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Joe Flanigan/John Sheppard Thunk Thread

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    Originally posted by Suzieb View Post
    Me too. I'm thinking that she's getting a cold because she said that she had a headache and was cold. She hasn't been out of the house for awhile and it was pretty cold the last day that we had to take her to the doctor. I checked her BP and it was fine, pulse was good too. She can't hear very well so I'm hoping its just a combination of all of that and not something more serious.

    Heh heh...its fun to be an old tart, ain't it?
    Yeah, but her asking your sis who you are is worrying.

    Better than being an old fart.

    Originally posted by drewandian View Post
    congrats on your milestones csom and rink!
    night Taris!

    I think I'm gonna head to bed soon too (even though it's really early for me...)...I'm totally wiped out.
    *hugs all around*
    G'night, drew. Naughty Sheppy dreams. *hugs*


      Originally posted by RinkRat View Post
      Thanks scifan!

      Hi Suzie!!
      YW hun.

      Originally posted by Suzieb View Post
      Me too. I'm thinking that she's getting a cold because she said that she had a headache and was cold. She hasn't been out of the house for awhile and it was pretty cold the last day that we had to take her to the doctor. I checked her BP and it was fine, pulse was good too. She can't hear very well so I'm hoping its just a combination of all of that and not something more serious.

      Heh heh...its fun to be an old tart, ain't it?
      I will keep her in prayers hun.

      Oh I bet. I tried to get a picture of a sundae and I was shocked at what I saw and that's with my Yahoo filter on. Glad my kids weren't with me.

      Originally posted by drewandian View Post
      congrats on your milestones csom and rink!
      night Taris!

      I think I'm gonna head to bed soon too (even though it's really early for me...)...I'm totally wiped out.
      *hugs all around*
      'Night hun. Get some good sleep. **HUGGLES**

      YEP!! Thanks hun. I love a man in leather.

      Originally posted by Suzieb View Post
      Thanks, Sci! *huggles you back*

      You don't even want to know what came up when I typed 'old tarts' into the google search engine! LOL

      Hey, Rink! How are you?
      You're welcome hun. I hope all goes well and she gets better soon.
      I didn't realize her BP was good. I must've missed that in your first post. My friend's mom's BP was rediculous (sp) high and she was really confused. I'm glad other people were paying attention to her behavior.


        Originally posted by Suzieb View Post
        Hey, Rink! How are you?
        Hey Suzie!

        I am doing alright. Having a hard time keeping my eyes open at the moment, but 8PM is a little early for me to be heading to bed!


          Originally posted by scifan View Post
          YEP!! Thanks hun. I love a man in leather.
          Me, too. Love him out of leather as well...


            Originally posted by csom221 View Post
            Me, too. Love him out of leather as well...
            Yep! Can't disagree with that.

            Well, I'm off too. Gotta get up early to get the car from hubby. I don't so mornings
            'Night everyone! **HUGS**


              Originally posted by scifan View Post
              Yep! Can't disagree with that.

              Well, I'm off too. Gotta get up early to get the car from hubby. I don't so mornings
              'Night everyone! **HUGS**
              G'night, hon. *hugs* Sleep well.


                Good Night scifan!

                Sweet Dreams


                  Hello gyri and ktebid!

                  I see you both lurking down there!


                    I think I am going to head off for the evening.
                    Have a good one and maybe see you tomorrow!

                    Good Night!


                      *slides in* On for a few.
                      Where my mind comes out to play *DUN DUN DUN!!!!!!!!!!!!*


                        Originally posted by RinkRat View Post
                        I think I am going to head off for the evening.
                        Have a good one and maybe see you tomorrow!

                        Good Night!
                        G'night, rin. Sleep well!

                        Originally posted by AlbinoMonkeyC View Post
                        *slides in* On for a few.
                        Hey there, AMC!


                          im off to sleepy land... nighty nightys


                            Originally posted by RinkRat View Post
                            Hello gyri and ktebid!

                            I see you both lurking down there!
                            Hi Rink, bye Rink...sorry I was catching up.

                            now I'm off to hang out some washing in our balmy...29C sunny weather...anyone wanna swap?

                            Sigs by the lovely CSOM, Sonja and from the Tokrafans community on LJ.


                              Hey, CKO and kt! Sorry I missed you. I'm off to bed now. See y'all later!


                                I finally get back and everyone is gone. Serious abandonment issues here guys! LOL

                                I'm heading to bed myself since its almost midnight.

                                Naughty Sheppy dreams everybody!
                                Member of The Sisterhood of the Pantster Fan Fic Writers
                                Sigs by Csom, Luci and Pip2

