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Joe Flanigan/John Sheppard Thunk Thread

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    Originally posted by Pocus View Post
    Not much, but it seems that the "not much" is somehow taking up a lot of time.

    We had some evening training classes for work and a night time Graduation for my class at school. Puppy hurt his leg the other day so I have been snuggling with him lots lately and he is finally doing better. Lots of random company popping by for dinner.

    How about you. Getting enough thunk time now that Hubby is back to work. I hope he is not over doing it.
    lol, I know the feeling about doing not much leaving not much time to do much.

    I heard about your puppy, glad to hear he's finally doing a bit better. It can be pretty hard to get them to keep still and keep off the sore leg.

    Don't think hubby is overdoing it, though I would have prefered he had clearance from the doc before he went back to work, instead of waiting 2weeks. But yes, I am certainly getting more time to thunk now that he is not here during he day, and I am getting more housework done too. Guess I'm not worried that as soon as I get off the laptop he's gonna steal it

    Sigs by the lovely CSOM, Sonja and from the Tokrafans community on LJ.


      I always get more done when Hubby isn't around. I have been known to send him away or banish him to an area I will not be in if I have work that needs to be done. If I am doing a big project, like painting or rearranging, he brings me Mountain Dew and chocolate, gives me a kiss and goes away.


        Originally posted by Pocus View Post
        I always get more done when Hubby isn't around. I have been known to send him away or banish him to an area I will not be in if I have work that needs to be done. If I am doing a big project, like painting or rearranging, he brings me Mountain Dew and chocolate, gives me a kiss and goes away.
        You have him well trained.

        Sigs by the lovely CSOM, Sonja and from the Tokrafans community on LJ.


          Not trained. He just knows I won't get anything done with him standing and critiquing how I am doing something and we will just end up upset with each other AND he still won't want to do it himself so he will leave me alone to do it my way. He just skips to the last part now.


            Mine still goes through the whole gammut. 1. I'm not doing it right, do it his way. 2. no he doesn't want to do it or help in any way whatsoever. 3. If I insist on doing it right now he is going to stand over me and make sure I do it his way. 4. I give up and leave it until he is at work, and then I do it my way.

            Sigs by the lovely CSOM, Sonja and from the Tokrafans community on LJ.


              I definitely prefer my way. I do not do conflict easily and he is a strong personality. I end up in tears because I am frustrated. I hate getting my way because of tears. I want my way because I am right. He feels bad because I cry but still wants it his way. above scenario. I guess we did learn something in 18 years together.


                sounds like it, we've only done 10 years so we've still got a bit to go

                I don't like to get my way through tears or the like either, so usually if I know I need to do something I'll leave it until he is at work, or out. If I need his help to do something I will ask and then leave it up to him to do however and whenever he chooses to. As you said compromise and choosing your battles.

                Sigs by the lovely CSOM, Sonja and from the Tokrafans community on LJ.


                  Marriage is a big compromise!!


                    I'll compromise to only thunk while he is at work

                    Sigs by the lovely CSOM, Sonja and from the Tokrafans community on LJ.


                      Originally posted by ardunnia View Post
                      And what do that line tell you honey?
                      And nope, no playing with the dots here, honey, I'm sorry...but to bring it on the dot here, I'm a greedy person in that matter.

                      Oh that sucks...
                      Hope to see you later again. *sniffs*
                      Oh come on! Can't I play connect the dots just a little? Did you and Miss Jenny have fun swimming? I can't swim but I drown very well!
                      Oh, I've been watching Shaun the Sheep...that big fat one is hilarious!

                      Originally posted by lanaganp View Post
                      Hello again Dunnie. I,m lurking, getting Dinner ready

                      Bye Suzie, dont work to hard,
                      I never do! LOL In fact I try to do as little work as possible.

                      And since its so late for me and you guys are probably getting ready to get up, I am going to bed and aim for some naughty Sheppy dreams.

                      Member of The Sisterhood of the Pantster Fan Fic Writers
                      Sigs by Csom, Luci and Pip2


                        I thought you'd long gone Suz


                        Sigs by the lovely CSOM, Sonja and from the Tokrafans community on LJ.


                          Morning All,

                          its another wet day



                            Originally posted by lanaganp View Post
                            Morning All,

                            its another wet day

                            I'm here Lana. Another wet day? you must be craving sunshine by now

                            Sigs by the lovely CSOM, Sonja and from the Tokrafans community on LJ.


                              Originally posted by ktebid View Post
                              I'm here Lana. Another wet day? you must be craving sunshine by now
                              Morning KT,

                              Its getting stupid, this is supposed to last till tomorrow, its drizzle and rains really hard at 3 pm when I have to pick up the kids............sun is but a distant memory....

                              hows you today?


                                Originally posted by lanaganp View Post
                                Morning KT,

                                Its getting stupid, this is supposed to last till tomorrow, its drizzle and rains really hard at 3 pm when I have to pick up the kids............sun is but a distant memory....

                                hows you today?
                                I'z good thanksz.

                                Got some sand for the kids today...I feel like we've been to the beach, I'll have to sweep and mop the floors later

                                Sigs by the lovely CSOM, Sonja and from the Tokrafans community on LJ.

