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Joe Flanigan/John Sheppard Thunk Thread

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    Originally posted by Sweety
    Well if I decide to go too, you wouldn't be the only n00b in the city. I guess if we can get our flightschedules to match eachothers, we can get lost in London together.
    Well I guess it would be better to get lost together than getting lost by yourself..*lol*
    And you said you've been there 4 times...well that's 4 times more then me *lol* I just touched my feet down in London before I took of again *lol*
    Haven't decided yet either,,, but at times I feel like it's now or never..since I can never be sure if I get that chance again...
    Sigs by Scifan


      Originally posted by NinaM
      Well I guess it would be better to get lost together than getting lost by yourself..*lol*
      And you said you've been there 4 times...well that's 4 times more then me *lol* I just touched my feet down in London before I took of again *lol*
      Haven't decided yet either,,, but at times I feel like it's now or never..since I can never be sure if I get that chance again...
      Hey, I don't know London at all either - I'm from up in the wild and woolly north of the UK! There;s a few of us going though so you wouldn't be alone, by any means! Heck, the more of us there is to hold each other upright when we start swooning from seeing Joe in the flesh (OMG! *dies at the thought!) the better!


        Originally posted by Alipeeps
        Hey, I don't know London at all either - I'm from up in the wild and woolly north of the UK! There;s a few of us going though so you wouldn't be alone, by any means! Heck, the more of us there is to hold each other upright when we start swooning from seeing Joe in the flesh (OMG! *dies at the thought!) the better!
        Swooning,,oh yes that would be us ...*lol* I've never met anyone I really like so I think I would get really shy around him *lol* can wonder if I can get a word out when I see him *lol*
        But if I do decide to go,,we should meet up somewhere,,
        Which day are you going or are you going on both,,, if you just go for one day,,will you be heading home the same day or??
        Sigs by Scifan


          Originally posted by NinaM
          Swooning,,oh yes that would be us ...*lol* I've never met anyone I really like so I think I would get really shy around him *lol* can wonder if I can get a word out when I see him *lol*
          But if I do decide to go,,we should meet up somewhere,,
          Which day are you going or are you going on both,,, if you just go for one day,,will you be heading home the same day or??
          I'm going on Saturday - and will be staying over in hotel Saturday night. Linzi and SLC have tickets for both days and are staying overnight on Saturday too. So Linzi, SLC and I are definitely going on the Saturday and SLC (and maybe Linzi?) might go back again on Sunday! SLC wants to squeeze as much Joe into her weekend as possible!

          I'll probably just blush and not be able to say a darned thing to the man but if I can find my voice without making an utter fool of myself, I want to tell him how AWESOME Season 3 has been (best season yet) and how wonderful he has been in it - particularly in Common Ground.

          I dunno what I'll do when he speaks to me, I'll probably just hear that gorgeous voice and just faint! (Err... ummm.. I mean, uh.. pass out from womanly hunger!)


            Originally posted by Alipeeps
            I'm going on Saturday - and will be staying over in hotel Saturday night. Linzi and SLC have tickets for both days and are staying overnight on Saturday too. So Linzi, SLC and I are definitely going on the Saturday and SLC (and maybe Linzi?) might go back again on Sunday! SLC wants to squeeze as much Joe into her weekend as possible!

            I'll probably just blush and not be able to say a darned thing to the man but if I can find my voice without making an utter fool of myself, I want to tell him how AWESOME Season 3 has been (best season yet) and how wonderful he has been in it - particularly in Common Ground.

            I dunno what I'll do when he speaks to me, I'll probably just hear that gorgeous voice and just faint! (Err... ummm.. I mean, uh.. pass out from womanly hunger!)
            Well since I live in Sweden,,I would have to be flying in on friday,,,other wise I might end up getting to late on saturday...don't know though if I should just go for one day or both,,but thinking if it's the same thing both days...what are you going to do get his autograph twice *lol*
            Oh I sure don't know if I would be able to say something to him,,,but if I could get my voice to work *lol* I would just as you tell him season 3 is great and just how awesome he has been in it... ...that man deserve all the praise he can get,,, he has so much talent...
            Wonder what he would do if we would faint,,uhm I mean pass out in front of him
            Sigs by Scifan


              Anyone thinking of flying into London to see Joe should look at the cost of flights into London City Airport,it is next door almost to the venue and you would be able to get a cab to the hotel in about 5 minutes...hard to get lots really!!!!


                I loved The Return!

                About Joe and his pecs and the Black T-shirt of Yum!
                did you notice in the scene in Weir's room: Shep is standing there with his hands behind his back -- did you notice how his black t-shirt was molded to his pecs!!!!!! Joe's been working out!!!!!! *is ded*

                does anyone have a pic of that?

                And I loved
                Shep in his street clothes. How cute he looked sitting on the corner of the desk in his shirt and jeans!!

                I am totally jealous of those of you going to the London Con!


                  Originally posted by NinaM
                  So you have decided to go??
                  I really want to...but *lol* don't know my way around if I'm going alone,,will I guess feel totally lost in the city...
                  My friends told me last night if I got the chance I should go since they know how much I like Joe...and since one is never sure if one would get the chance again...go to the States ,,uhm no don't think so,,,would cost way way to much,,and way to long flight,,total travel time for me to N.Y is like 8 hours..(and add on if I go somwhere else on the other side of the country) .compared to London which is like an hour away by flight *lol* and costs way less...
                  it just seems I'm not as brave as my friend,,she went 2 years ago to a con in London and she got to see David Boreanaz and James Marsters from Buffy,,,and this year she went to be an audience at a tv program and got to meet 3 stars from the tv show Dallas...
                  I'm still sitting,,should or shouldn't I...*lol* but I do want to meet Joe...

                  You should really go NinaM

                  You may not get an opportunity again - and its Joe!!
                  I have booked my tickets.


                    Originally posted by Alipeeps
                    I'm going on Saturday - and will be staying over in hotel Saturday night. Linzi and SLC have tickets for both days and are staying overnight on Saturday too. So Linzi, SLC and I are definitely going on the Saturday and SLC (and maybe Linzi?) might go back again on Sunday! SLC wants to squeeze as much Joe into her weekend as possible!

                    I'll probably just blush and not be able to say a darned thing to the man but if I can find my voice without making an utter fool of myself, I want to tell him how AWESOME Season 3 has been (best season yet) and how wonderful he has been in it - particularly in Common Ground.

                    I dunno what I'll do when he speaks to me, I'll probably just hear that gorgeous voice and just faint! (Err... ummm.. I mean, uh.. pass out from womanly hunger!)
                    Yep. I'm going on Friday night, and this strange woman is sharing a room with me... I'm staying for two nights and intend to have a ball...oh yeah, and meet Joe!


                      Originally posted by Linzi
                      Yep. I'm going on Friday night, and this strange woman is sharing a room with me... I'm staying for two nights and intend to have a ball...oh yeah, and meet Joe!

                      We're gonna meet JOE!! And we're gonna meet each other! And we're gonna have a Saturday night whump-fest with DVDs and champagne and revels! Woooooooooooot!


                        Originally posted by Alipeeps

                        We're gonna meet JOE!! And we're gonna meet each other! And we're gonna have a Saturday night whump-fest with DVDs and champagne and revels! Woooooooooooot!

                        We will all have to meet up somewhere -

                        I am going to try and get into the IBIS hotel as its only across the road from EXCEL and its pretty cheap.


                          Originally posted by Alipeeps

                          We're gonna meet JOE!! And we're gonna meet each other! And we're gonna have a Saturday night whump-fest with DVDs and champagne and revels! Woooooooooooot!
                          Squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee indeed! We'll have such fun. I'm sooo excited! And it will be great to meet other whumpers and thunkers too!


                            Originally posted by bluealien
                            We will all have to meet up somewhere -

                            I am going to try and get into the IBIS hotel as its only across the road from EXCEL and its pretty cheap.
                            Travel Inn/Lodge/whatever it is is cheaper than the Ibis.

                            Ooooh we've all gotta meet up in the con and then for drinks in the evening! My god. Poor Joe. He's gonna be descended on by a massive group of squeeeing GWers!


                              You guys are going to love JF! (of course LOL)

                              he's REALLY nice!
                              My Fanfiction: ** My LJ (Art and Fanfiction): SGAFan LJ


                                Originally posted by Alipeeps
                                Travel Inn/Lodge/whatever it is is cheaper than the Ibis.

                                Ooooh we've all gotta meet up in the con and then for drinks in the evening! My god. Poor Joe. He's gonna be descended on by a massive group of squeeeing GWers!
                                Poor guy! At least he'll know how much we appreciate his hard work on SGA.
                                Meeting everyone will be great!

