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Joe Flanigan/John Sheppard Thunk Thread

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    The first con I went to was in Brisbane, Australia. I'll have to have a look into the price & if I can get to it ... I may have to cut down on my planned holiday if I go to the con, by the sounds of it!


      Originally posted by starfish
      Well I did forget its a 3 day event, lol, so its actually 27-29th
      ahhh. I really want to go, i havent been to one before

      Images originally Gambit_Rogue's
      The M.a.j.o.r


        Originally posted by starfish
        Well I did forget its a 3 day event, lol, so its actually 27-29th
        Yeah, I just looked at the site ... I doubt I should spent £175 on a convention! A day ticket with one autograph is better, £35... much more affordable...


          Originally posted by starfish
          The creation con is 27th may and well I hide my eyes when I see the price of tix...prob 10x more than your first con. What was your first con btw?
          There full price options are as follows...

          Gold Package - Best reserved seats, seat for Friday Night Caberet, Ticket for Cocktail party, be first for in-person autographs with all celebs (autographs are inclusive), pre-registration for events, a limited edition SG collectible and admission to the Sunday Brunch and Silent Charity Auction - £175 (ish - since the prices are in USD)

          Preffered Seating Package - Reserved seats behind the gold patrons, second for in person autographs (again inclusive) - £100

          General Admission - See all the guests on stage but unreserved and to the rear of the theatre. Price in this instance does not include autographs - £55

          Dailies - £20 for Gen Admission, £35 for Preffered.

          The prices to get autographs seem to hover around the £16 mark and a photo-op is around £25...more or less depending on who.

          Full details -

          ~*Beanie*~ | No mountain too high, no gutter too low... | Ar scáth a chéile a mhairimid uilig...
          "It is better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than to open it and remove all doubt."


            i'm glad i can do my part in degrading the integraty of this thread! haha!

            ok london convention i might be able to make it there! if it happens to be in like mid july! hehe!

            if i could see rainbow or joe in person i think i would just have to...think unsexy though think unsexy thoughts think unsexy thoughts...


              Originally posted by sheppardslilgirl
              ooo, convention I dont suppose you know when it is do you beanie?

              Btw- I remember you! You were on the M.A.J.O.R at skiffy (sci-fi) BBoard! What happened to you?
              I don't really have a comment to make on the last bit...there are reasons, but I find it better to keep them to myself.

              You are always welcome here SLG...

              ~*Beanie*~ | No mountain too high, no gutter too low... | Ar scáth a chéile a mhairimid uilig...
              "It is better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than to open it and remove all doubt."


                Originally posted by starfish
                yeah. Still as much as I would like to see Michael Shanks I wouldn't go unless JF was likely to appear because its right in the middle of end of year exams.

                I guess the prob is you don't know which day which people are going to be appearing on until closer the time

                Just a note but we managed to have 3 people post at 7.14pm...I guess I should resist the urge to compare thunkers to buses
                I was thinking the same...

                I will in all likelyhood go for the £100 weekend much as I'd like to attend the party and all that, I don't want to pay out loads and loads in case no SGA stars sign on for it. I can always enquire about an upgrade is available when I get there...

                My biggest concern is finding accomodation...if anyone can take in a guest...

                As for the bus comment...I think you should definitely resist the urge to post any comment containing the word 'come' at this particular time...

                ~*Beanie*~ | No mountain too high, no gutter too low... | Ar scáth a chéile a mhairimid uilig...
                "It is better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than to open it and remove all doubt."


                  Originally posted by knocknashee
                  I don't really have a comment to make on the last bit...there are reasons, but I find it better to keep them to myself.

                  You are always welcome here SLG...

                  Thats Fine! And thank you for the welcome

                  Images originally Gambit_Rogue's
                  The M.a.j.o.r


                    Originally posted by knocknashee
                    I was thinking the same...

                    I will in all likelyhood go for the £100 weekend much as I'd like to attend the party and all that, I don't want to pay out loads and loads in case no SGA stars sign on for it. I can always enquire about an upgrade is available when I get there...

                    My biggest concern is finding accomodation...if anyone can take in a guest...

                    As for the bus comment...I think you should definitely resist the urge to post any comment containing the word 'come' at this particular time...
                    Same here, I would dearly love the £175 entry, but I don't think I could ever justify it to myself. I think the £100 for 3 days isn't too bad, I wouldn't need accomodation as I can catch a train to London and then the Tube ... I don't know how far ahead of time I should book it ... I was just talking to my dad about this, and he said "How cool would it be if you got the gold pass and there were only about 10 other people who had as well?" which really didn't help my decision-making! Hmm, I guess I've already met Don Davis, and I would love to meet Chris & Michael... ahh I can't decide! *head explodes from thinking*
                    Ok, Joe is probably feeling neglected right now... I shan't comment on the busses and coming...


                      Originally posted by starfish
                      eep I forgot if about needing accom. lol. I also forgot about the train ticket to London. *sigh* this is looking less and less likely money wise. Especially given that I spent 2/3 of the entire months budget in the past 6 days...and I haven't even been on anymore JF related shopping sprees either.

                      Dailies can be purchased on the day right? You just have to turn up and queue for ages?

                      You can purchase daily tickets on the day...but you can only pay cash for them. If I go, I will not be stopping at the hotel in question, more likely a youth hostel or something like that. Unless I can persuade everyone that it's what I want for my birthday, which is th 26th May...

                      I'm still trying to think of a reason to justify £ nan did say she would pay it for me to go...

                      ~*Beanie*~ | No mountain too high, no gutter too low... | Ar scáth a chéile a mhairimid uilig...
                      "It is better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than to open it and remove all doubt."


                        Originally posted by starfish
                        *Off screen there is a loud bang*
                        "Nessva, have you been thinking again?"

                        *runs and hides from Nessva*
                        Yep, I confess, I started thinking again. It didn't go too well. I'm still trying to convince myself I can justify the £175 ticket... my parents say the whole thing is a rip-off (good coming from people who also watch the show!!). Too bad my birthday isn't for aaaaages!

                        Edit: Too bad there's no excuse to go in FBI shirts!!!


                          I've never stayed in youth hostels anywhere, so I can't help with what they're like. If I didn't live with my parents, I'd probably say ya'll could stay with me... hey how far ahead do you think we should actually decide & book?


                            Originally posted by Droops
                            If it's caramel, make sure those Ba'al thunkers haven't been playing with it.
                            Hey! Not all of us are corrupted! Okay, well, we are, but still...we're generally still nice people. Of course, most of us are also in the Shep whumping thread, but that doesn't mean we don't care about Shep & our fellow thunkers. It's not us who does the poisoning, it's his fault!!

                            Some people are like Slinkies. Not really good for anything, but you
                            still can't help but smile when you see one tumble down the stairs.


                              Youth hostels are a great laugh...I remember when I used to follow Westlife, we used to stay in them all the time (when we were poor from stopping in the posh hotels they stopped in). The time that sticks out the most is Aberdeen, a couple of years ago, when we had a four bunk room and didn't really expect company cos the hostel was empty. We went to the concert, then a club, and my mate got back and was gagging for a ciggie, but had caned the packet she had. We went up to the room thinking that it would be empty aside from our crap strewn everywhere.

                              Surprise, when we turned on the light - this woman in her mid 50's had booked in. And we woke her up when we threw the light on. So my mate fumbled around while I headed for the door, mumbling my appologies...and in doing so, I encountered the hugest pair of Bridget Jones kinickers hung on a hanger, drying, that you've ever seen. I was peeing myself laughing, and my mate was just in hysterics...

                              Then there was the time in Sligo when the lads did their homecoming, best mate, three uptown girls and a gay guy...

                              ~*Beanie*~ | No mountain too high, no gutter too low... | Ar scáth a chéile a mhairimid uilig...
                              "It is better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than to open it and remove all doubt."


                                Lol, sounds like they can be a laugh then!

                                Edit (again!) - I'll be back in about 1/2 hr ... I'm off to watch Futurama with a glass of wine to see if I can calm down from my head exploding and all this decision making!

