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Ronon Dex/Jennifer Keller Appreciation/Ship/Discussion (Doctor & Wild Man)

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    OH I can help care for them!!!!!


      Yeah, I still have more


        Originally posted by SeNedra View Post

        Whooooo damn that's one sexy Major...

        Operation "this will most likely end badly" is a go. - John Sheppard
        MALP on a stick! - Rodney McKay


          Gret screencaps SeN

          Originally posted by SeNedra View Post
          OMG. I just found out that two of my vids on youtube were deleted, one of them was the My Wish song for Ronon and Jenn, I am gonna reaploaded it, but it really iritates me.
          That's not right. What happened to them?

          Do you have more? Please?
          Yup. But it's still top secret at the moment. Hopefully I'll have something to send to Miss Kitten for beta-ing tomorrow.

          Sorry for the delay with the pics, I am busy today
          No problem. Been doing anything interesting?

          Originally posted by mellow yellow View Post
          Did anyone notice that ugly green blanket appearing out of nowhere to cover Ronon?
          You have good eyes, Mellow. It makes me think more that Jenn was cut out of a scene somewhere. Perhaps she put it on him.

          They better not just throw Ronon and
          Banks together..why? he is interested in her because she can fight? Obviously he isn't that attracted to women who can fight..there has to be something more. I'm sure Teyla isn't the only woman on Atlantis who can if that is the case Ronon would have been hooking up with all the other "females" on Atlantis or any other worlds because they can "fight". Now, I still believe Jenn is the one for Ronon but since she turned him down if they were to show Ronon and Banks getting to know each other and it started because they have a common interest (fighting) then that would be different..but to just have him head over heals for her because she kicked a hybrid's ass would just be insulting!
          Agreed. But I don't think that will happen. Maybe a little admiration for her fighting skills on his part but nothing more.

          I'm still hoping for jealousy and angst and misunderstanding and then a passionate kiss when Ronon & Jenn realise their mistake. *happy sigh*

          Yea, Woosley seems to be very observant <--- after all he is a leader and former IOA so he would have to very observant..noticing things others may not notice or seeing the meaning behind simple things others may take for granted.
          He was the one who pointed out to Keller in First Contact that it was odd to see her without Ronon. I love Woosley..he is obviously a Ronon/Jenn shipper
          Go Woolsey! Perhaps he could arrange rotas for them to be together.


            Hehe, dg, I am sure you can


            Poor Ronon! See?


              So Woolsey, John and Teyla all seem to be for Ronon/Jennifer


                I can I can (not usre how much "rest" but he will be..... you know I should probably not finish that sentence but you all know where I am going right


                  *nods* Sure do, DG.


                    Blen, just shopping and house work, it is gathering during the week I know it happened to several people here, they are from time ot time deleting the vids on youtube,but I don't know why they choose some, maybe someone reported it, no idea.

                    Nika, that is my favourite pics of Lorne right now


                      And last pics

                      That was perfect scene

                      This was funny too


                        Originally posted by SeNedra View Post
                        And last pics

                        That was perfect scene

                        This was funny too
                        The last scene was cute..Teyla was extra bouncy But I would have really loved to see a scene with Teyla and Ronon..after all if it wasn't for him...
                        Michael would have taken her and the baby and Atlantis would have been blown to hell...
                        It was very nice to see Ronon getting some thanks for being brave! I wish Jenn was there to see it!
                        Sig made by DG. Thanks DG sigpic


                          Really great screencaps SeN.

                          Ronon didn't really look like he had to be there did he? Woolsey looked more injured.

                          Edit - Mellow - I think she was there, just out of sight - listening.


                            is one CUTE baby.


                              yup I like that plus
                              he was actually staying if he really wanted to leave the infermary he would have gotten up and left like anyone on Atlantis could keep him where he didn't want to be.


                                Hey girls.. I'm working on chapter 3 of After the storm..actually the story is complete I'm just going through chapter 3 to edit. There is a steamy scene it but its really not that smutty its really to try and show the emotions of whats going on not the act itself

                                Nika I just PM you are betaing my story if you have the time
                                Sig made by DG. Thanks DG sigpic

