is supposed to be caring for a whumped Ronon, not whumped shippers.

                      **passes out chicken soup, cough drops (strawberry flavored) and tissues**
                      Aah! I could use the chicken soup! It'd feel good going down the throat!

                      And BadBoyz! You should read some of the tripe that I wrote early on. A lot of it is really bad. If I can write awful stuff, you can too!

                      Click here daily to give free mammograms

                      It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                        How about some tea with honey? I can't stand hot drinks, but that is one that I will deal with when I have sore throat.


                          Originally posted by Pocus View Post
                          How about some tea with honey? I can't stand hot drinks, but that is one that I will deal with when I have sore throat.
                          Also sounds wonderful!

                          Click here daily to give free mammograms

                          It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                            for a sore throat I like Ice Cream or popcicles something nice and cold and my not feeling well is more female in nature than a cold


                              Originally posted by Lahela
                              I was just wondering how the R/K shippers feel about the way TPTB have portrayed Ronon in the last few eps - one minute he's (apparently) desperately in lurve with Keller after ten years on his own and unready to start a relationship, the next minute he's "flirting" with Banks. I'm not a shipper by any stretch of the imagination as far as scifi is concerned, so I honestly don't understand your perspective - this is actually a serious question!

                              My biiiiiiiiiiiig problem with shipping between Atlantis personnel is the fact that, by its very nature, it has to be carried over into subsequent plotlines and therefore intrudes where it doesn't belong. To me, it denigrates the characters because it makes their romantic/sexual dalliances their prime focus and the writers can do little with them apart from that so they become even more two dimensional than usual. And I think this is more evident with Ronon than with any other character they have shipped. He has been distorted beyond recognition, back and forth, just to give him some "spark" with a female character.

                              Actually, I realised during a conversation I was having last night, the problem is that the writers simply don't care enough about the character to create something believable for him. With Shep, they go out of their way to create one-off characters for him to have a fling with, or they write a whole AU around it, and the same has been true of McKay in the last season and a half. But Ronon... IMO, they just distort his character to force some "romantic" situation, whatever it might be.
                              You know I actually agree with you on this..except Ronon being OCC. I thought there were some sparks between him and Banks. Wait..let me clarify..I think there could be some serious sparks and fireworks between them..if there was time but I don't think they have the time to start that now. Plus, I think I would just get irritated beyond belief if they were to have him head over heels for her because she can fight. I think it is obvious Ronon doesn't just fall for a chick because she's got fighting skills.

                              Now for the rest of your comment. ITA that the writers don't care enough about Ronon. They love Sheppard and his kirking around the universe which is fine with me and we all know Rodney is the favorite of the group. The writers imo have done Ronon a great injustice yea time to be dramatic. They haven't been too kind to Teyla either but we've seen some changes in her. But with Ronon they have written themselves into a corner. Instead of showing him doing different things or taking an interest in different things they just continued to write him as the shoot first don't ask any questions ever type. I can understand him being like that in season 2 and part of season 3 but since he has been on Atlantis you would think he would begin to realize he should learn some "science" which he did end of season 3 but they didn't follow through on it. Now when they try and show him in a different light he will come across as OCC because we haven't seen him move/grow in that direction. I really don't know why they've chosen to leave him behind. I had high hopes at the start of the season especially when Joe M mentioned his favorite character to write for was Ronon and forgot who I'm starting to think he was just messing around since Ronon hardly has any lines.

                              I know others will disagree but I don't see how Ronon was OCC while pursuing his feelings for Keller? Please tell me how he was OCC or what you thought was OCC? I can understand we may not know what to expect from him since we've never ever ever seen him show an interest in any woman let alone pursue it..but I really didn't see him as being OCC.

                              How was he flirting with Banks? He was trying to be encouraging and reassuring and perhaps because he does this in a gentler way than we are use to seeing him it comes across as OCC..but is it really? When he encourages McKay (if you call it that) he is very gruff with him..but not always..Take No Man's Land for example he was actually pretty kind to McKay. Ronon's relationship with Teyla has always been on the softer side and he encourages her in a gentler way....and now we've seen him do with Keller and that little moment with Banks.

                              I also agree with why you don't like shippy relationship things. Writers sometime fall into the trap of having one partner use emotions to persuade the other to do things..and sometimes the lines become blurred for fans..they question if the character doing what they would normally do or are they doing it because they like/love that person? I don't like when a show is centered around 2 main characters working together and the relationship is constantly in your face. With SGA I think it would/could be different...I liked McKay's relationship with Katie...1 was nice to know he had someone...2. The little mentions of her here and there was sweet and just a nice look into his private life. I for one enjoy learning and knowing that my favorite group of people do more than just work..that they have a life and are somehow more than just the side we get to see of them when there is a mission.

                              I liked the idea of Keller and Ronon because they don't always work together..yes their story lines my cross and we get to see them on a mission together now and then..but the relationship wouldn't be the focus like it would be if it was Ronon and Teyla..then we would get into the cliche of them being in battle together and see where I'm going with this....

                              In the end its up to the writers and how important the character is to them that they want to develop. I'm a Keller fan so I'm by no means bashing her just using her as an example...we know that she is an only child (or at least only surviving child) Her mother died a few years ago, her dad is still alive. She is afraid of heights, she has never really done anything too crazy..camping as a kid was probably the craziest thing she has done, the list goes on..What do we know about Ronon? I don't even know if he had any siblings, any family..only thing we know is He loved Melena, Sateda got culled, he was made into a Runner for 7 years. After all these years we've never been given anything more than Ronon that to me shows the writers aren't into developing his character..he is just the muscle of the show..and they use his not talkative demeanor as an escape....

                              I think my rant is over but Lahela you made a great point..Ronon really isn't that important to the writers. Such a shame..they could have made him one of the best and most memorable characters of Stargate!
                              Sig made by DG. Thanks DG sigpic


                                I just watched that video! I love how Jewel talks of the NATURAL attraction between Ronon and Jenn!

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                                It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi

