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Joe Flanigan/John Sheppard Thunk Thread

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    mmmm yummy, yummy, yummy... i love all those sheppy piccys


      weeeeee.....piccies are nice.....same with green glowys too....


        It's Friday! Grab some popcorn & cozy up!

        Some people are like Slinkies. Not really good for anything, but you
        still can't help but smile when you see one tumble down the stairs.


          Originally posted by Alaskhah
          It's Friday! Grab some popcorn & cozy up!
          Wooo.. food porn friday!


            "Is there anything she didn't get out of the fridge?"

            Some people are like Slinkies. Not really good for anything, but you
            still can't help but smile when you see one tumble down the stairs.


              Don't worry, I left some chocolate syrup for later


                "Never mind what that whipped cream is for...put it back and no one gets hurt."

                Some people are like Slinkies. Not really good for anything, but you
                still can't help but smile when you see one tumble down the stairs.


                  starfish, nice pics and funny captions !

                  But you're not alone, I'm here too

                  Don't worry Shep, there will always be some thunker to take care of you

                  "Thank God, my thunkers are coming back. And more important, I'm not left alone with starfish !"
                  Flo ~ FBI - Proud Shep Thunker - Proud member of the Ship Ship Hooray Special Ops Team !


                    We're coming back Shep, don't worry, we won't leave you alone with Starfish
                    I may be on a little less in the next week - my 3rd fave tv airs its last episode this week so I'm posting & shipping there like mad.
                    Edit: I also have LJ & msn, so if anyone wants to add me, PM me for my details.


                      Originally posted by starfish
                      [IMG]Your not safe quite yet Shep ...I haven't seen any of your bodyguards lately...
                      Well, I was a lip-guard, so I guess thats kind of a bodyguard...

                      Oh, and there are some up-side-down avatars of Joe here Hope that's ok to post, just thought you all would like them.


                        Originally posted by starfish
                        I shall leave the lips alone then ...but lips GUH! okay maybe you need to pull me away from the lips too.

                        upside down icons lol Does anyone know if the upside down image from one of the behind the scenes programmes?
                        I think it might have come from Behind the Stargate - Secrets Revealed, but I'm not too sure. Could be from the skateboarding section.


                          Originally posted by FoolishPleasure
                          JF is such a nice guy that I feel rather guilty about stealing his undies. . .well, maybe just a tad guilty. Actually. . I don't feel THAT guilty. Its his own fault that he lets 'em peek out like that.
                          Hee hee!! I reckon that if we DON'T see the boxers in season 2, then the views in season 1 weren't intended and Joe's caught onto us and is now gonna cover up!! If we DO see them ...... well ..... he's a bit of a tease then... and we luv it!


                            Originally posted by starfish
                            pics from last weekends con

                            photo by livejournal user malnpudl

                            photo by livejournal user malnpudl

                            photo by livejournal user malnpudl

                            photo by livejournal user malnpudl
                            Thanks for posting those pics Starfish!! I've just got to go and take a tranquilizer a minute, I won't be longgggggggg!! *thud*


                              Originally posted by starfish
                              pics from last weekends con

                              photo by livejournal user malnpudl

                              photo by livejournal user malnpudl

                              photo by livejournal user malnpudl

                              photo by livejournal user malnpudl
                              WOW *thunk*

                              whats goin on in this last pic ... whats he looking at/smiling about ???

                              Check out stargate_pad; a pairing a day for the stargate fandom!


                                Originally posted by starfish
                                Ooo . I think we should have a 'boxer spotting team' when Season 2 starts...
                                O yes ....... it's a tough job, but someone has to do it!!

