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Joe Flanigan/John Sheppard Thunk Thread

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    Originally posted by Merentha
    Count me as another who doesn't want SG1 characters recurring on SGA, because I just know they'd take screen time away from our dear Shep, especially since they love to do the Sam/Rodney thing. One episode with Daniel I wouldn't complain about though... but if he came to Atlantis he'd never want to leave

    Oh, those new pics are guhhhhhhh!! Thanks Moo!
    Yep, I'm with you here Mer!

    Any chance of us seeing those Hive caps? Pretty please!


      Originally posted by Naeara
      Aww I'd love for Daniel to crossover to Atlantis for an ep. The guy worked so hard to find the place and it seems like he's never ever going to get there. I'd much rather see him in Atlantis over Sam. At least he'd have a plausible reason for being there. Plus he's my fave SG-1 character.

      I'm still in the "looking forward to" camp for GUP though. *shrug* I'm willing to give it a chance, see what happens.
      That's a sensible attitude Naeara. I think I tend to look at the worst case scenario!


        Originally posted by Major_Moomin
        Just incease you don't know yet. There's some new pics form Critical Mass, Inferno and Allies up at new
        OMG !

        I want to say a BIG thank you to whoever decided to turn the heating up on the Atlantis set cause now JF has no excuse not to wear those black t-shirts !

        And thanks Moo for telling us about those new pics !
        Flo ~ FBI - Proud Shep Thunker - Proud member of the Ship Ship Hooray Special Ops Team !


          Originally posted by Linzi
          Yep, I'm with you here Mer!

          Any chance of us seeing those Hive caps? Pretty please!
          I'll try to make some today... but I've got work and class, siiigh! So much thunking, so little time...


            Originally posted by florence
            OMG !

            I want to say a BIG thank you to whoever decided to turn the heating up on the Atlantis set cause now JF has no excuse not to wear those black t-shirts !

            And thanks Moo for telling us about those new pics !
            When I saw those piccies I suddenly felt quite faint! That little black t-shirt certainly gets my B.P. soaring! And holding the gun..... thunk! Cold shower time ...again!


              Originally posted by florence
              OMG !

              I want to say a BIG thank you to whoever decided to turn the heating up on the Atlantis set cause now JF has no excuse not to wear those black t-shirts !

              And thanks Moo for telling us about those new pics !
              I think someone on the set should turn the heating up a notch more.

              He might take that black t-shirt off then!!


                Originally posted by Merentha
                Count me as another who doesn't want SG1 characters recurring on SGA, because I just know they'd take screen time away from our dear Shep, especially since they love to do the Sam/Rodney thing. One episode with Daniel I wouldn't complain about though... but if he came to Atlantis he'd never want to leave
                You never know, TPTB could surprise us and do an episode with Shep and Sam!

                That might be interesting. She could develop a crush on Shep and that would make Rodney all jealous!!

                Having Daniel there for an episode would be good. Someone with expertise in a different field...and he SOOO wants to go to 'Lantis, bless him!


                  Originally posted by Elinor
                  I think someone on the set should turn the heating up a notch more.

                  He might take that black t-shirt off then!!

                  No doubt you'd like it to be sooo hot that he has to wear his wet suit, or maybe just swimming trunks, while being doused in water! A girl can dream....


                    Originally posted by Elinor
                    You never know, TPTB could surprise us and do an episode with Shep and Sam!

                    That might be interesting. She could develop a crush on Shep and that would make Rodney all jealous!!

                    Having Daniel there for an episode would be good. Someone with expertise in a different field...and he SOOO wants to go to 'Lantis, bless him!

                    I'm still not convinced Daniel would fit into Atlantis any more than Sam would. The 2 shows have very different dynamics, and I like that they do. Still, you never know, I could be really pleasantly surprised!
                    Last edited by Linzi; 24 November 2005, 12:50 PM.


                      Thanks for the welcome guys I'm still getting used to being a 'multi-thunker'. I was kindof a 5+ multi-thunker when I discovered men at about 13 but when I saw Richard Dean Anderson I ditched all my photos and fell head over heels. I had a few small crushes after (Fox Mulder, Aragorn, Russel Crowe) but nothing that came close to my RDA infatuation. However I think my Sheppard crush is here to stay. It's kinda neat though, having a thing for a guy a little closer to my own age... Just for a change


                        Originally posted by Linzi
                        No doubt you'd like it to be sooo hot that he has to wear his wet suit, or maybe just swimming trunks, while being doused in water! A girl can dream....
                        Oooh yes! An idea for an episode. For some unexplained reason (McKay will figure it out eventually!) the planet heats up and, therefore, 'Lantis as well. The temperature cannot be controlled. What are our heros to do? Why, take their clothes off! Everyone 'cept Teyla...'cos she's already half way there!! Of course, Colonel Sheppard, being the military leader and all, will get a LOT of screen time as he has to go around, with a big gun 'cos you never know, mysterious aliens could be causing the problem, and check all systems are OK. This will mean lots of scenes of him walking around um...not wearing much!!

                        Blimey! TPTB wanna hire me? I got lots of ideas like that!!


                          I've already said it when we heard about AT going to SGA for a few eps in S3, but since we're talking about that, I'm going to say it again : I don't want any SG1 characters in SGA. None. Never.
                          Why ? Because there's already so much to do with all the SGA characters, so many stories to tell, that they don't have time to lose with characters from another show. I want SGA to have its own existence and not to only be the 'kid sister' of SG1.
                          I love Sam but she belongs to SG1 as much as Shep belongs to me... oops, did I say that out loud ?
                          But I'll try to keep an open mind and see what TPTB will give us...

                          Now, back to thunking... One of the new Critical Mass pics (linked as url since I don't know if it can be considered as a spoiler... )

                          Flo ~ FBI - Proud Shep Thunker - Proud member of the Ship Ship Hooray Special Ops Team !


                            Originally posted by Elinor
                            Oooh yes! An idea for an episode. For some unexplained reason (McKay will figure it out eventually!) the planet heats up and, therefore, 'Lantis as well. The temperature cannot be controlled. What are our heros to do? Why, take their clothes off! Everyone 'cept Teyla...'cos she's already half way there!! Of course, Colonel Sheppard, being the military leader and all, will get a LOT of screen time as he has to go around, with a big gun 'cos you never know, mysterious aliens could be causing the problem, and check all systems are OK. This will mean lots of scenes of him walking around um...not wearing much!!

                            Blimey! TPTB wanna hire me? I got lots of ideas like that!!

                            If only they would hire you Eli! I know I'd get to see exactly what I want in an Atlantis eppie. Oh, don't forget the crippling, agonising whump!!!


                              Originally posted by florence
                              I've already said it when we heard about AT going to SGA for a few eps in S3, but since we're talking about that, I'm going to say it again : I don't want any SG1 characters in SGA. None. Never.
                              Why ? Because there's already so much to do with all the SGA characters, so many stories to tell, that they don't have time to lose with characters from another show. I want SGA to have its own existence and not to only be the 'kid sister' of SG1.
                              I love Sam but she belongs to SG1 as much as Shep belongs to me... oops, did I say that out loud ?
                              But I'll try to keep an open mind and see what TPTB will give us...

                              Now, back to thunking... One of the new Critical Mass pics (linked as url since I don't know if it can be considered as a spoiler... )

                              Nicely put Flo! Anyway (can't believe I'm actually saying this out loud), BUT.......Sam and Rodney DO NOT go together, coz ......SambelongswithJack. Ok, I'm going away to shoot myself now.......


                                Originally posted by Elinor
                                Oooh yes! An idea for an episode. For some unexplained reason (McKay will figure it out eventually!) the planet heats up and, therefore, 'Lantis as well. The temperature cannot be controlled. What are our heros to do? Why, take their clothes off! Everyone 'cept Teyla...'cos she's already half way there!! Of course, Colonel Sheppard, being the military leader and all, will get a LOT of screen time as he has to go around, with a big gun 'cos you never know, mysterious aliens could be causing the problem, and check all systems are OK. This will mean lots of scenes of him walking around um...not wearing much!!

                                Blimey! TPTB wanna hire me? I got lots of ideas like that!!

                                I LOVE your ideas !

                                But you know, with an ep like that, they'd better put a warning sign before the beginning : "Warning ! This show can cause many troubles to the sanity of fangirls. Watch with caution..."
                                Flo ~ FBI - Proud Shep Thunker - Proud member of the Ship Ship Hooray Special Ops Team !

