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Joe Flanigan/John Sheppard Thunk Thread

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    Originally posted by Linzi
    I bet you'll be so pleased to get rid of NTL! I know I would. So now you can thunk and whump and WRITE without interruption! (The capital letters here are a not so subtle hint!)
    Yeah yeah yeah, I'm on it woman! *Jeez, talk about your hard taskmaster*

    Should be posting Shrapnel sometime today, it's approx two thirds done right now...


      Originally posted by Alipeeps
      Yeah yeah yeah, I'm on it woman! *Jeez, talk about your hard taskmaster*

      Should be posting Shrapnel sometime today, it's approx two thirds done right now...
      Excellent! I'll put my whip away now...or maybe I'll head off to the whump thread with it? Oh Sheppy, where are you hiding?.....


        Oh to have broadband. Don't get me wrong on the whole I love living in the countryside, right now I look out the window and the sky is blue and all I can see as far as the horizon are trees and green fields. But knowing that broadband is still potentially years away from reaching here is sickening.


          Finally, GW is back on line again.
          I listened to the Lost Boys commentary again. Here are a few more snippets:


          A really funny bit is when Martin Gero phones up Aaron Abrams, who played Caneto (?). The three take the pee out of Aaron alot in the commentary, in a nice way, obviously, but he's actually a friend of Martin's. They have him on speaker phone, and this bit made me laugh.

          JOE: Now, I've got a question. You know, throughout the show you were slapping us on the butt going 'A good game' alot. Was that a choice?
          (Lots of laughing all around!)
          Aaron: Well, I mean , like a character choice?
          David:Or just an irrestisible actor choice?

          On James Lafazanos, the wraith. Joe tells us James is an aspiring comedian, or actually IS a comedian. He then goes on to say, he's a 'perspiring comedian' when he's in all the heavy Wraith make-up and costume! The three commentators keep making puns all the way through the commentary, as
          Martin Gero obviously has a thing for them!

          Joe laughs at his line in the scene where they are discussing the plan to raid the Hive ship.
          Joe: That was a great line to deliver - 'WOW'
          Martin: I do my best

          Joe on BamBam and his fighting scenes.

          Joe: He always comes to me and is like, 'let's practice this', and I say, 'Can't I just shoot the guy?'
          Martin: A very Indiana Jones take.
          (See we all knew Joe was Indiana Jones really!)
          There's loads more funny bits too!


            Aw! Thanks Linzi. I really wish I could listen to the commentries they sound really funny and cute.


              Heee must send back the no 2 DVD to Amazon and get this next one sent out to me!


                Originally posted by Linzi
                The bit with the opening credits made me laugh too! I was thinking, Joe, do you not know anything? The last place in the opening credits with the 'and' is quite a well known thing, and Joe seemed oblivious, bless him! I thought that was really endearing!
                Oh yes, I loved him a bit more there to!
                I've noticed that he's quite oblivious to a few things during these commentaries and it makes him even more adorable in my eyes! Makes me want to give him a big a snog as well...if I could get away with it!!

                Thanks for the info on the other commentaries as well Linzi! Haven't got around to listening to those yet. I can't stay in when the weather is as glorious as it is today! Off to a 'Barbie' in a mo...and it's just decided to start thundering! Typical!!

                Originally posted by josie
                Thanks Linzi & Elinor for the tidbits about the commentries.
                That's OK sweetie...they're fun to do!


                  Originally posted by knocknashee
                  In case anyone hasn't seen...uber high-res Shep...

                  *swoons* *faints* *dies*

                  Member of W.A.S.P. ~ My Fan Fiction ~MySpace ~ Thanks to *E*K*R* for the sig!


                    Originally posted by Alipeeps
                    Hey Linz... thanks for the info on the commentaries... they sound fab. I absolutely adored the bit about
                    Joe taking the newspaper into the pod with him! Ties back to Rainbow saying in the Behind the Gate programme about Joe reading newspapers all the time in between takes and tucking it in his back pocket while they're filing etc.

                    I'm totally loving imagining him lying in the pod between takes reading his newspaper! So cute.
                    ok its not exactly what you want but...
                    he looks so adorable doing this.....

                    This man looks sexy even when he reads the newspaper!!!!


                      Thank you all for the commentaries!!!! bless you!!! for share with us.....(the ones that can`t see it)


                        Originally posted by Linzi
                        Morning all! Lovely piccies Beanie, thanks for the link!

                        I've listened to all the commentaries on the dvd now.

                        And...the scene at the end with the champagne, Joe really wanted to open the champagne as he drinks so much of it and is an expert at opening it, (so he and I have one thing in common then!), they joked that he drinks Crystal though! I knew Joe would fit it over at the whump thread, where a few of our posters regularly imbibe the precious nectar!
                        You are all most welcome for the pics...and thanks for the welcome back peeps!

                        As to the
                        champagne...seriously...I think Joe just likes alcohol. He was downing plenty of beer at P1. Besides, beer is the precious nectar...

                        Not saying I don't like champagne - it's okay in doses...but there are easier ways to get drunk - and ones that taste better...

                        ~*Beanie*~ | No mountain too high, no gutter too low... | Ar scáth a chéile a mhairimid uilig...
                        "It is better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than to open it and remove all doubt."


                          It's very quiet around here tonight.


                            "Too quiet indeed... Where are they?"
                            Flo ~ FBI - Proud Shep Thunker - Proud member of the Ship Ship Hooray Special Ops Team !


                              Is it too soon to post this again?


                              No, didn't think so.


                                Originally posted by Josie
                                Is it too soon to post this again?


                                No, didn't think so.
                                It could never be too soon. That is such a beautiful piccie! Sigh...

