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Joe Flanigan/John Sheppard Thunk Thread

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    Originally posted by Elinor
    Hee! He does do that quite a lot doesn't he? Sexy!

    Sorry you've been upset by some negativity Starbet. It doesn't bother me anymore. It is usually just a few people that keep saying the same things anyway. Loads more people love Shep than dislike him! Look at the number of hits to this thread!

    `yeah! we are a lot of people here!! and SGA will start the 3 season !!! soooooooooooooo obiously we are MORE than them....

    I have absolutely no problem with discussion of any aspect of a character. If someone has something negative to say about a character, let it be said, but for crying out loud, give back up to it.

    What is do have a problem with is unfounded hatred of my favourite character - bashing without any reasoning whatsoever. Which is what 95% of negativity about Sheppard seems to be.

    Even more, I have a problem with people who's character bashing bleeds into actor bashing. If people want to call Sheppard a 'slut' and a 'whore', I'm beyond even defending it. It just makes me think 'whatever'. However, if you are going to step to me with comments like 'Joe Flanigan is cheating on his wife' (yes, someone did come to me and say that to back up an argument) then you best be ready for what you g'on get.

    The other thing that really ticks me off his how personal the whole slagging issue has become. People can't stop at a character. They have to go the whole nine yards - character, actor AND fans. I resent my intelligence and anything else about me being brought into question over a fictional TV show. To be honest, the harrassment, the off-quoting to LiveJournals and various other stuff really pisses me off. This is the first fandom board I've participated in that even stands for that kind of behaviour. If you got caught off-quoting and harrassing people, even away from the forum, in my old fandom, you'd get warned, then banned. Attacking people like that, to me, is just gobsh*te behaviour of the highest order. I will not be dragged into giving response to it any more. I stay in here and in whump, and I totally ignore it. To respond is only to pour petrol on their bonfires...I prefer to piss on them...

    [mod snip] has made it its business to harrass both the Sheyla shippers AND the JFT for as long as I can remember - with such w**kery as saying that both this thread, the whump one and the Sheyla ones are for those with lower intelligence. I actually find it disturbing that these people [mod snip] with a male character so many of them obviously hate, and that when they aren't doing that, they spend so much time on being negative about others. And further to that, they have the barefaced cheek to disparage John Sheppard with comments like "He's not the kind of role model I'd like for my kid". Fair enough, but of course YOUR behaviour towards others is setting your child a fine example...

    Here's a clue - I spend my time on something I ENJOY, not being hateful and malicious. So who's the intelligent one???

    beanie!!! yes their behaviour is the p roblem not john sheppard, and well if he`s soooo bad for their kids..its so simple!! watch another show!!!or send the kids to bed but i dont miss an episode for anything!
    THey did it in your LJ too?!!! that people is so mean!
    Anyway we are who drool so....we spend our time in the best way!!!


      Originally posted by florence
      And for my 3000th post, my favourite Joe pic... (behind tags because it's a little big... plus, I don't want you all to faint! )


      3000 posts!!!!!!congrats Florence!!!!!

      Now the pic....
      *faints* of course! what other thing i can do looking that picture!!!







              Oh man. I just can't look at those piccies enough! If the solo promos are anywhere near as hawt as that I am just gonna die!!


                Originally posted by Admiral Q O
                Thank you

                I was going to try and take a break from GW tonight but here I am again, I really should get a life.


                  Originally posted by Alipeeps
                  Oh man. I just can't look at those piccies enough! If the solo promos are anywhere near as hawt as that I am just gonna die!!
                  You're not the only one. They really are terrific pitcures, and as I keep saying, less airbrushed, well Joe is anyway, than last year. They're so natural, and dark and ...sort of tense looking.


                    Originally posted by Josie
                    Thank you

                    I was going to try and take a break from GW tonight but here I am again, I really should get a life.

                    Nahh, you don't wanna be doing that. I used to have one and, believe you me, they're no fun at all. It's much nicer in here!


                      Originally posted by Alipeeps

                      this pic is NOSE PORN!!!!! and he`s so yummy!!!!



                        Originally posted by Starbet
                        this pic is NOSE PORN!!!!! and he`s so yummy!!!!

                        It's so cute isn't it? And check out what happens after that cap! :




                            Hope your exam went ok, Kylie? I was thinking of you.


                              It was much better than i thought actually, next two weeks constant exams but it should be ok. Thank you


                                Join the Club Kylie.. i hate exams!.... guys seriously those pics..... phewwwwwwwwwwwwwww
                                Thanks to Nad for my awesome sig!
                                Proud member of the SSHSOP, S.H.I.P and MOP!

