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Joe Flanigan/John Sheppard Thunk Thread

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    Originally posted by *Erika* View Post
    I'm feeling a bit better than the last few weeks. Maybe it's the increasing workload that won't let me think too much. How about you?

    Wohoo for you, drew. How's the car purchase?
    Hey Erika! *huggles* the car purchase is stalled...well actually, we've purchased it but it's not officially ours yet....long, ridiculous story...hoping it all get straightened out soon....

    Originally posted by csom221 View Post
    Hey, drew! *hugs* So now it's just the baby, eh?
    *hugs* actually it's me and the 2 yo little girl I had a dr's appointment today so he went to work with his mama
    My fanfics: of the Sisterhood of the Pantster Fan Fic Writers


      Originally posted by drewandian View Post
      Hey Erika! *huggles* the car purchase is stalled...well actually, we've purchased it but it's not officially ours yet....long, ridiculous story...hoping it all get straightened out soon....

      *hugs* actually it's me and the 2 yo little girl I had a dr's appointment today so he went to work with his mama
      Hope it works out.
      My Stargate Art | My LJ | My Fanfics | My Vids | SGA H/C Challenges Comm
      Sig and avi by me


        Originally posted by drewandian View Post
        Hey Erika! *huggles* the car purchase is stalled...well actually, we've purchased it but it's not officially ours yet....long, ridiculous story...hoping it all get straightened out soon....

        *hugs* actually it's me and the 2 yo little girl I had a dr's appointment today so he went to work with his mama
        Well, in a couple of hours it'll be lunch time and then nap time, right?


          Originally posted by *Erika* View Post
          Hope it works out.

          Originally posted by csom221 View Post
          Well, in a couple of hours it'll be lunch time and then nap time, right?
          *nod* my nephew comes in about 1 1/2 hours, then we go get 3 yo and they have lunch and go to bed....yay for nap time!
          My fanfics: of the Sisterhood of the Pantster Fan Fic Writers


            I'm off to work. *waves* See y'all later!


              see ya csom! *hugs*

              *lurks to actually read the library she's has since Saturday*
              My fanfics: of the Sisterhood of the Pantster Fan Fic Writers


                *pops in*

                Hello *waves*

                *sneaks out*


                  *sigh*...My mother...
                  had a stroke last night. It was a mini-stroke that affected her speech and caused a lot of confusion. We rushed her to the ER and after some strong meds to try and get her blood pressure stabilized because it kept shooting up and down, they did a cat scan. They told us that she'd already had some 'old' strokes but they were the kind that showed no symptoms and no one would have even known that they were happening. I knew that something was wrong last night when she kept telling me 'I've got to go to Cuba' and I wasted no time in calling 911. We were at the hospital until about 5:15 this morning and after a couple of hours of sleep, we're heading back again.

                  We called this morning and she had a good night and was talking pretty coherent but we'll know more once we get to the hospital and talk to her doctor. We do know that she's going to have to have some speech therapy and she might be in the hospital for a day and a half...maybe longer if it happens again. I'm hoping it doesn't.
                  Member of The Sisterhood of the Pantster Fan Fic Writers
                  Sigs by Csom, Luci and Pip2


                    Originally posted by greytop View Post
                    thanks for this good fun!!

                    congrats on 5000 lana
                    Sig by me my LJ - the place to find some of my artwork and fics - My Stargate vids


                      Originally posted by Suzieb View Post
                      *sigh*...My mother...
                      had a stroke last night. It was a mini-stroke that affected her speech and caused a lot of confusion. We rushed her to the ER and after some strong meds to try and get her blood pressure stabilized because it kept shooting up and down, they did a cat scan. They told us that she'd already had some 'old' strokes but they were the kind that showed no symptoms and no one would have even known that they were happening. I knew that something was wrong last night when she kept telling me 'I've got to go to Cuba' and I wasted no time in calling 911. We were at the hospital until about 5:15 this morning and after a couple of hours of sleep, we're heading back again.

                      We called this morning and she had a good night and was talking pretty coherent but we'll know more once we get to the hospital and talk to her doctor. We do know that she's going to have to have some speech therapy and she might be in the hospital for a day and a half...maybe longer if it happens again. I'm hoping it doesn't.
                      *hugs* suzie

                      I just found out my aunt died
                      Sig by me my LJ - the place to find some of my artwork and fics - My Stargate vids


                        Originally posted by bandcat View Post
                        *hugs* suzie

                        I just found out my aunt died
                        *hugs* band
                        You okay?
                        Member of The Sisterhood of the Pantster Fan Fic Writers
                        Sigs by Csom, Luci and Pip2


                          Originally posted by Suzieb View Post
                          *sigh*...My mother...
                          had a stroke last night. It was a mini-stroke that affected her speech and caused a lot of confusion. We rushed her to the ER and after some strong meds to try and get her blood pressure stabilized because it kept shooting up and down, they did a cat scan. They told us that she'd already had some 'old' strokes but they were the kind that showed no symptoms and no one would have even known that they were happening. I knew that something was wrong last night when she kept telling me 'I've got to go to Cuba' and I wasted no time in calling 911. We were at the hospital until about 5:15 this morning and after a couple of hours of sleep, we're heading back again.

                          We called this morning and she had a good night and was talking pretty coherent but we'll know more once we get to the hospital and talk to her doctor. We do know that she's going to have to have some speech therapy and she might be in the hospital for a day and a half...maybe longer if it happens again. I'm hoping it doesn't.

                          so sorry Suzie, my mum had strokes small ones for years and came thru them Big Hugs hon keep you in my thoughts

                          Originally posted by bandcat View Post
                          thanks for this good fun!!

                          congrats on 5000 lana
                          Thanks Band


                            Originally posted by bandcat View Post
                            *hugs* suzie

                            I just found out my aunt died

                            So sorry for your loss , hugs all round


                              And I'm gone again...have a great Sheppy day! *hugs*
                              Member of The Sisterhood of the Pantster Fan Fic Writers
                              Sigs by Csom, Luci and Pip2


                                Originally posted by Suzieb View Post
                                And I'm gone again...have a great Sheppy day! *hugs*
                                Bye Suzie, take care *hugs*

